Return of the War God

Chapter 2343: :half each

Hundreds of heads rolled down on the vast ground, and the dripping blood that had not dried up stained the ground, mixed with a strong smell of blood, making it like a **** hell!

Between heaven and earth, there is a dead silence!

Countless creatures in the ancient world of Yuanyang felt the whistling wind on their backs, and every cold hair on their bodies was erected. Among them, the less courageous creatures were already standing on their feet, and their calves were tumbling. , Darling is trembling!

"It's dead... It's dead... I'm all the young geniuses of Yuanyang Ancient Realm dead! This, this is the hope of killing an era! It has killed the light of an era!!"

An elderly monk screamed in sorrow, with a crying voice, a kind of unconcealable sadness.

"Why is this? Isn't this Ye Wuque chased by the Eight Gods, who has no way to enter the earth and has no way? Shouldn't he be a panic dog? How can he be so terrifying? Who is he?"

There are hoarse mouths of creatures, and the terror and fear in their eyes are like waves!

"He has a helper! An equally young swordsman in white!"

"Even if there are helpers, just two people will kill a total of 312 geniuses of the seven realms without leaving one? How is this possible?"


After the initial shock and fear, after the countless creatures around me slowly came over, the first reaction in my heart was still unbelievable!

Two people killed hundreds of geniuses in Yuanyang's young generation?

This is impossible!

"This Ye Wuque is definitely not only the helper of the swordsman, there must be more helpers hidden in the ancient demon forest. They are waiting for the opportunity to attack and kill, so that there will be such a **** result!"

A creature insisted and shouted, only in this way can he convince himself.


The top ten masters stood up like ten giant peaks, one by one standing still!

But their hearts are difficult to calm!

The impact of all this happening right now is too great!

The top ten masters asked themselves, if they were replaced by themselves and cooperated in pairs, could they kill all hundreds of geniuses in the ancient magic forest, the answer is no!

The breath of silence is spreading, and there is a kind of silent dullness and stagnation for a while!


Suddenly, among the top ten experts, Zhai Tianlin's complexion became boundlessly ferocious, his eyes were ferocious and terrifying, and he roared!

He took a step forward, stretched out his big hand and grabbed it. Among the hundreds of heads, he suddenly picked up a **** head. The blood on it had dried up a bit, and there was still endless fear and lingering on the pale dead face. Unbelievable, I can't ignore my name!

This head is naturally the first batch of Di Tianci who died in Ye Wuque's hands!

He is the younger brother of Zhai Tianlin!

"You dead dog...killed my brother?"

Carrying Zhai Tianci's head, Zhai Tianlin suddenly raised his head, his fierce and terrifying eyes were red at the moment, staring at Ye Wuque, a mighty and wild strong evil spirit emanating from him, flooding the world!

"If you are so reluctant, I will send you down together."

Ye Wuque spoke lightly, his complexion calm.

Roar! !

Zhai Tianlin just pinned Zhai Tianci's head on his waist, yelling up to the sky, a monstrous aura surged from his body, stepped out, and rushed directly towards Ye Wuque!

"My brother wants to kill you, you deserve to die! You should kneel down and take the initiative to die!"

"Dare to kill my brother, I want you to cramp and peel, crush every bone under your body, and refine your bone marrow, so that you can't survive and die!"

The raging wind screamed and the earth shook, and the ancient demon forest was like a storm that was shaking the earth and the earth. The terrifying wind blade swept through for nine days, tearing the sky and cutting everything!

"My brother is dead, Zhai Tianlin is showing off! This kind of momentum is terrible!"

Countless creatures around them were trembling with fear on their faces!

Halfway through, Zhai Tianlin's whole person broke out even more violent. In fact, dark ancient magic patterns appeared on his body, and a fierce and wicked head appeared on his chest, resembling a demon, fierce and terrifying!


In an instant, Zhai Tianlin’s flesh bloomed with magical splendor, and the hideous head on his chest seemed to come alive, grinning fiercely, making a long roar of upwards, and from this period, ripples of black mercury filled his whole body instantly. Let him turn into a black demon!

