Return of the War God

Chapter 2405: : The eternal **** emperor bows three times!

The long sword was erected, and Iori Wufeng pointed diagonally at the sky, and the huge figure behind him also pointed at the sky with a long sword. At this moment, his whole person was united with the sky, incarnate...the will of heaven!

A splendid and extreme knife light rose into the sky, connected to the sky, and the entire Eight Gods spirit domain was trembling, and countless auras surged from all directions and merged into this knife!

The wind is surging, the universe is surging!

"I am the sword, the sword is me, and the sword is connected to the sky, then I am... Providence!"

"It turned out to be so, I finally understand..."

Iori Wufeng muttered to himself, the light of the erected sword became more and more brilliant!

Incarnate God!

Pull the sword on behalf of the sky!

This is the highest profundity in the territory of the Great Perfection of Qianqiu Ba Divine Sword!


Two emperor pictures appeared in the world, combined with the fist, mighty, with boundless violence, bombarding the Iori Wufeng came from Ye Wuque!

"It's useless, Iori Xu, the level I am at right now is something you can't imagine!"

Iori Wufeng spoke indifferently, motionless, letting Ye Wuque's two punches blow!

But just when these two punches were ten feet away from his body, the erected huge sword light suddenly flashed, as if the will of heaven had come, overflowing a little, just like this, the two punches of Ye Wuque were cut off, and they were directly destroyed!

This scene immediately made Ye Wuque's eyes flash!


Immediately afterwards, the overflowing ray of knife light flashed out of thin air, reaching the extreme point, standing on Ye Wuque's arm!


This knife intention left a blood mark on Ye Wuque's right arm, and a drop of bright red blood fell into the void!

Just a hint of sword intent that overflowed, actually hurt Ye Wuque!

You know, the two swords of Iori Wufeng's full strength did not even break Ye Wuque's skin!

It shows how terrifying that Iori has no front and no front at this moment!

Ye Wuque stood on the spot. At this moment, a pair of eyes were staring at the erected knife light, and an undisguised surprise flashed in his eyes!

But because of this, Ye Wuque didn't notice that the drop of blood that fell from his arm was splashed on the chain giant mountain at this moment!

In an instant, the strange ripples rippled away, quietly swallowing his blood!

At the same moment!

Deep in the earth, in the dark red stone room, the blood-colored light curtain covering Elder Hong shattered once again, and the complexions of the evil elders and the elders Qiu suddenly changed!


A mouthful of blood spurted out again, and Elder Hong's second attempt failed again!

"Go on, try again."

However, Elder Hong's cold voice sounded again, and he tried again.

The evil elder's complexion continued to change, and eventually he continued to pinch the seal, hitting the chain entangled with Elder Hong, making the blood flow from his swallow three times faster!

"There is not much blood left, Elder Hong, there is one last chance left."

Elder Qiu's voice sounded, with a sense of unwillingness and helplessness, as well as a looming fear, slowly sounding, as if to remind Elder Hong.

Elder Hong closed his eyes slightly and his face was expressionless, and he started his third attempt.


"Iori Asahi, are you ready to die?"

In the void, the sonorous and cold voice of Iori Wufeng resounded, and the momentum of his sword was almost complete. At this moment, Ye Wuque's eyes were like looking at a dying and struggling ant.

"Sure enough! Although the emperor picture of Shanhe Sheji is the ultimate move of the Emperor God Fist, it is not the ultimate ultimate move after all. Naturally, it can't help the Qianqiu Ba Divine Sword of the Great Perfection Realm..."

Suddenly, Ye Wuque's faint voice sounded out of thin air, but it was like thunder and explosion, causing all the elders on the altar to change their expressions again!

Iori Wufeng's eyes also narrowed slightly!

"Iori Xu, are you still talking about dreams when you die? Pay attention to your words, as if you have also mastered the ultimate ultimate move of the Bahuang Liuhe Divine Fist!"

With a cold and disdainful voice rang from the mouth of Iori Wufeng!

Since he was a child, he has been cultivating the Qianqiu Ba Divine Sword alone. He has no shortage of talent, understanding, opportunity, and resources. After all his hardships, he finally accumulates his wealth under the pressure of life and death, and is promoted to the realm of Qianqiu Ba Divine Sword with one stroke !

