Return of the War God

Chapter 3079: : Tell you! !

The Scarlet Skull looked back at the **** vortex that was gradually dissipating, and there was a hint of unwillingness and reluctance flashed in his eyes. At the same time, a **** light suddenly flashed at the stamina of the still standing still, and a small blood-red paper figure appeared. The blood-red little paper man floated towards the blood-colored skull.

"Well, I found such a good body of Tianjiao, enough to make up for the loss of losing this eternal blood vortex! Hmph, when I completely settled in this body, completely control his power, instead of only remotely dividing the soul with blood Control, then maybe you can swallow all the remaining pigs!"

"Once it succeeds, then what about ‘him’? This Meteor Death’s Tomb has always belonged to me!!! Mine!!!"

The Scarlet Skull's hair let out a low roar full of resentment and unwillingness, and then the crystal-like strange flame eyes looked at the handsome minister, full of deep greed! !

It seems to be waiting for this moment, it has been waiting for too long! !

"I am about to get a splendid...rebirth!!!"

With extreme greed, desire, excitement, and excitement, this blood-colored skull suddenly turned into a **** glow and flew towards the body of the handsome minister!


Hum! !

The blood-colored skull in the extremely fast flight found that he had fallen into the mud, unexpectedly stuck in the void! !

"What's going on? What happened?!!!"

The ghost fire in the eye sockets of the scarlet skull suddenly jumped wildly, exploding with a sense of anger!

Then, it saw a blazing golden fairy river!

There was a roar of the storm in the ear, as if a golden sky was pressing **** it!

At the same time, a cold and indifferent voice slowly sounded, echoing the whole room!

"Finally caught you..."

The moment the cold voice resounded, the golden brilliance in the entire room became more intense, almost completely boiling! !

No matter how crazily the Scarlet Skull struggles, it has no effect. It can only shake itself a little bit. Apart from that, nothing can be done!

The flames in the eye sockets are beating frantically, full of anger and spite!


In the next instant, under the incredibly gaze of the scarlet skull, it suddenly saw the golden galaxy of the void slowly separate to the two sides, and then several figures came slowly like a ghost!

The leader is Ye Wuque!

And beside him, it was Balao, and behind him were the senior brothers Shitian and the injured three senior brothers Zhan Qingchen and Fan Qinghui!

Everyone's eyes were full of coldness, as if they were looking at the dead.

"This is impossible!!"

When the Scarlet Skull saw Ye Wuque clearly, the flames in his eye sockets trembled violently, making a hoarse roar!

But after all, it is not an ordinary existence, and it immediately understood in my heart, the beating flame fixed on the forefront Ye Wuque, and the spiteful voice roared!

"You found me long ago?"

"The noisy roar from you just now was done deliberately by you to lure me out? Is this the game you set?"

Ye Wuque stood with his hand holding his hand, the icy eyes in his bright icy eyes.

"It's not stupid, you think you can escape my perception by mixing a ray of spirit power with those sallow paper people?"

As soon as these words were said, the flames of the imprisoned Scarlet Skull's eye sockets immediately condensed!

"You can even see that it is just a blood soul clone?"

Scarlet skull frightened!

"What is it to get rid of a ray of soul power? At this time, Senior Sister Wu happened to catch a glimpse of the moment you just possessed, but you used hallucinations to illusion a **** little paper man to confuse Senior Sister Wu and let her Thought I had hallucinations."

"You are very confident and confident that you will not be discovered, so even after the fifth elder sister breaks you, you still did not panic and chose to continue lurking."

"I expected you to do this for a certain purpose. It's nothing more than seeking something for the body, so I decided to use the plan and pretend that I didn't see anything, and let you lurk in Lao Feng's body, just by the way to observe what you want. What to do, after all, the enemy under the nose is best observed."

Ye Wuque spoke lightly, but what he said made the flames in the eye sockets of the Scarlet Skull tremble constantly!

"Sure enough, you can't help it after we enter the dead tomb city!"

"You made the three statues of ours at the entrance of the restaurant? They were really unknowingly, even I had concealed them, and it was at that moment that I was sure that your body was also hiding beside us. It just exists in a very peculiar way, hard to find."

"You are afraid of me, and you are as timid as a mouse, so you have never dared to take action. After we repeated with Balao and killed twelve Great Perfection Warframe Demon Shadows in succession, you were even more afraid to take action at will!"

"Since you dare not make a move, you have to create conditions for you to make a move..."

Ye Wuque said here, the flames in the eye sockets of the scarlet skull had almost exploded! !

No one knows how furious and resentful it is at this moment, and there is also a kind of unwillingness to the extreme of despair!

For a long time, it did not know how many creatures that entered the tomb of the meteorite had been sneaked into, even if it was a big defeat a thousand years ago, it still survived!

But I didn't expect this time to fall into the calculations of this human race kid!

What a noble existence does it claim to be?

How can I be willing?

"I underestimated you! I underestimated the level of your spiritual power!"

The Scarlet Skull spoke in a low voice, with a bitter tone.

"So you deliberately borrowed three rooms to confuse me, and even deliberately let two ants follow me, just to reduce my vigilance, so that I can take action!"

The scarlet skull gritted his teeth more and more!

"You are really willing! You even used the life of the senior brother and sister to bet me! Jie Jie Jie Jie... really like a fellow!"

At this moment, the Scarlet Skull did not forget to provoke the relationship between Ye Wuque and Zhan Qingchen.


However, Zhan Qingchen smiled at it here.

Ye Wuque did not answer this question head-on, but suddenly said in a leisurely tone: "I have been thinking about what kind of existence can move so freely in the Tomb of the Meteorite, and hiding so well, you can secretly observe everything that enters the Tomb of the Meteorite. The creatures in the mausoleum. I didn’t understand before, and even thought you were Emperor Luo Bei, but then I learned that I guessed wrong..."

"The dwarf creature will come suddenly. It should have accepted your instructions, and you are the so-called master in its mouth! And the reason you let it go is to test us, so that you can observe it."

"But what you didn't expect was that there was a map of the dead meteorite mausoleum on the tray of that soul eater!"

Every time Ye Wuque said a word, the flame in the eye socket of the scarlet skull jumped a point!

"So, what is your identity? What kind of role do you play in the Tomb of the Meteorite?"

"But it doesn't matter, you will know right away. Since you left the mysterious **** vortex, you can no longer maintain the mystery and hiding before."

As if talking to himself, Ye Wuque looked like a knife at this moment!


The scarlet skull suddenly laughed strangely!

"Smart! I have to say, you are really smart as a human pig! Want to know who I am? It's very simple, I can tell you right away!!"

boom! !

The roar and cracks, the sudden change!

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