Return of the War God

Chapter 2345: : Start killing with you!


Between the boundless world, suddenly boiled out of thin air!

The void began to tremble, and it seemed that there were several earth-shaking forces sweeping in, everything was destroyed wherever it went!

The sky seemed to dim at this moment, and darkness was about to replace light!

In the next moment, at the end of the darkness, four radiant figures stepped on slowly, each figure exuding blood and blood, and when the posture flickered, if there was thunder and lightning!

This terrible aura finally awakened countless creatures who had been in a sluggish environment, and their eyes became horrified and in awe. After seeing the four figures on that day, they couldn't help feeling of worship in their hearts!

"The Eight Gods! The four adults of the Eight Gods have appeared!"

"The real king is here! Come and avenge the top ten masters?"

"This battle is not over yet, it has just begun!"


Some creatures exclaimed with excitement, the existence of the Eight Gods, for the creatures in the ancient world of Yuanyang, is to hear the legends and myths since they were young, and they have been imprinted in the depths of their souls. ?


Above the void, Ye Wuque stood side by side with the handsome minister, the two of them fluttered, hunting, and hair flying!

At this moment, Ye Wuque's eyes were very cold, and the killing intent within him was surging, and the aura on his body became extremely compelling!

"Ye, nothing, lack!"

From a distance, there was a high above, with an endless sorrow and contempt, calling out Ye Wuque's name!


Immediately afterwards, the four figures that were still thousands of miles away appeared to be teleporting, and came to the front suddenly!

Standing proudly, lined up!


Iori Mingyue!

Eight gods!


The four great arrogances of the young generation of the Eight Gods are here!

"Finally saw a real person... a person who should have died has really come back to life! And he has grown into the ancient world of Yuanyang! I have to say, it is indeed a miracle!"

Eight Shenyang, who was the first to call out Ye Wuque's name, spoke again now, with a playful tone in his tone.

"You set such a big game, didn't you just want me to come out? Now I have appeared, but this game disappointed me too much!"

Opposite, Ye Wuque spoke, his tone was cold and indifferent.

Bashenyang's eyes flashed, and he immediately saw the hundreds of **** heads on the earth, as well as the broken corpses of the top ten masters, cluttered in that place, and a strong smell of blood radiated!

"Huh! A bunch of trash with less success than failure! Damn it!"

Iori, the tallest and thinnest among the four, the one with the most violent breath spoke, with a trace of hoarseness in his voice!

"It seems that we still have to take action personally to capture you, the sinner, and bring it back to the clan! That's good, this is the purpose of our birth!"

Ba Shenyang's tone became cruel, and there was an unspeakable wildness.

"A minion is a minion. Learning to speak arrogantly is nondescript and disgusting!"

Ye Wuque responded!


There was a loud shout, but Iori, standing among the four, opened his mouth!

From the moment he appeared, he and Iori Mingyue, the only woman among the four had their eyes closed slightly and did not speak. At this moment, they finally opened their eyes, and the words were shocking!

If the breath of the Iori Yang is wild, then Iori is suffocating despair!

He just stood there, and there was a frightening aura, if a great demon god, the soul would tremble!

The eyes of the Eight Gods were ruthless and indifferent. He looked at Ye Wuque, and there was an undisguised indifference within him: "What do you count? In this world, my Eight Gods have been the king since ancient times. In the near future, I will be eight. The Protoss must rise above the heavens, and rule over the heavens and all realms!"

"And you are just an ant who survivingly survived. You survived by chance, but you are indulged in ridiculous self-esteem! Can you imagine the strength of my Eight Gods?"

"Dong Tian Fu Di, peerless ancient medicine, as well as ancient and unparalleled inheritance treasures, everything is earth-shaking, my Eight Gods bloodline is even more talented, and each one can grow into an invincible master! In front of my Eight Gods, what are you? thing?"

"Poor and pathetic!"

"You are a sin if you are alive!"

"You are alive, it is the biggest insult to my Eight Gods!"

"You are just a stepping stone for my Eight Gods to rise to the heavens and worlds. Now that the time is up, you can go to death with peace of mind!"

The words of Yashentian were extremely indifferent and conceited, and there was even more nobleness and contempt that seemed to come from the depths of the soul. In his eyes, Ye Wuque was an ant!

