Return of the War God

Chapter 2956: : Three years in Hedong and three years in Hexi! (Six more explosive)

The world is dead!


Everyone was completely stunned! !

They looked stupidly at the corner of Canglang Pavilion, looked at Lan Sheng who respectfully worshipped, and looked at Ye Wuque, who was made Lord of War by Lan Sheng, and the demeanor of Lord Tianjian, they only felt that their souls had exploded into a few. My scalp is numb, and my brain is boiling! !

At this moment, the needles inside and outside Fang Tiandi became audible, only the surging voice of Linghu continued to sound, like a heart beating violently!

"Brother Lan, you are too far-sighted. We still need these pompous gifts between us? Hurry up!"

In front of the long table, Ye Wuque immediately reached out his hand to support Lan Sheng, holding him up!

"Master God of War! Master Heavenly Sword! I didn't expect you to come to the Purple Star Territory. I am so happy! Alas, I blamed me for not having time to tell the two adults where my hometown is. Am I going to miss the opportunity to reunite with the two adults?"

Lan Sheng was lifted up by Ye Wuque, and his face was full of excitement and joy at this moment!

"Hehe, Lao Ye is here to marry a wife. I came to the show with me. It's fate to meet you."

The style minister said with a chuckle.

As soon as these words came out, Lan Sheng was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly reacted!

"So what! Lord Ares going to participate in the selection of Taoist couples of the peerless female emperor?"

But Lan Sheng is a person with a delicate personality, and he soon realized something was wrong, because he discovered that Ye Wuque and Feng Caichen were sitting in such a remote place. They were clearly in the corner of Canglang Pavilion. This is a place no one cares about. !

In addition, the great elder Qiluo and the crowd all wanted to ask him about the various deeds of Lord War God and Lord Heavenly Sword!

This suddenly made Lan Sheng frowned instantly!

The crowd of people, up to Elder Qiluo, down to every cultivator who was invited to watch the ceremony, didn't even know that Lord War God and Lord Heavenly Sword were close at hand!

Ask him if he is so ridiculous?

Is it possible that the peerless empress targeted the two adults? So unreasonable?

All of a sudden, Lan Sheng's heart burst into anger! !

What does this mean? ?

Inviting me over here so solemnly, but treating Lord War God and Lord Heavenly Sword so unreasonably, isn't this slapped him in the face of Blue Saint?

Simply outrageous!

At the moment, he immediately turned around and argued with Elder Qiluo!

But at this moment, Lan Sheng found that Ye Wuque was holding him, and those bright smiling eyes flashed with a touch of depth!

Lan Sheng immediately understood what Ye Wuque meant. He no longer cared about everyone behind him, but walked respectfully behind Ye Wuque and Feng Caichen, sat down cross-legged, took the initiative to lift the flask, and started pouring for the two of them. liqueur.

"It's been more than half a year since I left the Starfield Battlefield in a flash, Jin Ge Iron Horse, the **** wind seems to be yesterday..."

Ye Wuque smiled and spoke, with a hint of nostalgia in his eyes.

"Yes, compared to the Star Territory Battlefield, this place is too comfortable, I was not used to it at first."

Lan Sheng answered immediately.

"By the way, Brother Lan, I remember that Brother Wu didn't call you Yunfei? But I just heard that your real name doesn't seem to be this?"

Suddenly, Ye Wuque asked curiously.

"Haha! Lord Ares, the two characters Yunfei are the aliases I used when I entered the Star Territory Battlefield at the beginning of the year. I met Brother Wentian, and I used this name. Later, Brother Wentian said that I was used to it. Called down."

"That's it, haha, come on, cheers!"

The wine glasses of the three people immediately clashed together!

The comrades who had fought side by side on the star field battlefield reunited, naturally with infinite joy, and immediately drank like no one else, as if separated from the world!

And it wasn't until the three people talked and laughed that the whole dead world seemed to slowly recover, and the creatures who were so shocked that they turned into sculptures also came back to their senses, but looked at Ye Wuque's demeanor. The appearance of Chen and Lan Sheng talking about the earth, followed by a deep shock that is even more difficult to calm! !

"This Ye Wuque turned out to be... the Lord of War?"

"And that handsome minister, he is Lord Heavenly Sword?"

Some younger generations are completely confused!

They couldn't believe everything in front of them. This ordinary young man who was obviously targeted by the Great Elder Qiluo and seemed to be unknown was one of the leaders of the gods who crossed the star field battlefield and the war on the ground!

And they even talked about the God of War and the Heavenly Sword in front of others, saying how much they worship, but it was the real dragon in front of them and they didn't even know it!

What irony is this?

"This son... is the God of War?"

"I am ashamed! I didn't recognize it!"

"I don't know what Elder Qiluo's mood is at this moment? It seems that she just seemed to be... very unfriendly to this God of War!"

"This is interesting. The one junior she looks down on is actually the God of War who she admires incomparably, and regrets that she didn't come to participate in the selection of Taoist couples! Tsk tsk, what plot is this? He lifted a rock and hit her own foot! "

"Yeah! This face is slapped! The most important thing is that the God of War didn't say a word from beginning to end. It really was invisible to pretend to be the most deadly?"

The Ming Tongtian realm sitting at the long table was more than shocked at this moment, and immediately remembered the attitude of the elder Qiluo towards Ye Wuque. It was clearly a deliberate targeting and dislike, and immediately felt a good show.

Before, Ye Wuque was just an unknown junior in everyone's eyes, but now, after his transformation, he has become one of the most amazing and stunning talents under this starry sky!

It is also a line of peerless female emperors, praying that the elder elder Luo desperately longs for Taoists to select candidates!

This flip, this face slap, is so fast! !

Therefore, at this moment, almost all the gazes of the Heavenly Transcendent Realm in the Canglang Pavilion looked at Elder Qiluo, who was the guest of the high seat, with a hint of joking.

Elder Qi Luo just stood like this!

As if turned into a clay sculpture!

Not moving!

Those vicissitudes of life condensed on Ye Wuque's body, and the emotions within it could no longer be described in words!

The four words "Master of War" were still reverberating crazily in her mind, almost bursting her head!

"He... is the God of War who calmed down the Star Territory battlefield?"

Great Elder Qi Luo said blankly, her first reaction was that it was impossible, and she was even more unwilling to believe it!

But facts speak louder than words!

It is absolutely impossible for Lan Sheng to lie about this kind of thing, and there is no need! !

All this is true! !

In the past years, even the ants in her eyes were not counted, including just now, even if she had already come to Yujiang but still did not get Ye Wuque in her heart, but in such a clean, simple and rude manner, he beat it fiercely. Face her face! !

Moreover, she has no temper, and she slaps her eyes at gold stars!

Because "God of War" is a peerless arrogant she herself admires extremely!




These complicated emotions are piled up in the heart of Great Elder Qi Luo at this moment, making her almost completely confused! !

She only felt an extremely unreality!

"This son, this son..."

It seemed that she wanted to say something, but Elder Qiluo couldn't say a word. She just felt that she needed to calm down!

Only when she calms down completely can she face this problem again.

But one thing has changed silently!

That is, in her eyes, Ye Wuque is no longer an unknown ant, but an amazing young man who made her understand "three years in the east and three years in the hexi"! !

Sitting on the throne, the elder Qiluo closed his eyes and breathed gently, as if forcibly calming the intense emotions in his heart!

This scene fell in the eyes of all Tongtian realms, and suddenly felt extremely interesting.

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