Return of the War God

Chapter 2350: : Reverse yin and yang chaos!

With endless killing intent and anger surging in his eyes, Iori Sky's scarlet eyes chose someone to eat!

He retreated quickly, but Ye Wuque was even faster!


Drinking soundly coldly, Ye Wuque descended like death!

But in the next moment!

There was a chill in Ye Wuque's heart, and at the same time, he felt a wave of cold murderous intent, and the intangible and intangible terror fluctuations that followed!

call out!

As soon as his figure stopped, Ye Wuque stopped chasing and killing Yashentian, and stepped back!


The emptiness he had set up before has completely turned into nothingness at this moment!

After stabilizing his figure, Ye Wuque's icy eyes looked directly in one direction, where the Eight Gods stood brightly!

The moment Ye Wuque looked over, the deep and strange beautiful eyes of the Eight Gods Mingyue also looked over!

The eyes of the two collided with the void instantly!


In an instant, Ye Wuque let out a muffled snort, red blood was flowing from his nose, and his eyes became blank!

Ye Wuque, who had originally been killing intent, turned into a sculpture at this moment, standing still on the void, motionless, very strange!

The blushing blood dripped from the tip of his nose, and his eyes were empty and blank, as if he had lost all consciousness, his soul was pulled away and turned into a walking dead!

"Okay!! Hahahaha! Ye Wuque! Give me death!"

Yashentian, who was originally forced to flee in embarrassment by Ye Wuque, laughed wildly at this moment, and fierce killing intent appeared in the scarlet eyes. With a kick on his right foot, he raised his fist towards Ye Wuque!

Iori Yang and Ioriyu fell one after another and died in front of him. How could this make Iori Tian not angry?

At this moment, there is only one thought in his mind, that is to kill Ye Wuque!

Ye Wuque remained blank, motionless, just frozen there!

The Eight Gods made an angry shot, and the Five Emperors fisted to blow Ye Wuque directly!

The situation is critical!


At this moment, a clear sword chant resounded, and a bright sword light seemed to come from outside the sky, directly slashing towards the Iori Heaven, and at the same time, a huge suction exploded, pulling the stiff Ye Wuque back!

The handsome minister is ready!

Yashentian's face suddenly became ugly, and the killing intent in his scarlet eyes became more intense!

"You two are going to die!"

With a low roar, Iori smashed a punch, and the sword light slashed by the handsome minister, the terrible wave tore apart, destroying everything!

With a bang, the Eight Gods rushed out of the radiance of Yuan Li, murderously soaring, and biting the backward Ye Wuque, endlessly!

The handsome minister held a sword in his right hand, and Ye Wuque with his left hand, choosing to retreat!

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The situation suddenly seemed to turn upside down, from Ye Wuque chasing and killing Iori, to Iori chasing and killing Ye Wuque!

"Soul supernatural power! It's the woman of the Eight Gods!"

A hint of sharpness flashed in the clear and translucent eyes, and the handsome minister immediately understood that it was the hand of the distant eight **** Mingyue, looked directly at it, and cut it out with a sword!


The sword light whizzed and smashed the sky!

However, at the moment when the style minister slashed this sword, the eyes of the eight gods Mingyue shone with a deep and strange brilliance, and they stared at the style minister's eyes!


The right hand holding the sword suddenly trembled, and then the whole person froze in place, and the left hand that was holding Ye Wuque dropped down. The clear and translucent eyes instantly became hollow and blank, and blood dripped from the tip of his nose!

This look is exactly the same as Ye Wuque!

The two of them have been hit by the strange methods of the Iori Mingyue one after another, as if they had lost their souls!

"Hahahahaha! Mingyue! Well done! Two ignorant ants, your time of death has come! Perish under the horror of God's Tome!"

Iori Tian raised up to the sky and roared, although his eyes were still blushing, but there was a kind of unspeakable pride and conceit on his face, and there was a kind of undisguised pleasure!


The Wudi's fist reappeared, and Iori used his most powerful killer move directly to kill Ye Wuque and the handsome officials!

At this moment, the corner of the mouth of Iori Mingyue, a profitable void in the distance, also outlined an arc of arrogance, conceit, and mockery!

In the pair of eyes surging with the dark and strange light, it seems that a starry sky is shining at this moment, and the mighty power of divine consciousness is like a shadow, invisible and innocent, everywhere!

"It is your blessing to allow me to use the Great Contemplation Method in the Inverted Yin-Yang Divine Thought Method!"

The voice of the Eight Gods Mingyue was very cold, with the same conceit, like ice flowers condensed under the solitary moon, and the scalp was numb!

Reverse yin and yang chaos!

This is exactly what the Eight Gods Mingyue used to make Ye Wuque and the handsome ministers in succession, or in other words, the soul supernatural powers!

The Divine Calling Tome is all-encompassing, including all kinds of incredible supernatural powers, including battle magical powers, physical magical powers, and physical magical powers. Naturally, there will be no shortage of soul magical powers that use the power of spiritual thoughts!

This reversal of Yin and Yang chaos is the spiritual power recorded in the Divine Calling Canon!

Just like the Bashentian cultivating the Bahuang Liuhe Divine Fist alone, the Bashen Mingyue cultivating alone is the inversion of Yin and Yang chaos, because she is a soul cultivator!

Reversing the Yin and Yang chaos, the mentality is extremely mysterious and unpredictable. It is not a single one, but a general term for a set of soul supernatural powers, which includes all kinds of incredible secrets!

For example, the eerie method used by the Eight Gods Mingyue to deal with Ye Wuque and the elegant officials at this moment is one of them, called...the Great Contemplation Method!

This idea is weird and unpredictable, and it is invisible and innocent when displayed, making it difficult to prevent, and it will be tricked without knowing it!

Once you are recruited, your five senses will be confused, your thinking will be confused, and illusions will grow, and what is even more terrifying is that this method not only deals with the cultivating creatures, but also specifically targets the soul cultivation, the power of the divine mind, and planting endless souls!

If the soul cultivation wants to break the law with the power of its own divine mind, it will only deepen the power of the great contemplation method. On the contrary, its own divine mind power will become the nourishment for the continuous growth of this mind. It is completely impossible to break away. Vicious circle!

From this point alone, it is enough to reflect the horror and horror of this great contemplation!

"It's over! That Ye Wuque and the white swordsman are over! The defeat is set!"

"The methods of the adults of the Eight Gods are earth-shattering, and they are infinitely powerful. After just two glances, Ye Wuque and the swordsman in white have become walking dead. What kind of method is this!"

"It's terrible! The Eight Gods dominate Yuanyang, how can they be against? There is only one dead end to fight the Eight Gods!"


Countless creatures between the world and the earth are in awe at this moment, their voices are astringent, with strong awe and fear!

In their eyes, Ye Wuque and the swordsman in white are bound to die!

"Just now you dared to prevent me from killing this bereaved dog, then kill you first!"

Yashentian gave a grin, and looked at the handsome minister, cruelty and bloodthirsty flashed through it!


Fists rolled, directly enveloped the style minister, aiming at his head, the fiery Yuanli brilliance burst, diffused, and enveloped all directions!


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