Iori Yang and Iori Yu are grinning, cruel and playful expressions in their eyes.

Only Iori Mingyue still closed his eyes, expressionless.

"I have seen shameless people, but shameless like you, I have never seen a group of white-raised wolves who are not familiar with what they say so plausibly, it is conceivable that the cheeks of your traitors Inside and out, from top to bottom, there is a sense of despicableness and ridiculousness."

At this moment, the style minister spoke.

He has always been a gentleman from the family, elegant and unrestrained, but at this moment, an undisguised disgust is surging in his clear and translucent eyes, and the face of the Eight Gods obviously makes the elegant officials angry.

"People are shameless, the world is invincible! Today I have completely understood the true meaning of this sentence! An ancient and peerless heritage book? I don't know how you have the face to say this sentence!"

"A group of rebellious dog minions, they don't know the shame, they took my Ye Family Baodian shamelessly as their own, and even named them the inheritance Baodian, you can see your shamelessness and nasty!"

"The magical powers you rely on are from my Ye family's family. If you don't have it, what else can you show off?"

"In my eyes, what are you guys?"

" minion!"

Ye Wuque's tone is harsh, his voice is not high, but it echoes between the world, especially the last three words "dog minion", every word is like a knife!


There seemed to be thunder in the minds of countless creatures between heaven and earth!

"What is Ye Wuque talking about? Didn't he steal the Eight Gods' Town Clan Treasure? Why does he say that the Eight Gods has taken his family Treasure for himself?"

"twenty one

"What the **** is going on? Does the Eight Gods really..."

"Impossible! The Eight Gods have a long history, a long history, and a shocking blood. How can they shamelessly seize other people's magical powers? If it is true, it would be a scandal!"


In an instant, countless horror and incredible discussions sounded in all directions, everyone was boiling, and I felt that they had touched a shocking secret!

Above the void!

The teeth of Iori Yang and Iori Tian clenched their teeth, their eyes were like hungry wolves, gleaming with spiteful light, staring at Ye Wuque firmly!

The three words "Dog Minion" stabbed their souls like three sharp blades, chopped their nerves, and caused the anger in their hearts to burst out and burn!

"A dog of the mourning family, with sharp teeth and sharp mouth! Today I will smash your bones and ashes! Steal my Eight Gods Town Clan Treasures, and still speak out here! My Eight Gods are unmatched, and the ruler is the world, so can you slander? "

Bashenyang spoke violently, with endless anger in his tone, and even a hint of shame!

"Ye Wuque, what if you have a thousand mouths open? You still don't understand. It is not eighteen years ago. The years have changed. My Eight Gods is now in its peak of spring and autumn. I have endured such a long time. The power is not you. Can predict!"

"Also, you are not your father!"

"You are just a sad and pitiful stepping stone. When you come to this world, you have only one end, that is, a sad death, and before you die, everything about you will become the unparalleled sacrifice of my Eight Gods! "

"This is your destiny. The needless struggle is just a joke."

Yashentian spoke again, his tone of voice was extremely indifferent, revealing a kind of ruthlessness, his eyes light!

"Old Ye, it seems that people and dogs can't make sense or communicate. This group of minions live in their own dreams. They are obviously shameless and self-intoxicated. Let's keep it simple."

The demeanor said lightly, and the clear and translucent eyes burst out with a striking edge!

At this moment, Ye Wuque's hair was turbulent, his face expressionless, and his bright eyes were full of sorrow. He stepped forward slightly, his tall and slender body stood like a Primordial Demon Mountain, looking at the four people on the opposite side, the cold voice blasted. Between heaven and earth!

"I am indeed not my father, but since it is the cause my father planted in the past years, then as the Son of Man, I will come to end this fruit today!"

"That Yashen Yao is the first one, and the four of you are next. In the end, all the traitors, I will not let go. Only blood can account for all cause and effect!"

The fierce and violent murderous intent rose from Ye Wuque's body, boiling in all directions, enough to destroy everything, and the cold eyes looked at the Iori Heaven!

"Your name is Yashentian? Then start killing with you!"


The holy way of war was boiling, and Ye Wuque turned into a golden **** of war!

In the next moment, he stepped out one step at a time, his black hair was agitated, his face was cold, and he stepped toward the Iori Heaven!

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