Return of the War God

Chapter 2363: :stop!


In the next instant, I saw a group of imposing figures filed out from all over the Dragon Pavilion. There were men and women, both with indifferent expressions and cold eyes, and they walked towards the portal of transmission light.

In one direction, Ye Wuque and Feng Caichen also appeared side by side and walked out.

The appearance of the two immediately attracted a lot of attention!

The gazes of fear, inconceivability, fear, disdain, and curiosity are intertwined, and they are constantly looking at the two people vaguely, especially Ye Wuque, gathering the most gazes.

"This is only one of the three gathering points, and it's only within a few days. There are so many Iori children! It seems that Iori is really strong!"

Ye Wuque glanced around the same, a hint of sneer flashed in the depths!

Nearly a hundred children of the Eight Gods were present!

With a little estimation, you can roughly calculate that there are nearly a thousand children of the younger generation of the Eight Gods!

At this moment, the cold light in the depths of Ye Wuque's eyes was quickly replaced by a trace of murderous intent!

Because among these nearly a hundred people, half of them are surging with the waves of the Immortal King Gong, which can be easily sensed through the power of his own blood!

"The more people, the better, so that it will be easier to kill at that time!"

The style minister gently transmits the voice, and has a kind of intriguing edge.


The corner of Ye Wuque's mouth outlines a cold arc.

Soon, nearly a hundred children of the Eight Gods here stepped into the portal one after another.


It was dark, then bright, and then Ye Wuque slowly opened his eyes!

At this moment, he was in a huge ancient square, and the surrounding stations were full of self-study by the Eight Gods in twos and threes, with hundreds of people!

Obviously it came here from three assembly points.

"This is the Eight Gods Spirit Realm? No! The front is!"

Ye Wuque's eyes flashed and he immediately saw that at the end of the ancient square, there was a huge gate with a height of one hundred thousand feet, with ancient patterns carved on it, giving people a sense of vicissitudes of time.

Obviously, this ancient giant gate is the entrance to the Eight Gods Spirit Realm, and their current location is at most just an intermediate assembly station.

The children of the Eight Gods around are all looking at the ancient giant gate in the distance, and there is more or less excitement and longing on their faces!

Many of them have left the Eight Gods Spiritual Realm and have been in the void battlefield for many years. After returning like this, they naturally couldn't help feeling surging and feeling a lot.

Step on...

Immediately, the sound of footsteps sounded, and a child of Iori took a step forward and walked slowly toward the ancient giant gate.

"Behind this giant gate is the Eight Gods Spirit Realm. There are guards stationed at the door, and there are many ancient and powerful forbidden fluctuations. The defense here is indeed dripping."

The handsome minister spoke while moving forward.

"Lao Feng, look at the giant gate, is there a person standing?"

Ye Wuque's eyes flickered, and at the moment he condensed on the top of the ancient giant gate, with a trace of fine light surging in it.

There, a tall and majestic figure stood impressively, like a giant mountain. Although it could not see its face, there was an unmoving aura surging!

"Yes, there is indeed someone with a third eye in his forehead! Looking at every Iori child below, huh?"

Under the gaze of the two, suddenly found something unusual!

When every child of the Eight Gods race stepped into the giant gate, from the forehead of the tall and majestic figure above the giant gate, a silver light beam would shroud and be illuminated by it!

The silver light beam was clearly refracted from the third eye in the forehead!

The silver light beam stayed on each Iori child for almost two breaths, and then retracted and continued to cover the next Iori child.

The figures of the children of the Iori who passed through disappeared directly into the giant gate!

In an instant, the hearts of Ye Wuque and the handsome minister moved slightly!

"It can't be wrong, it seems that this is a detection hand..."


Suddenly, a miserable howl suddenly sounded from the giant gate, and it came from an Iori kid who had just been shrouded in silver light beams!

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But at this moment, this person was actually burning with silver flames all over his body, like a bone-attached maggot, and the terrifying heat exploded even more!

"Bold evil barrier! Dare to pretend to be my Iori child! Take it down! Press into the black prison, abolish the cultivation base, and torture!"

A sound like Hong Zhong blasted out, it was from the tall figure standing on the ancient giant gate!


In an instant, two guards exuding extremely cold aura stepped out and caught the howling person directly. At this moment, under the burning of the silver flame, the original appearance of that person was completely changed and completely changed into another one. people!

Obviously, this person is disguised as a child of the Eight Gods tribe, and wants to mix into the Eight Gods Spirit Realm!

The Iori children behind him looked at this scene, showing disdain and sarcasm, and similar situations would happen almost in the near future.

There are too many curious and yearning creatures in the ancient world of the Eight Gods. Among them, there are many bold people who take risks and pretend to be children of the Eight Gods by secret methods. be found.

The two guards captured the man and disappeared instantly!

Testing continued, and a child of the Iori tribe continued to move forward.

At this moment, Ye Wuque and Feng Caichen's expressions were calm, and their eyes were calm, without any strangeness, slowly stepping forward.

Both of them are like iron-minded people. At this point, they will only be more determined, and there will be no wavering.

Moreover, for the tomb-keeper and the reincarnation of the corpse god, Ye Wuque has a kind of confidence.

Finally, Ye Wuque and Feng Caichen walked to the light gate, and it was their turn.


Two silver light beams fell from the sky, covering both of them instantly!

Ye Wuque was expressionless, just allowing the strange power surging in this beam to invade his body without the slightest resistance.

"It should be an extremely powerful pupil technique that can distinguish nothingness, and it is related to the power of the blood of the Eight Gods, and contains a strange blood test power!"

His heart was bright, but Ye Wuque became calmer.

The time for two breaths is long and short.

Suddenly, the silver light beam got away, and the two felt that their bodies were loose!

Looking at the Eight Gods Spirit Realm that can be stepped into by raising their feet in front, Ye Wuque and Feng Chenchen felt a little loose in their hearts.

But in the next moment!

Just when Ye Wuque had already stepped half of his foot forward, from above his head suddenly came the cold voice that roared like Hong Zhong!

"You two, stop!"

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