Return of the War God

Chapter 2341: : Bloody hunt!


The wind whistling in the ear, a young figure is running wildly!

This is a very handsome young man, under thirty years old, he is covered in gorgeous martial arts robes, his body is radiant and bright, his body is surging, and his posture is strong. word!

But at this moment, this genius of Yuanyang Ancient Realm was pale, with endless fear and despair in his eyes!

Because he's... escaping!

"How could this be? Why did such a terrifying swordsman suddenly appear? Why? A sword! Chen Qingyuan and Gongsun were beheaded by him! He didn't even see how the other party made the sword?"

"Chen Qingyuan and Gongsun both possess the strength of the pinnacle of high-ranking generals! Not inferior to me! After Jian Yin, their heads flew directly!"

"Such a swordsman! Unheard of, where did the monster emerge from?"

The fear in this person's eyes is almost overflowing, constantly talking to himself, like a madman!

His name is Fang Zhengzhong, a genius from Luo Xingjing!

When he came, the momentum was soaring, but now, it is like a bereaved dog!

Many people have heard the miserable and miserable howling of Zhai Tianci, and Fang Zhengzhong has naturally heard it, not only by him, but also by two geniuses who have come out of the Luo Star Realm.

Without any hesitation, the three of them will follow the sound.

But I never expected that just a few steps away, I ran into a swordsman blocking the way!

A young swordsman in white!

As a result, Chen Qingyuan, the hottest temperament among the three, impatiently shot directly, extremely hot, and wanted to pinch the swordsman in white!

Then, there is no more!

A clear sword chant sounded, a brilliant sword light flashed, and Fang Zhengzhong was surprised to find that Chen Qingyuan's head flew directly, and blood spurted three feet high!

Gongsun immediately followed, with the same head flying up, and the blood stained the void!

Standing in the center of the rearmost square immediately, his whole body was cold and his whole body trembled. An unspeakable fear overwhelmed his soul, causing him to turn around and flee wildly after a strange cry!

"Get out! You must get out! The information is wrong! Ye Wuque and Ye Wuque are not alone at all, he still has helpers!"

When the endless fear accumulates to the extreme, it is a kind of madness!

Fang Zhengzhong desperately smashed all the power in his body, his body's vitality was as brilliant as the Yangtze River, his speed was reaching the extreme, he rushed towards the ancient magic forest!

Wherever he went, everything was being destroyed, the ancient tree collapsed, the monster beast was startled and fled in all directions!

"I see! The exit! The exit is just ahead!"

Faintly, Fang Zhengzhong saw the exit not far in front, and endless joy and desire suddenly surged in his eyes, his speed could not help but be faster!

Because the way to live is right now!

"Get out!!!"

With a loud roar, Fang Zhengzhong cheered for himself!


However, in the next instant, a Qingyue Jian Yin that didn't know where it came from sounded behind him, as clear and light as a dragon whispering.

Fang Zhengzhong's face changed suddenly!

"Do not!!!"


The horrible howl came to an abrupt end!

The fast-moving Fang Zhengzhong's body is still flying, all four limbs are present, but his head is already flying high, and the gurgling is rolling down into the void, blood is gushing, and the spot is dyed red!

Not far away, the handsome minister gently withdrew his right hand, his white clothes peerless, his expression calm.

"The third……"

A whisper reverberated softly, but there was a trace of disappointment in the clear and luminous eyes of the handsome minister.

These so-called geniuses in Yuanyang Ancient Realm are really too weak!

He didn't even have the qualification to let him out of the sword.

In the next instant, his figure disappeared.


"Ye Wuque! Get out!"

"You can't escape!"

"Give you a chance! I mutilated my limbs and rolled over and begged to surrender, kneeling in front of us, I can interrupt your life and not kill you!"


"The bereaved dog, shrink his head tortoise!"

Sentimental and fierce screams rang out in the ancient magic forest. Many geniuses came together. A dozen people formed a team and dispersed, desperately searching for Ye Wuque!

The horrible howls that have sounded one after another have made these geniuses aware of something wrong!

But even so, they still can't stop the fierce killing intent in their hearts. It is really the reward of the Eight Gods is too tempting to refuse, and they can give everything for it!

"He is in front! I saw him!"

Suddenly, a young genius with silver eyes bursting out of his eyes yelled, and two star-like beams shot out from his eyes, covering an area in front of him, where a tall and slender figure flashed away. !

Obviously, this person has cultivated an extremely powerful pupil technique, and can explore the world and search the ten directions!


