Return of the War God

Chapter 2386: : Deep in the earth!

At this moment, on the altar, the Eight Gods Qingtian sitting in the center was expressionless, like a silent king!

But those cold eyes were staring at the two chain giant mountains at this moment!

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To be precise, it is not staring at the Iori children who are madly fighting each other, but staring at the blood-stained chain on the chain giant mountain, staring at the blood swallowed by the rippling strange ripples!

"Elder Hong, I have done everything that needs to be done, and hope that exciting results can come out!"

The Eight Gods Qingtian muttered to himself, and there was a palpitating madness in the cold eyes at this moment!


The sound of fighting was shaking, and the chain giant mountain was trampled on and roared, but all the children of Iori couldn't see it. They were hidden on the chains in the depths. At this moment, a little red thread was spreading and opening. Going down with the chain, it spreads to the sacrificial field, to the depths of the earth!

Those red silks spreading on the chains are the blood of the children of the Eight Gods tribe being swallowed!

Under the sacrificial ground, deep in the earth!

Here, there is invisible darkness, a dead silence, it seems that life is completely isolated!


But in it, the sound of chain collisions keeps ringing, one after another, down one chain, all the way down, when it reaches a staggering depth, you will find the originally scattered chain collision sounds converge here. !

At the same time, the originally dark and silent earth actually lit up here!

The dark red firelight came out, illuminating the chains, like dark dragons hidden in the firelight!

All the chains converge here, constantly circling and spinning, and the blood that swallowed on it also converges here, but it does not stay, but continues down, all permeating a chain!

Because under that entangled chain, there is an ancient huge dark red stone chamber, as if it had existed here before the ages!

And under the chains, at the top of the stone chamber, there is a huge cavity, which leads directly to the inside and outside. The fire that illuminates this place is also coming out of this cavity, and the blood that has been swallowed is passing through the last. A chain continued to fall down from this void!

If the children of Iori came here at this time and stood by the hollow and looked down, they would see an incredible scene!

In the dark red stone room, three figures are sitting cross-legged at the moment!

One person is in the middle, and two people are on the side. It seems to form a triangle, but it can be clearly seen that the figure sitting in the middle is the main one among the three!

And the chain that hangs from under the void is winding around the figure sitting in the middle!

The blood that had been swallowed fell off the chain, and it was all absorbed by this figure!


The blood brilliance overflowed, as if forming a blood-colored light curtain, covering this figure, making this person's face looming under the shining of blood brilliance, not real!

But the appearance of the two figures sitting on both sides of this figure is clearly visible!

It is really the Supreme Elder Evil Elder and Elder Qiu of the Eight Gods!

In this way, the identity of the figure sitting in the middle is naturally ready to come out!

Naturally, it is the one remaining among the three great elders and the one who truly stands at the pinnacle of the entire Eight Gods...Elder Hong!

However, I am afraid that all Iori children would never think of it!

At this moment, the supreme elder Hong, the supreme elder in their hearts, hides in the depths of the sacrifice ground, devouring their blood and practicing qigong!

If this scene is announced, I am afraid it will cause unimaginable waves!


Elder Qiu, who was sitting cross-legged, slowly opened his eyes, and looked at Elder Hong with cold stern eyes. He looked at the **** light curtain covering Elder Hong's body, but his eyes were a little gloomy!

"Blood is still not enough!"

The whispers sounded, cold and merciless.

After her voice fell, the evil elder opposite also opened his eyes, the same cold and ruthless, with a touch of evil spirit!

"Only the blood of the God King Gong is useful. Not all children of the younger generation in the clan are qualified to practice the Immortal King Gong, but it is only a part of it.

The two elders of the Eight Gods were talking, but their voices seemed to float from the ice hell.

"This time, Elder Hong has taken that step and achieved a breakthrough to his soul. I vaguely glimpsed the great secret of God Summoning Tome! If it succeeds and there is enough blood, then this set of ancient and peerless mysterious treasures will be in front of me. Lift the real veil!"

Elder Qiu's voice brought a hint of excitement that could not be concealed!

"This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that with Elder Hong's breakthrough, maybe we can really find a way to get rid of the curse, and then add the blood of that little beast, it will be foolproof!"

The evil elder also spoke in a low voice, with a compelling tone!

"Eighteen years of suffering, eighteen years of waiting, don't care about waiting longer, right, is that done?"

Suddenly, the evil elder seemed to think of something.

"It's done, but the process is a bit strange, it's much easier than imagined, and it's a bit weird."

"Success is good, don't worry about the rest. With this trump card in hand, the overall situation is determined."

"Then next, it's up to Elder Hong to take this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to succeed in one fell swoop! Counting time, it won't take long!"

"The blood intake cannot be stopped!"

The dark red stone room quickly recovered quiet.

Only from the winding chain beyond the top, there was a constant clashing sound.

The sad Iori children didn't even know that the three supreme elders in their hearts, and the noble patriarchs, were practicing with their blood!


Time passed bit by bit. At this moment, the treasured medicine spirit in Hanoi suspended in the middle of the two chain giant mountains, at this moment, there are nearly a hundred figures sitting cross-legged!

Stimulated by the first group of people who entered it, the subsequent killings became more and more frenzied. Finally, powerful Iori children fulfilled the conditions one after another, killed five opponents, and obtained the conditions for entering the treasure medicine Linghe.

On the two huge chain mountains, it can be said that the killing sound shook the sky!


Suddenly, the endlessly surging Linghe Baoyao suddenly boiled, and a shining brilliance lit up from within, and an ancient and majestic wave erupted. It was the prohibition that started!

The first two quarters of an hour to enter the treasure medicine Linghe has arrived!

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