Return of the War God

Chapter 2373: : Next wave!

"kill him!"

Iori children clamored in the audience with a vicious tone!


I saw under the mighty sky, a roar that shook the sky and the earth suddenly came out, an ancient picture evolved, and the void shone, and the five emperors in it were shining, the mountains and rivers were rushing, the world was vast, and the emperor's aura filled all directions. Unlimited violence!

Immediately afterwards, Gutu turned into a fist, and the sky was broken!

"Ah You!"

The three miserable howls sounded almost simultaneously, with an incredible panic and despair, and a hint of regret to the extreme, but they stopped abruptly!

Thump thump...

Under the trembling eyes of all the Iori children, they saw three headless corpses flying out of the stage of life and death like rag pockets, slamming on the ground, and the blood instantly stained the ground. !

"Dead, dead?"

The closest Iori child looked at the three headless corpses in front of him, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, his lips were shaking!

The three headless corpses are naturally just the three Iori children who rushed to the stage of life and death to besieged Ye Wuque, but now they don’t have all the corpses in less than ten breaths!


At this moment, a mad laugh full of contempt and disdain was posted from the stage of life and death, and Ye Wuque's figure was revealed. He stood on the stage of life and death, squinting at all the children of the Iori, with an indescribable arrogance in his eyes!

"Trash is trash. None of the three people can kill me alone. The opportunity is given to you! But you are useless! Trash, it's all a bunch of trash! Hahahahaha..."

The arrogant and arrogant laughter pierced the ears of all the Iori children like a sharp-pointed steel needle, causing the anger and killing intent in their hearts to surge to the limit, but no one dared to speak anymore, because three The **** headless corpse was lying in front of them!

However, there was fire in those pairs of eyes, and he could not wait to swallow Ye Wuqi alive!

On the stage of life and death, Ye Wuque looked down at everyone, his sharp eyes scanned all over the place, and sneered proudly again: "Why? You don't accept it? A group of waste...cough!"

Suddenly, Ye Wuque's yelling stopped inexplicably, and there was a muffled groan in his throat, and his body swayed slightly, but he adjusted it almost for an instant, and his left hand stroked his lips like nothing, and then placed it on Behind him, the flash of blush on it still caught many sharp-eyed Iori children!

In an instant, the eyes of many Iori children suddenly brightened!

"Injured! Iori Xu is definitely injured! He thought he was covering up very well! Humph! I have seen it!"

"Sure enough! I said that it is absolutely impossible for someone to be so perverted. Although he killed the three on stage, he must have paid the price!"

"Huh! This **** guy! The time to die is here!"


Some Iori children immediately began to transmit their voices, and immediately told everyone present that Ye Wuque was injured. The originally stagnant atmosphere became fiery again!

The eyes of all the children of Iori looking at Ye Wuque became gloomy and sad!

On the stage of life and death, Ye Wuque's expression changed abruptly, and then resumed his arrogance and arrogance, and even more anger, and directly shouted: "A bunch of trash, what do you look at? There is a kind of life and death stage, I am the **** of Xu Xu with one hand. I'll pinch you to death!"

But the next moment there was a hint of tension in his eyes, but it was just a flash!

However, this scene fell in the eyes of all Iori children, but it made the sneer on their faces even stronger!

I'm still showing off here after being injured, wanting to hide it!

What a fool!


Only a smile surging in the depths of his eyes!

Will the opponent's three ordinary Iori children be injured?


This is obviously Lao Ye who is deliberately showing weakness to lure more Iori children into the bait!

"Iori Asahi! Today is your death date! My Iori Jie will kill you!"

"And I!"

"Send you home!"


Finally, three more Iori children rose up and fell towards the stage of life and death!

The faces of these three people were full of sneers and sorrows, and the killing intent in their eyes was fierce, and they wished to cut this Iori Xu a thousand times!

"Huh! Come and I will kill one! You three, die for me!"

Ye Wuque let out a loud roar, seemingly with a trace of exhaustion, and fell to the ears of the Iori children present, making them sneer. He became more certain that Iori Xu was injured, but because of his ridiculous self-esteem and face, he could not step down. Desperately confront the enemy and hide yourself!


The vitality burst, instantly enveloped the entire life and death stage, isolated everyone's sight, it was extremely dazzling, and at the same time, a strong and pure power of divine consciousness followed closely, preventing everyone from prying!

Within Yuanli, the faces of the three Iori children who had originally sneered suddenly changed in unison!

Because they realized that they were still hoarse before, Iori Xu, who showed nervousness, also showed a sneer at this moment. The sharp eyes of the three of them stared at them as if they were looking at three lambs to be slaughtered!

"You, you are deliberately showing weakness!"

One of them seemed to understand suddenly, and suddenly shouted, with a hint of horror in his tone!

"Very smart, but unfortunately it's too late!"

Ye Wuque responded coldly, stepping out, and the whole person rushed over like a storm, raised his right fist, and the emperor's aura immediately filled, and the five emperors emerged behind him and turned into an ancient picture!

The emperor of Shanhe Sheji!

Clean and neat, crude and direct!

Take care of a few of you, and I will hit it all!

One fresh trick, eat everywhere!

"Iori Asahi! You are so mean!"

"Fight with him!"


The three Iori children wanted to cry without tears at this moment. The sneers and pride in their hearts before now all turned into endless fear and regret, and finally intertwined into madness!

This is the end of the matter, and it is too late to regret. Only desperately may still have a ray of life!

Unfortunately, the truth is cruel!

Bang bang bang!

Three sounds sounded like a watermelon smashing on the ground, blood splashing, and howling terribly!

The vitality that enveloped the life and death platform suddenly dissipated, and three headless corpses flew out, exactly the same as the three before, falling into the void, blood gushing, and hitting the earth!

Ye Wuque's figure was revealed, standing proudly on the stage of life and death, arrogant and arrogant, followed by a frantic voice, spreading to all directions!

"Next wave!"


Originally all with sneers, waiting to see Iori Xufuzhu being killed on the stage of life and death, the Iori children all felt that there were thousands of thunder in their minds, and their heads buzzed!

"How could this happen? Isn't Iori Xu injured? How come it is the Iori Jie three who were slaughtered?"

Someone was pale and shouted in disbelief!

"In the end what happened?!!"

Some people are yelling, hard to accept everything in front of them!

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