Return of the War God

Chapter 3062: : Hush...Don't talk!

Fang Shu, who fell backwards, was gently supported from behind by the elegant minister who came from, and slowly put her on the ground.

Here, Ye Wuque stood still on the spot as if he had had a fixation technique, his eyes closed tightly!

And along his right arm, there was a faint bulge flying upwards quickly, but it rushed into Ye Wuque's head in an instant!

"Want to occupy Lao Ye's consciousness?"

Upon seeing this, instead of being flustered, the style minister showed a hint of pity and sarcasm in his eyes.

"This, what is this? No! No!!!"

Almost in the next instant, a desperate and sharp roar suddenly sounded from Ye Wuque's forehead, as if the sound of a sharp blade rolling on the glass, extremely ear-piercing!

I saw that Ye Wuque's forehead suddenly bulged out, and a faint red light emerged from half of his body, desperately trying to escape from Ye Wuque's forehead!

It turned out to be a weird bug!

The palm is long, the head is pointed, like a triangular thorn, and it has eight small blood-red compound eyes, hideous and terrifying, like the tentacles of a devil!

But this worm, which originally seemed to be very infiltrating, is now full of a deep fear in the eight compound eyes! !

The ghost knew what it had experienced when it entered Ye Wuque's divine soul space just now, and only felt that the souls were going to run away, and they wanted to run away crazy! !

Under the violent struggle, half of this insect's body had already struggled out of Ye Wuque's forehead!

"Did I let you go?"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded, and Ye Wuque's closed eyes suddenly opened, and there was a sense of indifference in them. At the same time, there was a fierce golden glow on his forehead, and a golden vertical pupil was born!

"Do not!!!"

The worm had already escaped from birth, but the golden vertical pupil that appeared suddenly seemed to contain power that it could not resist, and it instantly confined it in place!

Two fingers stretched out, pinched the bug's head, and pulled hard!


The worm was dragged down by Ye Wuque and pinched it in his hand. Extinction Xiantong still illuminates it. This worm is languid as if drunk. Only eight compound eyes stared at Ye Wuque. Surging endless fear and despair! !

"Is such a small thing controlling the consciousness of Senior Sister Five?"

Ye Wuque looked at the insect sternly. He didn't know the true face of the insect, but he could feel the extraordinary and weirdness of the insect. The body was actually between the illusion and the reality, and there was a kind of heavenly existence in his body. The chaos, emptiness, and cunning power of the soul has reached a very high level!

And its intelligence is extremely high!

If it is replaced by a normal creature, once it invades into the soul space, the power of the soul will not be able to resist, but will be swallowed by it and become the nourishment for strengthening the body!

It's a pity that this bug didn't know the level and height of Ye Wuqian's power of the soul. It invaded in with its pretentiousness and wanted to occupy Ye Wuqian's consciousness. It was simply giving away vegetables alive!

Holding this worm, Ye Wuque's figure flashed, and he came to the fainted Senior Sister Wu and immediately began to check.

After several breaths, Ye Wuque let out a sigh of relief.

"Senior Sister Five is okay. It's just that she has been occupied with consciousness for a long time, and the power of the soul is swallowed. It takes a certain time to rest, but this is not a problem.

Ye Wuque's right hand, a small jade bottle suddenly appeared in his hand, and he handed it to the elegant minister to open it.

"There is a pill to replenish the power of nourishing the soul, and I will take it for the fifth sister."

The elegant minister immediately opened the jade bottle and poured out a longan-sized pill that was white and misty, without any medicinal fragrance, but it was clear when he looked at it.

After taking this medicine to Senior Sister Fifth, a faint white glow suddenly appeared on her forehead. The pale complexion of Senior Sister Fifth began to gradually become normal, but after a dozen breaths, her complexion It becomes ruddy again.

"It won't take long for Senior Sister Five to wake up."

After saving the fifth sister, Ye Wuque's attention was again placed on the insect in his hand, his eyes flashed slightly.

"If there is no accident, Senior Sister Five has been controlled by this bug for a long time. Perhaps through it, I can know what happened during this period. It is possible to know the whereabouts of Senior Brother and Balao."

Ye Wuque's eyes staring at the insects became agitated!

I saw the extinct celestial pupil throbbing in his forehead, and under the faint gaze of the style minister, the blazing golden light instantly enveloped the insect once again!

"Soul Search!!"

For this worm, Ye Wuque had no mercy, and directly launched a soul search!

Searching for a worm sounds extremely unreliable, but this worm has a very high level of spiritual power and is naturally feasible!


After the sluggish insect was photographed by Ye Wuque’s spirit power, he immediately uttered a miserable whistle, trembling violently, with eight compound eyes protruding, and instinctively wanted to resist, but in front of Ye Wuque’s spirit power, it The power of the soul was as fragile as paper, and it was wiped out instantly!

Ye Wuque's eyes were open, and as the search for the soul began, some intermittent images began to appear in front of his eyes, which were reflected on the void with the power of the soul, so that the elegant minister could also see it!

In the next instant, a strange place appeared above the light curtain, which turned out to be a sea of ​​red!

But if you look closely, it is not a red ocean at all, but a dense cluster bugs! !

It's exactly the same as the bug that occupies the consciousness of Senior Sister Five! !

Countless insects are crawling, large and small, the small is only the size of a fingernail, and the big is the palm of the hand. Obviously, the larger the size, the stronger!

This scene makes the scalp numb and get goose bumps all over!

