Return of the War God

Chapter 3075: : All hacked to death!

"Hahahaha... good boy! Have you!!"

Balao immediately smirked, staring at the eleven war armor demon shadows with awe-inspiring eyes, mobilizing all the remaining power in the body, and the power of the gods and bodies functioned, and the whole person once again turned into a true god!


With absolute trust in Ye Wuque, Balao directly slammed into Xianhe Storm, staring at the battle armor demon shadow at the forefront, with his five fingers clenched into a fist, and a picture of the emperor of the mountain and river in the world hit directly. Out!

The void exploded, the huge emperor's picture fell from the sky, and the fist was steaming, covering all directions! !

The eleven battle armor demon shadows had already started all at the same time that Balao shot, and the eleven dark fists penetrated the void and enveloped Balao!

However, when Balao saw this, he did not have the fear he had before, and instead brought a hint of surprise!

"Strength! Speed! All have been suppressed by at least 30%!!"

"Haha!!! To die!!"

With his body skills moving, Balao traversed the void like a **** king, his speed soared to the extreme, and he could dodge eleven pitch-black fists. At the same time, his Shanhe Sheji king map also completely hit the sight. Warframe Demon!


The battle armor demon shadow flew out directly, this time, half of its body was split, even the heavy dark armor could not resist it!

Under the confrontation, Balao not only escaped the attack of a whole eleven armored shadows, but also wounded one seriously! !

In an instant, Balo let out a long laugh, his figure flashed again, and he directly chased after him, and the ten battle armor shadows followed him!

Hum! !

And Ye Wuque, who was standing still, moved his mind, Extinction Immortal Eyes shrouded the eleven war armor shadows like a searchlight, like a shadow!


A picture of the emperor of Shanhe Sheji fell again, and Balao descended from the sky, and hit the battle armor demon shadow that half of his body exploded!

Fist rolling, crushing the void!

This time, the battle armor demon shadow exploded all over the body, there was no bones left, and he couldn't die anymore!

But the attack of the ten battle armor demon shadows that should have worked together to encircle Balao just arrived, and he was immediately dodged by Balao who laughed a long time!

All this is because of the golden storm that Ye Wuque is covering them at this moment! !

"You people are not humans, ghosts, or ghosts! Don't even try to run away, this school will kill them all!!"

Ba Lao laughed out loud, killing intent boiled over, after avoiding the joint attack, he once again looked at a battle armor demon shadow and killed it forcefully!

"Smelly boy! Have yours!!"

At the moment of killing, Balo still praised Ye Wuque fiercely!

In the distance, Ye Wuque's mouth showed a strong smile!

At this moment, the attack of the power of the soul that he used is exactly the Zhannian Zuixianxian in the inheritance he obtained from the past "If I Slash"!

Zhan Nian Exterminate Immortal, each word represents an attack method of the power of the soul, the power is step by step, and the level is tyrannical!

Ye Wuque had already reached the level of the word "Mie" before, that is, the Mie Chao Wu Ji he had just used!

And now this magic trick that turned into a golden galaxy and a golden storm swept through the eleven battle armor and demon shadows is exactly the last "Xian" character among the Extinct Immortals!

This trick is called...Xianhe Storm!

It is also the last word in the soul secret method of Zhannian Exterminate Immortal, the highest-level big killer move!

When Ye Wuque discovered that his soul power had a suppressing effect on the eleven battle armor and shadows of the Great Perfection, he immediately thought of this fairy river storm!

Because this Xianhe Storm is a group attack!

Once displayed, all creatures in the place covered by the storm of Xianhe will be attacked by the power of the soul!

Moreover, he can distinguish the enemy from the enemy as he pleases, so Balao has not been affected in any way!

The power of the soul that broke through to the peak of the soul master!

Supplemented by Zhan Nian Exterminate Immortal's big killer move Xianhe Storm!

The combination of the two reveals the power of Ye Wuque's soul power in an instant, and the power has been increased by unprecedented!

That's why he asked Balao's words!

Therefore, he can suppress all the Great Perfection Battle Armor Shadows in one thought!

Reduced the power and speed of the eleven battle armor demon shadows by at least 30%!

Although Ye Wuque's combat power is still a long way from the Great Perfection, but with the level of the power of the soul, he is enough to threaten the Great Perfection!

What an incredible and earth-shattering achievement this is!

In other words, under this starry sky, Ye Wuqian can no longer stand alone, but is almost on the verge of reaching the highest level!

Bang! !

There was a roar from above the void, but Balao slapped half of the head of a battle armor demon shadow, and then slammed it out, smashing the battle armor demon shadow completely!

"Nine left!"

Balao ran into the void, his eyes were fierce and fierce, feeling the power of the surrounding fairy river storm, fiercely looking at the remaining nine battle armor shadows, and once again raised his fist!

Ye Wuque moved at will, and worked perfectly with him, and always shrouded all the armor and shadows under the storm of Xianhe!


Finally, the War Armor Demon Shadow realized that Ye Wuque's existence was a great threat, and one of the War Armor Demon Shadow immediately turned back and rushed towards Ye Wuque, trying to kill him!

"Where do you want to go?"

However, Balao descended from the sky, and with a grinning punch, the battle armor demon shadow blasted back!

Want to hurt Ye Wuque in front of him?

It doesn't exist at all!

With Ye Wuque's perfect cooperation and assists, the whole scene has completely fallen to Balao!

Really, as he said before, killing these war armor ghosts is like killing a dog! !

On the other side of the realm of the mirror, the senior brother and the fifth senior sister, who were originally full of horror and self-blame, were full of surprise and excitement at this moment. Looking at the murderous Balao, even the excited faces were red!

"Old Nine mighty!!"

"It's amazing! It's awesome!"

Senior Brother and Seventh Senior Brother could not help shouting excitedly at this moment, as if Third Senior Brother possessed their bodies!


Below, a sword swept down, and the elegant minister who chopped the last two werewolves into countless pieces of meat slowly turned around and stood with the sword. A deep smile came out of it!

The situation is ups and downs, and sometimes it is too exciting!

A moment ago, Balao and Ye Wuque were still in danger, and even fell into a desperate situation, but now, they are showing great power and sweeping all the battle armor!


The fascinating Ba Lao blasted out with a punch, and under the fist of the Eight Desolate Liuhe Emperor God, once again exploded a war armor demon!

"Eight left!"

Balo smiled and remembered the count!

"Go on Balao!"

But seeing Ye Wuque's right hand lifted, the big dragon halberd in his hand flew out, was grabbed by the old man, the cold light flickered!

"All in one go, hacked to death!"

Ye Wuque spoke in a cold voice, and the Xianhe storm was boiling!

"Good boy! Just watch the show!"

Thinking of the sharpness of the big dragon halberd in his hand, Balao's eyes when looking at the remaining eight war armor shadows revealed a hint of pity, and he was immediately replaced by endless murderous intent!

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