Return of the War God

Chapter 2961: :I'd rather die! ! (Sixth more)

"Sect Master Jin! What are you doing? What do you mean?" /p>

At this moment, Great Elder Qiluo finally reacted, screaming in anger, and even more puzzled and confused! /p>

However, Jin Lingguo's eyes instantly turned like a blazing flame, and he stared at Elder Qi Luo, as terrifying as a hungry wolf! /p>

"What are you asking Benzong for?"/p>

"Benzong will help you discipline this ignorant young man who knows nothing about the heights of the world, and who is bold and bold!!"/p>

The peak cultivation level fluctuations in the late stage of the Heavenly Transcendence Realm burst like a sky burst from Jin Lingguang's body, and all the cultivation creatures in this world suddenly felt a boundless fear and tremor! /p>

Including Great Elder Kiruo! /p>

She was only in the middle stage of the Heavenly Transcendent Realm, and she was almost two steps behind Jin Ling Guo! /p>

If Jin Lingguang is willing, one hand will be able to directly suppress the great elder Niki Luo! ! /p>

moment! /p>

Elder Qiluo, who was originally furious and questioned Jin Lingguang directly...withered! /p>

She was shocked by Jin Lingguang's terrifying eyes and tone! ! /p>

The whole person froze in place! /p>

It seems that after all, Jin Lingguang still thought of the friendship with the elder Qiluo, and slowly recovered his aura, but still stared at the elder Qiluo! /p>

Immediately, Jin Lingguang raised his right hand and pointed to Ye Wuque! /p>

After a pause, he took a deep breath and continued coldly: "Qila, do you know who this one is?? Do you know who he is??"/p>

After half a sentence, Jin Lingguang almost roared out! ! /p>

Hearing Jin Lingguang's roar, the puzzlement and confusion on Elder Qiluo's face became more intense, and finally it turned into a daze! /p>

"He, he... Isn't he the God of War who calmed down the Star Territory battlefield?"/p>

Elder Qi Luo spoke a little hoarsely, and there was a hint of trembling in his tone. Obviously, Jin Lingguang's sudden attitude had made her realize that something was wrong! /p>

"God of War?" /p>

When Jin Lingguang heard this answer from Elder Qiluo, he burst into laughter! /p>

He closed his eyes, as if desperately suppressing the anger in his heart. After three breaths, he opened his eyes again and looked at the elder Qiluo: "Qila, Qiluo! This sect remembers that you used to have a hot temper, but after all It’s better to understand things and know how to advance and retreat, but how did you become like this now?"/p>

"Do you dare to let someone come here without knowing who this is?"/p>

"Your peerless female emperor line, if your entire Yujiang female war **** line wants to be robbed, it's your own business! Don't take this sect!!"/p>

"Idiot!!" /p>

After these words went on, Jin Lingguang didn't even look at Elder Qi Luo anymore, but his figure flashed, and he appeared directly in front of Ye Wuque's long table like a teleport! ! /p>

In the next moment, under the incredible eyes of everyone with horror, even their scalp exploding, they actually saw Jin Lingguang, a high-ranking, strong enough to dominate a star field in front of Ye Wuque. Showed... a pleased smile! ! /p>

That's right! /p> please and flatter! ! /p>

"Holy son, why don't you know if you come here to meet me?"/p>

"If Lao Jin, I know, I have to go all the way with the Son of God! Oh, it's done!" /

"That's right! Son of God! This matter has nothing to do with Lao Jin me from beginning to end, and my entire Golden Light Sect! I came here purely by invitation! There is no Lao Jin me involved in it!!! ”/P>

"I and Qi Luo are just ordinary friends! Ordinary friends! Shengzi, don't get me wrong! Don't get me wrong!!"/p>

At this moment, Jin Lingguang seemed to be a flattering clown in front of Ye Wuque, and he opened his mouth very flatteringly, as if he had met his father, desperately saying that he had nothing to do with Elder Qi Luo, and that he was not targeting Ye Wuque! /p>

At this moment, there is dead silence between the whole world! ! /p>

Everyone turned into a sculpture and froze in place, staring blankly at Ye Wuque and the flattering Jin Lingguang, only feeling the scalp numb, and the pores all over his body seemed to be frozen! ! /p>

The old face of Elder Qi Luo has instantly turned pale! ! /p>

She just stared at Ye Wuque and Jin Lingguang in such a daze, there were no other thoughts in her head, there was only one thought she could not believe, not sure, and even less willing to touch it! ! /p>

And the Jade Dragon Elephant, which was slapped and slapped by Jin Lingguang, was struggling to get up from the ground at this time, a pair of eyes were scarlet, staring at Ye Wuque fiercely, only feeling that the whole world had collapsed! ! /p>

"Sect Master Jin, he, he... in the end, in the end... who is...?"/p>

In the end, Great Elder Qi Luo still opened his mouth tremblingly, and endless horror was surging in a pair of vicissitudes of life. It seemed that he already knew the answer, but he still refused to believe it! ! /p>

Hearing the voice of Great Elder Qiluo, Jin Lingguang glanced at Ye Wuque, who was calm in front of him and pouring wine for herself, suddenly turned his head to look at Elder Qiluo, with a flattering and flattering smile on his face. Replaced by an indisputable expression! ! /p>

"Don't you know?"/p>

"Who else can be called the'Holy Son" by this sect? Who else can it be??"/p>

"Pray! You really are getting more and more confused! The more you live, the more stupid!!!"/p>

"Okay! You don't know, do you? That Benzong will tell you aloud, listen up!!"/p>

"He is not only the God of War who calms down the Star Territory battlefield, he is also the most respected among all of your population, and he is recognized as the most stunning and stunning under the stars...Beidou Saint Son!!!"/p>

"The'God of War' is him! The'Beidou Saint Son' is also him!" /p>

"You stupid things! The real dragon is in front of you without knowing it!!! What are you doing alive? It's better to die!!!" /

boom! ! ! /p>

When Jin Lingguang's words fell into Elder Qiluo's ears, her eyes were dark, and she stepped backwards three steps, as if she was drained of all the strength of her body, she fell directly into the seat of the throne with a bang. On, his face was pale, his mind roared endlessly, as if a million scorching sun exploded! ! ! /p>

"He, he is the **** of war... he, he is still... the Big Dipper... how could this be... how could this be..."/p>

Elder Qiluo seemed to be stupid, and he couldn't say anything clearly! ! /p>

On the other side, the blood-stained jade dragon elephant's eyes were rounded, and he stayed motionless on the spot, his whole person turned into a clay sculpture! ! /p>


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