Return of the War God

Chapter 2994: : Just crush to death!

The sudden upheaval horrified every creature present!

The emperor made a painful voice over there!

Here, Wang Mingxuan suddenly shot at the elder Qiluo, and it seems that he successfully poisoned the elder Qiluo with some terrible poison!

Now, a mysterious old woman suddenly appeared again, who actually called Elder Qiluo...elder sister! !

The atmosphere that was originally warm and peaceful has now become tense, as if the rain is about to come and the wind is all over the building!

"You...impossible! You..."

Elder Qiluo trembled slightly, not knowing whether it was because of the poisonous erosion in the body, or because of the old woman who suddenly appeared on the opposite side. At this moment, a pair of vicissitudes of eyes stared at the old woman, shocked and unbelievable. Unbelievable!

"My dear sister, do you want to say why... why am I still alive?"

The skinny old woman spoke hoarsely like Ye Xiao, she stared at Elder Qi Luo, the sneer on her face made her scalp numb!

"Back then, I was clearly burnt down by you. In your opinion, I should have been wiped out long ago, right?"

"It's a pity! God has eyes! I shouldn't be dead. You haven't died yet, how can I die? Hahahahaha..."

The skinny old woman laughed wildly!

At this moment, Wang Mingxuan, who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, took the opportunity to retreat behind the skinny old woman, took out the medicine pill, and started to swallow it.


At this time, Elder Wu Zhao and Elder Mingyue finally felt it!

"You are... Yuwenpei??!!!"

Great Elder Wu Zhao spoke instantly when he arrived, with an incredible tone in his tone! !

"Impossible! You weren't buried in the belly of the starry beast to save the children of the clan."

Great Elder Mingyue also said very confused.

" long has no one called this name!"

The skinny old woman's laughter became more and more permeating!


This is the real name of the skinny old woman. As for her identity, it is Elder Qi Luo' sister! !

In other words, in terms of blood, Yuwenpei is also a member of the Yujiang female war god!

Elder Qi Luo was still trembling at this moment, and the green mist stuck to her chest, spreading to the size of a bowl!

But at this moment her face turned extremely gloomy, her eyes were staring at Yu Wenpei, and she didn't know what kind of emotion was surging inside!

"Dead in the mouth of a monster?"

"What? This is how my good sister told you?"

"Then you also believed?"

Yuwenpei's hoarse voice has swallowed snake letters like a poisonous snake!

"Qi Luo, what the **** is going on? Yuwenpei is your sister! What happened back then?"

Elder Wu Zhao also realized something was wrong and looked at Elder Qiluo.

"Back when your two sisters competed for the position of the great elder of the peerless female emperor, didn't the whole process have been fair and honest? But at the last level, you and her went to complete the final test together, but in the end, only you came back! "

As the great elders of the other two veins, Wu Zhao and Mingyue are naturally clear about what happened back then.

"Is she right? You really..."

Elder Qiluo didn't speak, she just closed her eyes, and the vigorous cultivation base in her body was running at speed, and her body was shining with dazzling jade light, and the miserable green mist on her chest was instantly completely confined by the jade light!

After doing all this, Great Elder Qiluo opened his eyes again, and the gaze inside has become...cold! !

"Since there is no death, why are you coming back... looking for death?"

As soon as these words came out, the elders Wu Zhao and Mingyue condensed their eyes! !

"Hahahahahaha... my good sister, if you don't die, I can't continue to live!"

Yuwenpei's eyes became blood red instantly!

"Huh! You alone? Add this junior?"

There was a hint of disdain in Elder Qiluo's eyes.

Hearing this, Yu Wenpei's eyes suddenly showed a strange color and smiled: "Really?"

Rumble! !

In the next instant, the entire Wanxiu platform suddenly trembled violently, because a full number of terrifying coercion came out, sweeping across all directions like the sky and the earth! !

At the same time, there was even a puff of green smoke that did not know where it came from, and instantly enveloped the entire Wanxiu platform!

"Holding for so long! I can finally come out to breathe!"

A wild and brutal roar suddenly resounded, and suddenly a majestic and incredible figure flew out from a certain part of the viewing platform. He was a middle-aged man!

He soared into the sky, horrifying fluctuations filled his body, and almost instantly burst half of the void, because it was...the mid-term peak of the Heavenly Transcendent Realm! !

"Dark Pill League works. If you want to die, just stay."

From the other direction of Wanxiutai, a second voice sounded, cold and old, as if death was whispering!

