Return of the War God

Chapter 3044: : Good

Muronghai is naturally strong!

Today's Holy Way of the Heavens is not only in the entire Longgu County, even in the entire Canglan Realm, it is also an extremely famous place!

The Menggan Kingdom Lord of the Xingyan Empire came to the Northern Heavens on more than one occasion, descended on the holy way of the heavens, chatted with the holy Lord of the End of the World, and greeted him with tea. I don't know how many forces in the Canglan Realm have been shaken!

Now that the holy ways of the heavens with this kind of background naturally do not fear any forces and strong people in the entire Canglan Realm!

Of course, the sacred ways of the heavens never bully others, they just develop quietly and become stronger!

With Murong Hai's opening, the millions of disciples of the Holy Path of the Heavens in the entire square all looked at Void, and at the three sudden sounds.

"It seems that the Hell Invasion has not affected Dragon Bone County and Bei Tian Territory, which is also a good thing."

Above the void, a voice with a faint smile sounded, naturally it was the three of Ye Wuque, Feng Caichen, and Yu Jiaoxue who had already rushed to the northern sky from the Star Yan Empire.

"It has grown stronger over the years, and this scene is quite spectacular."

The clear and luminous eyes of the handsome minister looked down at the entire holy way of the heavens, and said with a faint smile at this time, but immediately he looked at Ye Wuque and Yu Jiaoxue and said: "Then I will go back to the hidden sword grave, my master is now There too."

Ye Wuque nodded immediately.

With a flash of light, the elegant minister disappeared into the head of the sky in the form of a streamer, and went to the direction of the hidden sword mound, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. The master in his mouth was naturally the true master of Jianxiong.

Suddenly flying away from above the void, a person immediately caused all the disciples of Heavenly Sacred Path to be in a slight uproar. Murong Hai frowned slightly, but his instinct told him that the person who came was not bad.

"how do you feel?"

Ye Wuque held Yu Jiaoxue's catkin and said softly.

"Suddenly like a dream! As if yesterday, as if, as if I was here yesterday..."

Yu Jiaoxue's beautiful eyes stared at the sacred roads of the heavens, and she sighed with emotion, and involuntarily held Ye Wuque's big hand tightly.

When she was picked up by the elder Qi Luo, she was already in a state of coma, severely wounded and dying, and deep memories of the holy ways of the heavens still remained in her mind!

"Yeah, I have this feeling when I saw it this time, time is like flowing water, everything is like yesterday."

Ye Wuque also said with emotion.

At the beginning, the Northern Horizons set off a decisive sect battle. The Holy Way of the Heavens and the Hidden Sword Tombs joined forces to fight the other three sects. Ye Wuque was beaten to the ground. Yu Jiaoxue went crazy and burned his blood to avenge Ye Wuque. All sorts of things behind.

Now that he is back again, how can he not feel deeply moved?

"Okay, let's go down, otherwise the holy way probably treats us as enemies."

Ye Wuque smiled faintly, and immediately dragged Yu Jiaoxue and the two people and slowly descended from the sky, toward the square of the heavens.

"Look! Those two are down!!"

"Sure enough, the person who came is not good!!"

"Could it really be the enemy?"


The millions of disciples of the heavenly saints suddenly became noisy, and many of them were already gearing up, thinking it was an enemy attack.


However, when Ye Wuque and Yu Jiaoxue landed on the square lightly, the entire square became silent!

All the disciples were dumbfounded! !

"This, is this... a fairy?"

A male disciple spoke blankly, staring at Yu Jiaoxue as if in a dream!

"Okay, so handsome!!"

There were also female disciples who couldn't help but mutter, looking at Ye Wuque, she only felt a heart beating wildly!

Falling from the sky, floating like a fairy, like a pair of bi people, making all the disciples of the holy way of the heavens look straight and startled! !

"That's not right! This man is so familiar! It seems, where did you see it?"

However, there were also many calm disciples who looked at Ye Wuque's face and felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if they had seen it somewhere.

At this moment, the crowd was pushed away, and Murong Hai frowned slightly and stepped across the crowd. While he was pulling the disciples of the Heavenly Sacred Path, his low voice reverberated: "Two such abrupt descendings on my Heavenly Sacred Path , Don’t even dare to be named..."

But when Murong Hai pulled away the last disciple of the heavens who stopped in front of him, and thoroughly saw the faces of the two people who had descended on the square, his awe-inspiring expression was first stunned, and then the whole person couldn't help shaking slightly. Up!

"It seems that you haven't wasted your time in the past few years, and your cultivation level has also broken through the Fate Soul Realm, which is not bad."

Bright eyes looked at Murong Hai, but Ye Wuque said indifferently with a hint of appreciation.

As soon as these words came out, all the disciples of the holy ways of the heavens were once again stunned!

"Damn! Who is this? Actually, he said something like this to Elder Hai!!"

"It's like what the elders said to the younger ones!!"

"My God!! Is it really a hidden old monster in the Canglan Realm? And it's the kind who looks young and has vicissitudes of heart inside?"

However, just when all the disciples of the holy ways of the heavens were surprised at Ye Wuque, they suddenly saw that Elder Hai first raised his hands and patted his cheek fiercely, and then strode out towards this sudden The black-robed man who appeared, finally, at a place ten feet away from this mysterious black-robed man, suddenly... half-kneeled! !

In the next moment, a voice full of surprise and awe rang from Murong Haikou! !

"Muronghai, the newly promoted elder of the Holy Way of the Heavens, see... Your Highness Saint Child!!!"

boom! !

The square that was still quite enthusiastic instantly became deadly silent, and the face of a young disciple of the sacred path of the heavens instantly solidified, and he only felt that there were millions of mountains exploded in his mind! !

Your Highness the Son! !

There is no holy son in the holy way of the heavens!


As soon as he thought of this, all the disciples of the holy ways of the heavens instantly stared, looking at Ye Wuque, endless shock and incredible burst out of him! !


Seeing Ye Wuque waved his sleeves, Murong Hai, who was on his knees, suddenly felt a majestic force supporting him and stood up straight again.

"You don't need to be polite. This time Jiaoxue and I are going back to the holy way, just to meet our acquaintance. You can go in and report it."

Ye Wuque spoke lightly.

"Follow the orders of His Royal Highness the Son!!!"

Murong Hai was already extremely excited, his voice was trembling at this moment, and his face flushed with excitement. He was no longer as sharp as before, but rose up into the sky like crazy, toward the holy way of the heavens. Go deep.

"It's true!! Look at the statue! It's exactly the same as the statue!! It's really the legendary His Royal Highness! His Royal Highness is back!!"

At this moment, a disciple of the Heavenly Sacred Path suddenly roared with excitement and enthusiasm, and at the same time his right hand pointed to the direction at the end of the square with a trembling meaning!

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