"Kneel down!!"

"Before you die, give my brother atonement!!"

With a burst of shock for nine days, Zhai Tianlin blasted out with a punch, and the void shattered. The ground was trembling for hundreds of miles, and the earth roared down like a mountain, directly covering Ye Wuque!

This punch is really violent and ferocious to the extreme!

"Sigh! Real demon mad body! The physical supernatural powers that Zhai Tianlin relied on to become famous, he was so angry that he would destroy Ye Wuque with one punch!"

"It's terrible! This kind of strength, I am afraid that it has surpassed the high-level perfect general, and it is not far from the peak general!"

"Ye Wuque is too cruel, and finally kicked it! One of the top ten masters comes out randomly, and he is a generation king! He has to pay the price!"

Countless creatures whispered, their eyes burning, staring at Zhai Tianlin who was like a demon god.

Before the exit of the Ancient Demon Forest, the wind screamed, the ancient trees trembled, and Ye Wuque's martial arts robe was hunting. His hair was chaotically blown by the wind, but his complexion was still calm. A hint of disappointment.

"The momentum is good, but unfortunately, you... are too far away!"


At the moment when the voice fell, Ye Wuque also punched!

But his punch was light and breezy, without a trace of fireworks, looking from a distance, as if it was just lightly flicking a drop of dust.


The roar of trembling gold and cracking stones resounded, and the heavens and the earth were like countless blacksmiths struggling with iron, and there were more dazzling divine lights shining, drowning everything, the terrifying vigor tore through the sky, and everything was destroyed!

A magnificent figure cut through the sky and flew upside down like a kite with a broken line. It was Zhai Tianlin!

He didn't know when his entire left arm exploded into blood mist, his face was full of anger, and the hideous head on his chest screamed frantically, blood oozing from it, and bloodstains all over his body. It's a dent and a blood hole!

Zhai Tianlin's blood stained the sky, and Ye Wuque fisted back!

Suddenly, all the creatures were stunned, and the scene before them shocked the audience, beyond everyone's expectations, it was like a dream!

"Zhai Tianlin was blown away by...!"

"My God! The real demon's mad body was broken! One of the top ten masters, Zhai Tianlin, was so severely injured by Ye Wuque's punch? He couldn't even take the opponent's punch!"

The whole world is silent, countless creatures feel the whole body is cold, their heads are humming, their lips are trembling!

If hundreds of geniuses were slaughtered and the removal of their heads only shocked the top ten masters and felt incredible, then at this moment Ye Wuque blasted Zhai Tianlin with a punch, and finally made their complexion instantly changed!

Step on...

Ye Wuque, who had been standing in the Ancient Demon Forest, stepped slowly at this moment, and walked out, like a **** of war, Lin Chen, obviously without any terrible aura, but it gave people a boundless terror pressure!

"I'm in a hurry, and there are four barking dog minions who want to kill, so I don't want to waste too much time on you."

"And depending on how you look like, I won't turn around and leave!"

"and so……"

The cold voice rang from Ye Wuque's mouth, with a kind of indifference, giving people a sense of fright!

"Old Feng, how about these ten half of you and me?"

Ye Wuque's eyes didn't turn away, and the voice continued.


At the other entrance, the elegant minister also stepped out slowly, holding a sword in his right hand, and looking at the top ten masters with his clear eyes, he was sharp and sharp.

"Why don't you choose first and leave the rest to me, I won't choose."

Ye Wuque was very casual, and said slowly.

"I'm doing whatever you want, then you five..."

Feng Caichen and Ye Wuque stood side by side at a distance, and the tone was equally indifferent, and the white and slender left hand casually pointed to five of the top ten masters.

Seeing this scene, countless creatures are dumbfounded!

What is this doing?

It's almost as if the top ten masters are goods, as if they were selecting!

And it's the kind of casual and careless choice.

This is completely naked humiliation!

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