I saw a tall and thin old man covered in black robes slowly floating above the void, exuding a strange and cold and pressing aura from all over his body!

In addition, the fluctuations surging from his body have surpassed the middle-aged strong man before, and he has reached the late stage of... !

"The female war **** of Yujiang...It's a beautiful place...Unfortunately, it might be destroyed today...Well, it really makes the Aijia feel a little bit reluctant..."

And at this moment, in the third direction of Yu Wanxiutai, a woman's voice that sounded extremely coquettish and full of charm was heard again!

I saw an enchanting and hot figure shining red light all over the sky, piercing the sky like a red meteor, forming an iron triangle with the middle-aged brawny and cold old man!

This is a beautiful woman who looks like her in her thirties. She wears an extremely revealing look. She just follows the belt to cover up the important parts, and the rest of the white skin is all exposed, making people unable to resist the bloodline at first glance. Spray!

However, the pretty face of this beautiful woman with all kinds of amorous feelings carries a terrible smile that makes her back numb!

"After ten breaths, anyone who stays will be killed without mercy."

At this moment, the fourth cold voice suddenly came from the depths of the earth!

Kaka Kaka...

I saw the entire Wanxiu platform collapsed inch by inch, and cracks were torn apart, as if the end had come!

In the end, from within the broken earth, a tall silver figure slowly floated, and it was another middle-aged man!

This person's surging cultivation level fluctuates so powerfully that it is also in the late stage of the Heavenly Transcendent Realm, and it is even stronger than the cold old man and the enchanting beautiful woman! !

A mid-term peak of the Heavenly Heaven Realm!

Three Sovereigns in the late stage of the Heavenly Realm! !

The sudden appearance of the four people instantly changed the expressions of Elder Qiluo, Elder Wu Zhao, and Elder Mingyue! !

"No! The mist is poisonous! Go away!!"


"Hi! Dark pill league? How could this be?"

"It's over! The female War God of Yujiang actually got into the Dark Pill League? This is a big trouble!!"

"The three... the late stage of the Heavenly Passion Stage!!!"



Panic, miserable, and incredible voices resounded between the entire world, and everyone was desperately fleeing towards the Jade Territory, including those of the Heaven-Trenching Realm!

Because among the heaven-passing realms that were invited, the strongest was only in the middle of the heaven-passing realm. The sudden appearance of these four dark pill alliance powerhouses was not enough to see.

"Tsk tusk, look at this group of ants, it's really pitiful..."

The enchanting beautiful woman looked at the face of horror desperately fleeing between heaven and earth, her eyes showed a sense of disdain and pity.

"Stop talking nonsense, I don't need to say one more word about the importance of this mission. The emperor Yu Jiaoxue must be captured back! Her blood is the last main medicine needed by the lord, I understand. Huh?"

The cold voice of the silver-robed middle-aged man who appeared at the end sounded, and the other three suddenly nodded slowly.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie... I will leave this little girl to me!"

The latest middle-aged brawny smiled, his eyes the size of a copper bell looked at the top of Wanxiu Peak. First, he swept over Ye Wuque who was holding Yu Jiaoxue tightly, and then swept over the elegant minister standing at the bottom of the peak holding a sword. Finally, it condensed on Yu Jiaoxue, who was trembling all over, holding her head in her hands, and there was a hint of cruelty in her eyes.

boom! !

The void exploded like a storm, and the middle-aged strong man instantly rushed to the top of Wanxiu Peak!

"Old cow! You are impatient, don't wait to mourn your family?"

The enchanting beautiful woman spoke with a grudge, but she did not move slowly, but she also rushed to the top of Wanxiu Peak!

"Hahahaha! Palace Lord Scorpion, how about Bibi who captured the emperor first?"

The middle-aged strong man looked up to the sky and laughed!

"Okay! If you lose, you have to accompany Ai's family for three days!"

The enchanting beauty is also a charming smile!

The two figures are close to the top of Wanxiu Peak, only the emperor in their eyes!

As for Ye Wuque and the elegant minister?

They didn't take it seriously!

There are only two juniors, even if the Big Dipper Saint Child reaches the middle stage of the Heavenly Passing Realm?

There were not twenty in the mid-Tongtian realm that died in their hands, and there were also about ten!

If these two ants are obedient and obedient, depending on their identity and the power behind them, they can save their lives.

If you dare to get in the way, you just want to crush it to death!

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