Return of the War God

Chapter 2365: :Bu Yangen

A group of rebellious dog minions occupied this pure land, and in Ye Wuque's view, they really ruined this spiritual realm.

"Aren't we here for the purpose of making a big fuss? The clan club competition, I am looking forward to it more and more!"

There was a sharp meaning in the eyes of the handsome minister, and the Yangwu sword in his hand also made a soft clank.

"There are still three last days..."

Ye Wuque's eyes also filled with sharp meaning, whispered, there was a kind of coldness that made the scalp numb.

"Wow Kaka! The environment in this place is pretty good! Let this fairy see, where is the ancestral grave of the Eight Gods..."

At this moment, the fairy Miao Miao, who had been quiet all the way, hidden in Ye Wuque's Soul Space, suddenly opened his mouth, and a touch of excitement and eagerness surged in his tone!

"Miaomiao! Don't be foolish! Calm down!"

Ye Wuque heard that his eyelids jumped wildly, and he was so scared that he drank to stop!

At this point, if Fairy Miaomiao digs the ancestral grave of the Eight Gods, wouldn't the entire Eight Gods be crazy?

Let’s not talk about whether the planing can be successful, the ancestral grave of the Eight Gods must be guarded by heavy soldiers. Once it is shot, even if the clan will be more important than that, it will be directly invalidated, and then the Eight Gods will gather all the strength to chase the magic Wonderful fairy.

And the plan that he and the old style finally got in will be completely broken!

Once it reaches that point, the vow to settle everything by hand will be difficult to complete!

Therefore, even though Ye Wuwei knew that Fairy Miaomiao was unfathomable and terrifying, he still insisted on his plan and did not ask Fairy Miaomiao to take action.

Moreover, after this series of things, he now has a hint of speculation and understanding in his heart!

"Huh! Xiaoyezi, you really don't want to be at all!"

In the Soul Space, Fairy Miaomiao let out a hum, and then stopped talking.

But Ye Wuque breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Fairy Miaomiao should have listened to his dissuasion, and would not plan to plan the ancestral grave of the Eight Gods for the time being.

The handsome ministers on the side also heard wry smiles, and there is Fairy Miaomiao, the grandmother, if there is chaos, the consequences will be really disastrous.

The eyes of the two met, and they all saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

"Where shall we go next?"

The style minister looked at the Eight Gods Spiritual Realm in the distance.

"Hey, this place like a fairyland on earth is full of aura and full of birds and beasts. According to the statement before tomb 1, except for the treasure medicine garden specially cultivated by the Eight Gods, any heavenly materials and earth treasures in the Eight Gods are not allowed to enter. , As long as you have the ability to get it, it’s yours."

"Finally come here, do you need to be polite?"

Ye Wuque’s sharp eyes stared at one mountain after another, looking at the towering old trees, the old vines of the spirit spring, the birds and the beasts, and the strong power of heaven and earth. You can easily feel that there must be natural treasures growing in it. .

"Good idea! Go!"


The two of them flickered immediately, and rushed towards the mountain that stood in the Eight Gods Spirit Realm.

Similarly, not only them, but also many other children of the Iori tribe are also rushing towards the peaks, obviously with similar goals!

However, when it comes to speed, Ye Wuque and Feng Caichen are naturally extremely fast.

"If you are looking for natural materials and treasures, you need to find the best ones. There is no need to waste time with some strange melons and inferior dates..."

Ye Wuque's spiritual power surged and began to release, covering one mountain after another, and he began to search for the mountain with the strongest aura fluctuations.

"Well, the aura fluctuates the most on the highest mountain in front. Not surprisingly, the quality of the genius treasures growing on it should be the highest!"

The handsome ministers were also searching, and immediately found among the peaks, one of the tallest peaks was full of aura.

But at this moment, Ye Wuque's figure suddenly stagnated!

Because the voice of Fairy Miaomiao in my mind sounded again!

"There is good stuff on the mountain next to you, go!"

Ye Wuque suddenly turned his gaze, looked over, and the power of the spirits swept toward the front of a very inconspicuous, not tall or short, very ordinary.

However, after searching, nothing was unusual.

"follow me!"

But Ye Wuque naturally believed in Fairy Miaomiao, and rushed directly, followed closely by his elegant and elegant minister.

Soon, the two directly ascended the mountain, surrounded by towering ancient trees and bushes, and each mountain peak was like a dense forest.

"Continue up, not directly below the top of the mountain."

Fairy Miao Miao's boring pointing voice reminded Ye Wuque, and the two of them kept climbing.

However, as Ye Wuque and Feng Caichen were getting closer and closer to their destination, in another direction of this mountain, a group of people were also cautiously climbing up, and they were still whispering to each other!

"Isn't it discovered?"

"Second brother, don't worry! No tail!"

"That's good! You also know the importance of this thing. It is the treasure that Brother Chen values ​​most! If it weren't accidentally discovered, how could there be such a great opportunity? Calculated by time, it will be mature soon! We guard this The thing has been two full years! As long as you get back this thing smoothly and dedicate it to Brother Chen, once Brother Chen takes it, your cultivation will surely break through again! At that time, the clan society will compete in three days and you can give one to countless people Surprise! It’s not a dream to reach the top three! Our brothers’ status will also increase in the future! So, no mistakes are tolerated, understand?"


"Don't worry, brother! It's all right!"


These four figures shuttled among the dense forests of the mountains, and the head was a young man with a stern face. At this moment, hearing the other people's expressions, a hint of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

"There are a dozen more breaths to come, quickly! It's in the hidden cave behind the bush in front!"

The speed of these four figures soared to the limit, and their eyes were all excited.


In that cave, two figures were already standing at this moment.

"this is……"

Looking at the entire cave that was stained with soft golden light, Ye Wuque's eyes were filled with shock!

At this moment, at the end of their eyes, the cave wall is covered with golden old vines, but all the old vines are tied to one place, intertwined, and finally formed a golden vine, curled up Together, the strange vines are about the size of a finger, and the golden brilliance on them exudes a kind of Zen!

"Foyangen! This is the treasured medicine Buddhayangen! And it has just matured!"


The style minister seemed to recognize the origin of the golden vines and blurted out, with a hint of excitement in his tone.

Treasure medicine!

These two words are enough!

"Haha! Miao Miao, thank you very much!"

Ye Wuque also laughed, and Fairy Miao Miao suddenly hummed in the Soul Space.

At the moment, the two of them stepped forward to pick the Buddha Flame Root.

With his right hand gently placed on the root of the Buddha flame, Ye Wuque suddenly felt a vast and pure power of peace and majesty!

"Lao Feng, this treasure is called Buddha Yangen? What's coming from...huh?"

Suddenly, the expressions of the two of them changed, and they looked out of the cave together!

"Second brother! We are... not good! Someone!!!"

Huh huh!

Four figures rushed in!

In an instant, the sights of the two sides met, and the atmosphere in the cave suddenly became tense!

The fierce man known as the second brother's complexion instantly became extremely ugly, there was a kind of anger in his eyes, and immediately turned into boundless anger, he directly stepped forward, his expression was cold and hideous!

"Remove your hand from the root of the Buddha flame! This root is not a treasure that you are qualified to touch!"

"No matter how you know this place, now it's best to roll to one side and kneel to confess and cut one hand off. As long as you do, I can forgive you from not dying!"

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