Return of the War God

Chapter 2353: : Elder Yun!

all in all!

One step into the sky, Huaxi Xiaocheng!

Double stepping into the sky, Huaxi Dacheng!

Triple step into the sky, Huaxi is complete!

Quadruple stepping on the sky, Jianghe Xiaocheng!

Five steps on the sky, the river is great!

Six steps to the sky, Jianghe is complete!

Seven times, Wang Yang Xiaocheng!

Eightfold stepping into the sky, Wang Yang Dacheng!

Nine times, Wang Yang is complete!

And the ninefold stepping on the sky, and the great perfection of the sky above everything else!

This is all the secrets of Stepping Heaven Realm!

At this moment, the elder of the Eight Gods tribe who took a big hand from the blood cave, under the inference of the style minister, is a six-fold stepping on the sky, Jianghe existence!

"It's really amazing! But if you want to kill us, it depends on you!"

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Ye Wuque's tone is domineering, his eyes are like a knife, and there seems to be a raging fire in his eyes!

In the next instant, Ye Wuque soared into the sky, his black hair surging, and under the eyes of countless Yuanyang Ancient Realms with numb scalp, he took the initiative to rush towards the dark silver hand!

Similarly, the style minister was almost shoulder to shoulder with Ye Wuque, the sword light was shining, the sword intent skyrocketed, and the aura of the peerless sword that could wipe out everything in the world was also skyrocketing!


"The Chaos Emperor Dragon Broken!"

Ye Wuque shouted loudly and danced wildly. Behind him, the gray brilliance was born, covering all directions!

original! Wild! mysterious!桀骜!

At the same time, a dragon roar shook the sky and the earth, domineering and unparalleled!

Chaos field!

Golden Emperor Dragon!

The golden emperor dragon cruising in the chaotic realm, the two blended together, bursting out mysterious and infinite power, and finally turned into a gray dragon!

The sky demon wings flickered, and Ye Wuque exploded rapidly, the Holy Dao's fighting spirit and golden blood were fierce, and the right fist was violent, and the gray dragon suddenly wrapped around it, directly blasting towards the big hand that was pressing down!


A dragon roar full of primitive wildness resounded through the heavens, and the gray divine dragon was like the first force in the beginning of the sky, purifying everything and destroying everything!

Wherever it goes, everything is directly...annihilated!

Going to the cracks of time and space with Brother Xiaosha, the last one of the three infinite ultimate ultimate moves that was comprehended when confronting the weird gray misty creatures, "Chaos Emperor Dragon Break" reappeared!


The sword of the handsome minister has arrived!

"Hong step at the end!"

Between heaven and earth, a whisper that sounded like an absolute independence!

The mighty and mighty road to the red dust turned out to be born, and countless pictures of joy and sorrow are evolving!

Some people have made a fortune, some have married a daughter-in-law, some have a son, and some are named on the gold list, so they are laughing!

Some people have lost their relatives, some are ruined, some are sentimental parting, some are lonely and die, so they are crying!

The scenes of this scene are intertwined with each other, forming this billowing red dust, thousands of lights, and thousands of atmospheres, which make people addicted, sinking, and unable to extricate themselves!


A sword chant emerged out of thin air, bright and dazzling, and directly cut through the path of the great red dust, cut off all the joys and sorrows, and absorbed the meaning of the rolling red dust, but stepped out of the red dust and ended everything!

This is an even stronger sword after the sword of Fenghuo Hongchen Road, which is the ultimate sword move by the elegant ministers, which embraces the meaning of rolling red dust, but ends all billions of things!

A huge red sword light came out of the sky, smashing into the sky, intertwined with the Chaos Emperor Dragon Broken by Ye Wuque, and turned into a terrifying and terrifying blow!


In an instant, under the horrified eyes of countless Yuanyang Ancient Realm creatures, the entire sky was exploded!

The void collapsed, everything shattered, and the infinite blazing elemental power brilliance intertwined, spreading for nine days, a series of large voids torn apart, trance, and even small stars are dying, and a doomsday scene is coming!

Above the earth, desperate howls rang out. Some creatures in the ancient world of Yuanyang shunned and were affected. This time, their bodies died away and turned into blood mist!


In the next moment, from the blazing and terrifying Yuanli brilliance, burst out of two tall figures, staggering in their footsteps, it was Ye Wuque and the elegant minister!

Both of them were bleeding from the corners of their mouths, their faces were pale, they were obviously injured, but their eyes were still bright!

"Oh my God! Ye Wuque and the swordsman in white actually blocked a blow from the elder of the Eight Gods!"

"How can this be possible? That's a big man who transcends the Heavenly Stepping Realm!"

"The two seem to be under 20 years old, so they didn't die, they just suffered minor injuries?"


Many creatures spoke in horror, and their voices trembled!

Above the void, Ye Wuque and the handsome minister were kneeling, their eyes shining.

"Six-fold stepping master, really amazing!"

Ye Wuque spoke with a hint of wonder.

"Indeed, with our current combat power, it's still a lot worse."

The handsome minister nodded.

"Already here! Go!"

With a flash of gaze, Ye Wuque seemed to feel something, and then spoke again, at the same time a glimmer of light flashed in his bright eyes!

The elegant minister heard the words and nodded directly.


Immediately the two of them flickered, turned into two streams of light, turned and left, but instead of fleeing from here, they rushed into the ancient magic forest again!


After a few breaths, the radiance of the vitality in the void completely dissipated, and the blood hole reappeared, but before the blood hole, there was already a thin and short figure standing upright, an old woman!

This old woman is just the elder of the Eight Gods tribe who just took a big shot... Elder Yun!

At this moment, Elder Yun still has strong spatial fluctuations around his body, his eyes are slightly closed, and there is a trace of tragic aura!


In the next instant, Elder Yun suddenly opened his eyes, and his haggard face was full of folds, and a fierce killing intent surged in an instant!

With a flash of gaze, Elder Yun saw the corpse of Iori Mingyue who had been cut in half on the ground, and saw the broken and incomplete bodies of Iori and Iori Yang, and a flash of anger and disbelief flashed in his eyes!


Elder Yun looked up to the sky and roared mournfully, as if Ye Xiao was neighing, full of horror and madness, his eyes were instantly scarlet!


Elder Yun Zhuangruo mad, called out the name of the Eight God Mingyue!

Because Iori Mingyue is her granddaughter!

But now, her granddaughter died, and died in front of her, how could she bear it? How can we not be crazy?

So she sent it desperately, regardless of her concerns and rules, even if she paid the price!

"Two little beasts! I want you to survive, not to die! I want to slash your skin and cramps to avenge my granddaughter!"

Elder Yun's voice became hoarse and weird, his words were like knives, and bloodshot eyes spread!

"Where can you escape?"

Almost instantly, Elder Yun's gaze locked on the ancient demon forest, locked in the direction in which Ye Wuque and the elegant courtier retreated!


Then, under the horrified eyes of countless Yuanyang Ancient Realm creatures, Yun Chang aging made a storm and directly rushed into the Ancient Demon Forest. The speed was so fast that Ye Wuque and the elegant ministers were several times more than that!

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