Return of the War God

Chapter 2379: : The culprit

"Bong to the end, but you had better move faster, otherwise I'm afraid I can't help it."

Yashen Yunfei's fierce power converged and seemed to have recovered his calm.

From beginning to end, only the eyes of the Eight Gods Dragon kept slightly closed, as if silent in his own world.

And the beautiful eyes of the Eight Gods Zenyin were indifferent, looking at everything in front of them quietly, and when they glanced at Ye Wuque and the elegant minister, the red lips proclaimed a few simple words.

"The ants are an eyesore."

Although she is a woman, she must not be underestimated. Countless Iori children fear her to the bone!

Ye Wuque and the handsome minister did not speak any more at this moment, but turned their eyes slightly to look above the void!

Because at this moment, there are several breaths rushing into the sky, and the unfathomable figure rushes towards the sacrifice field.

Soon, eight of the top ten masters of the young generation of the Eight Gods came to the scene!

Almost everyone has their own unique aura, standing on the sacrificial ground, like huge peaks, all of them are daunting!

Among the top ten masters, Iori Chen, who had replaced the ninth place, had been torn by Ye Wuque, and naturally couldn't come.

"Is there still one of the most powerful ones yet to come?"

Ye Wuque looked on coldly, already knowing from the discussions of the Eight Gods' children around him that there were a total of ten masters in the young generation of the Eight Gods, and only eight of them had come at this moment.

Not surprisingly, this person should be the strongest, and now the first person in the younger generation of the Eight Gods!

"Well, here it is, such a breath, interesting..."

The style minister suddenly spoke, his eyes condensed slightly, and a gleam of light flashed within it!

Naturally, Ye Wuque had already looked over!

At the same time, the eyes of the eight gods dragon that had been closed were suddenly opened at this moment, and there seemed to be two stars within it bursting apart, shining brightly, and terrifying!

"You are finally here... Iori Wufeng!"

The Eight Gods dragon whispered to himself, with a sense of unsheathed long swords!

And the whole sacrificial hall fell into a dead silence at this time, and an unconcealed fear and panic appeared in the eyes of a child of Iori!

Above the void, a tall figure came slowly, and it could be seen clearly from a distance. This person seemed to be carrying a long knife behind him!

This is a young man who looks quite young, with loose hair and a tall stature. At first glance, he looks heroic and peerless, but then you will feel a sharp edge that your bones are trembling!

Iori no front!

The first young generation of the Eight Gods!

"A swordsman? The one who practiced should be Qianqiu Ba magic sword..."

Ye Wuque's eyes flickered slightly, this Iori Wufeng was enough to make people stunned and very powerful.

Iori Wufeng fell on the sacrificial ground, within a radius of ten thousand meters, there was no one, and all Iori children retreated!

The eyes of Iori Wufeng carried a wildness, like an ancient fierce beast. After sweeping a circle, he nodded slowly and said: "Compared with five years ago, you are all much stronger, very good. In this way, the sacrifice of your corpse and blood to my knife has so little value."

"Hope not to let me down."

"After I cut you off, I will be born myself, but I will bring back Ye Wuque, the curse that is enshrouding my clan. It should be broken."

What is madness? What is conceit?

As soon as the Iori Wufeng showed up, he shouted to take everyone's sacrifice knives. In his eyes, the Eight Great Masters were like livestock, just simple sacrifices.

"Iori Wufeng, this time, it will be you who die!"

The Eight Gods Dragon spoke coldly, with a kind of hatred in his eyes.

The rest of them stared at Iori Wufeng and did not speak, but the fear and solemnity in their eyes could not be concealed.

Iori Wufeng stood with arms folded, seemingly disdain to respond.

"This kind of ethnic group is **** and cruel, and has no human touch. It is only natural to kill people of the same ethnic group like a dog. If it is released, it will inevitably cause harm to the other party and should be destroyed."

The handsome minister looked at the Iori Wufeng, lightly transmitting, and his voice was very cold.

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"Yes, like a dog that has eaten human flesh and drank human blood, it is no longer a dog. It has become a vicious wolf and should not be alive."

Ye Wuque's eyes were also very cold at the moment, killing intent surged in his heart.


Suddenly, a vast wave of fluctuations suddenly overflowed from under the sky, majestic and endless, only a dozen figures appeared above the void, high above them, overlooking the entire Eight Gods Spirit Realm.

"The patriarchs and elders are here!"

All the Iori children immediately converged their attitudes, with awe-inspiring expressions, and even more with a kind of fear, they looked above the sky!

The head of the person, with his hands on his back, wearing a robes, stands proudly like a king, with indifference and majesty in his eyes, the coercive and mighty, awe-inspiring!

This person is the patriarch of the Eight Gods Clan Qingtian!

"I have seen the patriarch!"

"I have seen you elders!"

Deafening and awe-inspiring greetings echoed from the festival hall!

"Eight Gods Blue Sky..."

Ye Wuque's eyes flickered with coldness in the depths!

When Tomb One told him all the information in the Eight Gods, it was mentioned several times that the reason why the Eight Gods finally rebelled in the first place was that the eight gods Qingtian could be regarded as one of the culprits!

He was also the first person to covet the divine canon, and he was the first to steal the divine canon with the help of the patriarch!

If all the Eight Gods rebels deserve to die, then the Eight Gods Qingtian is one of the most damnable people!

However, even though Ye Wuque's killing intent was surging in his heart, he still looked expressionless on the surface and did not change at all, because he knew that with his current strength, he could not kill the eight gods.

However, there will always be opportunities.

This time his goal is to slaughter the younger generation of the Eight Gods, and then take the opportunity to get back the **** summoning canon left by his father.


A dozen figures above the sky landed on the sacrificial field like meteors, and all the children of Iori came forward to gather.

"The grand event of the millennium, the clan meeting, held again after five years. As the clan leader, before the start of the clan today, I will lead all the people of the Eight Gods to worship the ancestors!"

The big sleeves of the Iori blue sky fluttered, speaking in a cold voice, and the majestic voice resounded between heaven and earth. Immediately after he made a move with his right hand, there were no fluctuations, but it was located at the end of the altar and was always shrouded in dark red light The area was finally completely revealed, and it was a huge altar!

Above the altar, a huge statue stands!

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