And the angle of view of the light curtain at the moment is naturally the angle of view of the bug in Ye Wuque's hand. It lies in the sea of ​​bugs, motionless!

boom! !

But suddenly, a deafening roar suddenly exploded, and the originally red sea of ​​insects instantly illuminated! !

The worm lying in the sea of ​​worms raised eight compound eyes and looked above the void, and saw that there seemed to be a sky cracked, extremely terrifying, and four figures fell from it, all of which were seriously injured and bleeding in their mouths!

Before the light curtain, Ye Wuque's eyes narrowed slightly!

The four figures that fell down were the first brother, the third brother, the fifth sister, and the fan, except that Balao and the seventh brother were not seen! !

Five figures fell into the void, towards the sea of ​​worms!

But they were still struggling. Senior Brother made a shot and wanted to catch everyone else. He tried his best. He first caught the nearest Senior Brother Three, then Senior Sister Fan, but the fifth Senior Sister who was farthest had nothing to do. !


"Brother don't care about me! Save them!"

Senior Sister Wu spoke loudly, she herself desperately smashed the vitality in her body, trying to avoid the insect sea, but after all, because of her injuries, she couldn't fly and fell into the insect sea!

In an instant, the sea of ​​insects was boiling!

Countless insects rushed towards the fifth sister when they were crazy, but one insect rushed into the space of the fifth sister's soul and succeeded!

It was the bug that was searched for by Ye Wuque at this moment!

At this point, the picture began to be chaotic, no longer clear, and many things could not be seen clearly. I could only vaguely see the controlled Five Senior Sister, who seemed to be desperately walking towards the meteorite death mausoleum, wanting to leave here!

At the last turn of the screen, a temple appeared, towering in the forest, and the fifth senior sister who was manipulated did not know when she put on a red dress and sat in it, smiling weirdly, as if waiting what.

Hum! !

At this point, the picture was suddenly broken!

At the same time, the insects in Ye Wuque's hands burst into nothingness! !

The silence in the temple was restored again!

Ye Wuque and Feng Caichen's eyes flickered, as if they were digesting and seeing everything!

Big brother, where did the four of them fall down!

Where is the location of Chonghai?

Where are Balao and Seventh Brother?

Where is the big brother who rescued the three brothers and sister Fan now?

Thoughts began to emerge in Ye Wuque's heart!

"Now I only have to wait for Senior Sister Five to wake up and ask her, she should remember something."

In the end, the eyes of both of them focused on the face of the fifth sister.

Time passed bit by bit.

Until a certain moment!

The white misty brilliance between the fifth sister's forehead completely disappeared, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, her eyelids throbbed, and her closed eyes slowly opened!

"Five Senior Sister!"

Upon seeing this, Ye Wuque immediately stepped forward and gently lifted the fifth senior sister from the ground, hugged it in his arms, and called her name.

And the handsome minister also came to the side of the fifth elder sister to check her body.

"The injury is stabilized, and the power of the soul has recovered a little, it should be no major problem."

The style minister spoke.

"This is where?"

The fifth elder sister who opened her eyes was filled with blankness, but even after turning into a kind of tension and horror, she struggled with distance! !

"Sister Five! It's me! I'm the old nine!"

Ye Wuque held down Senior Sister Fifth, with a hint of soul power, and suddenly rang like a bell in her ears, making her look stagnant, and the blankness in her eyes was finally replaced by Qingming.

"Old Nine..."

When she saw Ye Wuque's face close at hand, she finally revealed a trace of joy!

"It's me, Senior Sister Five, I came to the Meteorite Death Tomb to find you. You were plunged into the sea of ​​worms and occupied your consciousness by worms, but now you are fine, and the worms have been wiped out by us."

Senior Sister Wu's complexion was still pale. Seeing Ye Wuque's appearance, she also had a hint of joy in her eyes, but she seemed to think of something immediately, and her expression became anxious: "Old Jiu! Hurry up! Get out of here!"

Hearing this, Ye Wuque's eyes flashed, but he immediately comforted: "Fifth Senior Sister, don't worry, everything is with me, don't be nervous, now I want you to tell me what happened after you entered the Tomb of the Fallen Star? What happened? "

Senior Sister Wu breathed slightly, but she was not an ordinary woman. She knew what she needed to do most. After a pause, she said, "Just after you left the sect, Senior Sister Fan lost what she had lost. The memory suddenly..."

However, the voice of the fifth senior sister who had just spoken suddenly stopped! !

Because at the moment she was lying in Ye Wuque's arms, and the handsome minister was on her side. From her angle, the entire back of the handsome minister could be clearly seen!

At this moment, I saw that on the back of the handsome minister, I don't know when a blood-red...paper man was tightly inlaid! !

The paper man was only an inch or so, very small, but tightly attached to the back of the handsome minister! !

And the style minister didn't seem to notice it at all! !

Fang Shu's hair was horrified, and his body was tight! !

Because the moment she saw the blood-red paper man, she clearly felt that the blood-red paper man seemed to have seen her. The two holes on the faceless paper face moved slightly, and the cracks in the mouth became more relaxed. Slowly split, as if laughing! !

Immediately, the blood-red paper man slowly stretched out his right hand and put it in front of the cracked mouth, making a silent sound. The cracked mouth opened again by three points, very strange, and opened and closed slowly towards Fang Shu, as if Is talking!

Through the mouth shape, Fang Shu can read the content of the mouth shape! !

"Shhh... don't talk..."

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