It can be said to be a chance to be exchanged after nine deaths!

He didn't believe it at all, and it was impossible to believe that anyone could do this step as well.

"Sorry, I really mastered..."

However, on the opposite side, Ye Wuque suddenly grinned, speaking like this.

Immediately, under everyone's shocking and inexplicable eyes, they saw Ye Wuque above the void, first closing his hands and backing away, then suddenly knelt on one knee, his hands in an ancient strange posture, as if Kneel down to Iori Wufeng!

"This, is this..."

On the altar, Elder Leng Jiu had an incredible shock on his face, and his voice was trembling!

The other elders were like **** in the day, staring at Ye Wuque's eyes full of incredible, and their scalp was tingling!

"Impossible! How can this little animal master it?"

The short body of the old woman in charge of the Treasure Medicine Garden was trembling like chaff, her pleated face bursting with bruises, staring at Ye Wuque, full of horror!

Even the Eight God Qingtian, who had been sitting quietly, had a slight change in his face at this time, and a look of surprise flashed in his cold eyes.

"Eternal God Emperor..."

Ancient and indifferent, the mighty voice of self-respect resounded loudly, as if echoing from the sky, with an emperor's aura that dominates the common people and subdues the universe!


The billowing brilliance exploded from Ye Wuque's body, and the blazing and brilliant light shining on the nine heavens and ten earth, making the whole world look like a colorful golden temple!

And just behind Ye Wuque, the five radiances of red, blue, white, yellow, and black were born and merged with each other, and finally turned into a huge golden figure of ten thousand meters in size, with a wave that made the universe tremble, and let the souls surrender. The emperor's air of the emperor stepped out of nothingness and stood behind Ye Wuque!

This figure is dressed in a golden robe, a flat crown on his head, a brilliant starry sky above his head, feet on the rugged mountains, towering ancient trees, and a surging river behind him. There is a black big river in the distance. Under those mountains, there is more Countless creatures and shadows are worshipping and praying sincerely!

It is completely the image of the ancient mountain and river shrine!

He is as vast as the sky in one eye, inclusive of all things, and in the other eye is indifferent and ruthless, with extreme violence!

Noble, coercive, invincible, and violent!

This is exactly a... God Emperor!


I am the only one!


The **** emperor is present in the world, and the ten directions are overwhelming. The naked and violent atmosphere is rolling like a tide, covering the sky and sweeping everything!

"... Knocking!"

The ancient indifference, the mighty voice of noble violence resounded again, and under the eyes of Iori Wufeng's pupils violently constricted, he suddenly saw the **** emperor behind Ye Wuque rumbling towards him, and also knelt down on one knee!

For the emperor!

Dominating the world, conquering the vast starry sky, and overwhelming endless creatures, I am the only one who is solemn, high above, and live with the sky, is the most noble existence in this world!

There have always been only creatures kneeling to the **** emperor and worshipping the **** emperor. How can a **** emperor kneel down and worship a creature?

No creature can endure it!

Because the blessing is not deep enough, the luck is not strong enough, and the life is not hard enough!

and so!

Where the God Emperor knocks his head, whatever you exist will be wiped out, and you will all die!

Because I couldn't enjoy such a blessing, I couldn't bear such a life, I was directly kneeled to death!

p》ef first release

This is the ultimate ultimate move that the Bahuang Liuhe Emperor Shenquan has practiced to the realm of Great Perfection, and can only be displayed after comprehending the highest mystery... The eternal **** emperor prows three times, a total of three moves!

This trick was really simple and rude to the extreme!

In fact, Ye Wuque had already touched the edge of Emperor Shenquan's consummation before. With the help of the opening of the Dark God Spring, it was finally natural to step into it!


At the moment when the **** emperor behind Ye Wuque knelt down, the entire sky collapsed directly, the sun and the moon disappeared, the sky collapsed, the void shattered, and everything died!

The trembling breath of the starry sky enveloped Yashen Wufeng like a world-destroying storm!

This time, that generation of Heavenly Sword Intent could no longer stop it!

Iori Wufeng felt an indescribable doom coming, as if all his blessings, luck, and fate were dying at this moment, falling into the boundless darkness!

The indescribable fear came and completely enveloped him!

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