Return of the War God

Chapter 2383: : Emperor God Fist Showdown!

Under the horrified eyes of the two Iori children, Ye Wuque deceived him, and the five great emperors emerged behind him, vast and mighty, the emperor's spirit burst, and he punched directly!

Wudi boxing!


"Do not!"

With two miserable howls, Ye Wuque's five big punches directly blasted the two Iori children!

Blood splattered, dyed the void red, and also the chain giant mountain!

Ye Wuque jumped out from it, his hair stained with blood, his expression was cold, his eyes were cold, like a bloodthirsty Shura!

"It's three short!"

Ye Wuque has a keen interest in the treasure medicine Linghe. He wants to open up the eighth **** of darkness and needs unimaginable pure energy. Now such a great opportunity is in front of him, how can he miss it?

Moreover, the prerequisite for entering is to kill five Iori children. For him, it is completely killing two birds with one stone!

His figure flickered, and Ye Wuque went up along the chain giant mountain, and the children of Iori who had already fought together in all directions!

"There are two in front!"

Ye Wuque looked like a knife, and immediately locked two more targets!

Baizhang ahead, there are two fighting Iori children.

The two men who were still aggressive the moment before saw that the two cruel fighters saw Ye Wuque, who was killed by the same blood-bathed Shura, their expressions suddenly changed, and they turned around and ran away incomparably tacit understanding!

"Damn! How come I met Iori Xu!"

"With this Iori Xu, I have only one dead end. As long as he persists for a while, he can't always follow me!"

The speed of the two Iori children is very fast, but Ye Wuque is faster than them!

"Can you escape?"

Almost instantly, the cold and proud voice belonging to Iori Xu exploded in the ears of the two Iori children!

"not good!"

"Work together against him!"

The two of them suddenly lost their souls, but at this moment, the extreme fear was madness. The two chose to cooperate tacitly to kill Ye Wuque!

Unfortunately, this is just a joke!


The five emperors rolled over with fists, the violent aura burst, and the terrible power made the chains under their feet tremble, making a crashing sound, but they were rippling strangely!

After two horrible howls, the two Iori children directly turned into incomplete corpses.

"Not the last one!"

Ye Wuque's icy eyes flashed, and his figure finally paused, looking at another giant chain mountain.

Easily, he found a handsome minister!

Because, there is a dark sword light sweeping across all directions, smashing the world, and infinite sharpness!

Obviously, in order not to be discovered by the Eight Gods Qingtian on the altar and the elders, the style minister used some swords that had never been used to kill the enemy, but the power was equally terrifying!

Ye Wuque smiled lightly, and immediately withdrew his gaze, his expression became cold again, and he began to look for his last goal.

Kill another Iori child, and he will have a chance to enter the treasure medicine Linghe!

"You are the one!"

Immediately, Ye Wuque stared at a child of Iori, who was walking beside a battle circle, his face was cold, and he seemed to be waiting to pick peaches!

However, just when Ye Wuque was about to rush towards him, he suddenly felt a surging murderous intent behind him, and a violent fist came!

With a squeak, Ye Wuque's figure flashed, moving away!

The roar burst, and the place where he stood before suddenly exploded with a terrible punch, shaking the earth!

Ye Wuque's cold and sharp eyes looked over, and suddenly saw a figure in shining armor stepping on slowly, and the iron and blood aura spread all over his body, as if it was wrapped in a sea of ​​corpses!

The person here is the Iori Light!

"I said that after the clan competition starts, I will kill you first. Now, you can go to death!"

The tone of the Iori Light was casual, as before, showing a pair of white and miserable teeth, and smiled at Ye Wuque, his eyes were filled with **** brilliance, looking at him as if looking at a dead person.

"Four wastes were killed just now, and there is still the last one. You can't wait to send it to the door, Iori Iori Xu will reluctantly accept your life!"

Ye Wuque spoke coldly and proudly, squinting at the eight lights, arrogant and overbearing!

The two confronted the void, even if the killing sound shook the sky at this moment, it still attracted the attention of many Iori children!

"Iori Asahi and Iori Hikaru are in line!"

"Hey! Two tigers will die if they fight each other! What a great show!"

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"No matter which one dies, it is good news for us, and one terrible opponent is missing!"

"It's better to die together! All die!"


Sneers continued to sound from all over this chain giant mountain. For ordinary Iori children, whether it is Iori Light or Iori Xu, they are horrible existences that suffocate them. If they die, everyone will be happy!

At this moment, on the altar, many elders also noticed this scene, all of them looked at it, and even the Eight God Qingtian sitting in the middle glanced at it.

"It's kind of interesting, who is that confronting the Yashenguang? It seems a bit face to face, isn't it any of the ten great arrogances?"

The elder spoke, showing a trace of interest.

"This son is named Iori Xu. He went to the Void Battlefield for three years. He only returned to the clan a few days ago. But once he returned, he started killing. First, he defeated the Iori Dragon Pavilion and then clashed with Iori Fuji. Leading out Iori Chen, the two boarded the stage of life and death, but Iori Chen died in his hands and was torn by life!"

"After that, he killed more than a dozen children in a row. The murderousness was fierce. This son and his cousin Iori Haotian were unknown in the clan in the past, and even existed at the bottom. They had little aptitude and were lucky enough to be given the Bahuang Liuhe Emperor God. fist."

"According to the inference, in the three years in the void battlefield, this son should have got some good opportunities, which can be called a reborn. Not only has his strength improved by leaps and bounds, but he has also obtained a holy medicine. !"

Elder Leng Jiu's voice sounded, telling all the information about Yashen Xu.

"Oh? I'm tearing up Iori Chen? It seems that this son does have two shots, interesting!"

"Very well, it should be a good seed!"

"It's really not easy to get a chance in the void battlefield, but Iori Light is not Iori Chen, let's see the result of this battle."

"The veteran genius showdown against the attacking geniuses, are they all practicing the Bahuang Liuhe Emperor Shenquan, the Emperor Shenquan showdown? Hey!"


Several elders started talking, with a hint of interest.

The eyes of the Eight Gods Qingtian also enveloped Ye Wuqian, his face expressionless, but a pair of cold eyes also flashed with a ray of light.

Obviously, this battle also aroused his interest.

At this moment, on the chain giant mountain, Iori took the lead directly!

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