"Kill it!"

"Damn thing, I will peel off his skin!"

These more than a dozen geniuses immediately exploded the vitality in their bodies, like shining stars rushing over, and they spread out in a tacit understanding, according to the guidance of the genius who was destined to cultivate the magical powers of the pupil, directly besieged!

In front of an old tree with vicissitudes of life, a tall and slender figure stood quietly, with thick hair and shawls, and its eyes were bright and cold!


In the next instant, two shining beams of light shone on Ye Wuque's body!

"Found you! Dead dog!"

From all directions, dozens of geniuses rushed forward, one of whom was born with horns and a sturdy body roared fiercely. He was the fastest, the closest to Ye Wuque, so he directly raised his hands and displayed the strongest magical powers!


The void trembled, and a huge black phantom was born. It turned out to be a cow with nine heads. The whole body was bronze. The eighteen eyes were dark red and cruel, and the eighteen horns shone with cold light, just like the eighteen weapon of the gods. Poke the void!

"Hahahahaha! Dead dog! I knelt to Laozi...Bang!!"

The brutal drink stopped abruptly before it finished!

A big golden hand that could tear the sky fell from the sky with endless violence and tyranny, and instantly squeezed the nine bulls!

And the face of the young genius with horns was filled with endless fear and disbelief, and he flew out at a speed ten times faster than him, under the horrified eyes of the remaining dozen geniuses. , Directly smashed a large piece of ancient tree, and finally smashed to the ground!

The blood instantly scattered from under his sturdy body and dyed the ground red!

This sturdy genius faces up, his mouth is wide open, his eyes are dimmed, he is obviously dead, but the expression of fear on his face is still clearly visible!

In an instant, it became a dead silence here!

The geniuses of Yuanyang Ancient Realm who had rushed here were shaking their eyes, their scalp was numb, and their faces turned pale!

"One... One move killed the Crazy Bull God? This, this..."

There is a genius who speaks, his voice is dry, and his tone is even more incredible and... panic!

"one two Three……"

The cold count sound suddenly sounded, and Ye Wuque's stern gaze enveloped all the geniuses present, as if ordering goods, counting the number of people.

"Eleven, twelve... only twelve came? The number is a bit small..."

After hearing Ye Wuque's icy voice again, the remaining twelve geniuses suddenly woke up like a dream, their eyes all looked at Ye Wuque, and they became fierce and crazy in an instant!

"Shoot together!"

"No matter how strong he is, it can't stop us all!"

"Can't keep your hands! Kill it!"


Twelve monstrous waves are shining brightly, and twelve magical powers and secrets are born. The radiance of Yuanli illuminates this forest and also illuminates the void!

After the earth-shaking roar was over, all within a radius of hundreds of miles were completely destroyed, so far all pits and pits, the earth torn, a scene of apocalypse!

"Whirring whirring……"

A series of gasps sounded one after another, and the twelve unreserved geniuses were shaking with all their strength, and their faces were a little pale!

"He should be dead, right?"

A genius spoke, staring at the place where Yuan Li's brilliance remained in front, a little uncertain.

"Humph! The twelve of us make every effort, how can we not die?"

Someone said grimly.


A gust of wind blew away the remaining vitality radiance!

In the next moment, the bodies of twelve panting Yuanyang ancient geniuses trembled together, their pupils shrank violently, as if thousands of thunder struck in their hearts, and their eyes turned black!

A tall and slender figure slowly stepped out from it, expressionless, with bright and cold eyes!


Ye Wuque stared at the twelve people as if looking at the dead!

"This... how is this possible?"

The faces of the twelve geniuses instantly turned pale!

"Monster! Monster! He, he is a monster!"

A genius broke down and roared, then turned and ran!

During this run, all the other geniuses were as if they had been stunned by three hundred strong men, all of them roared in fear and fleeing in all directions!

One of their hearts is extremely cold!

At the same time, the same idea came into my mind!


This is a trap from beginning to end!

This Ye Wuque is not a bereaved dog at all, but an ancient beast!

The intelligence is wrong, all of them have turned from hunters to prey, and they are not even qualified to resist, they can only escape!

"Leave your heads and keep..."

The cold and merciless voice resounded like death murmured.


In the next instant, a brilliant golden sword light shines through the sky, and then goes out!

Thump thump...

The sound of the twelve bodies falling to the ground resounded, twelve deadly eyes, wide-eyed, and extremely scared heads flew high, dripping with blood, dyed in the void!

However, the cold and cruel **** hunt is not over!

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