Return of the War God

Chapter 3253: : Happiness! ! (Three shifts)

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere of the entire stone platform became dead silent again!

Yi Shuihan stood holding a sword, Gao Miao's domineering eyes swept across all the Tianjiao heroes in front of him, as if there was a hungry edge that could open the sky, many Tianjiao heroes even subconsciously moved their eyes away, not dare to look at him!

overbearing! Invincible! Strong!

But no one thinks that Yi Shuihan is overwhelming!

Because he is the first sword in Wuzhou!

Because he is the most outstanding descendant of Qingfeng Jiange today!

Because his long sword has created a brilliant record for him! !

Not only the Tianjiao outstanding in the stone platform, but at this moment, all the creatures in the outside world are not questioned. They all feel that Yi Shuihan has finally shown his sharp edge. Although he is domineering, he has this qualification!

"Damn! Yi Shuihan is attracted by three-headed six-armed supernatural powers, who can **** him? I don't want to die, let's change to the other two supernatural powers!"

"The Buddha Kingdom in the palm is the magical powers of Buddhism. One precept monk is definitely determined to get it, but he may not get it!"

"Calling the wind and calling the rain is not easy! It is a true magical power spell that can attack from a distance. It is much better than three-headed six-armed magical powers that require melee combat!"


Many Tianjiao people flickered, on the one hand they were afraid of Yi Shuihan's horror, on the other hand, they also felt that perhaps the other two supernatural powers were more suitable for them.

At the moment, some talented people walked out, headed for the other two ports, and made their own choices. No one went to the middle port. It seemed that everyone knew it.

Yi Shuihan saw this scene, and a faint light gleamed from the domineering Gao Miao eyes: "Very well, people who know the current affairs are brilliant, and the right choice can get good..."


However, before Yi Shuihan's words were finished, he suddenly stagnated. A sound of footsteps sounded, and one of them slowly started to walk towards the port in the middle. It seemed that he did not put Yi Shuihan in his eyes at all. He was not afraid at all, and was immediately attracted. Everyone's sight!

This person is naturally Ye Wuque! !

Walking with his hand held down, Ye Wuque didn't even look at Yi Shuihan. He walked to the middle port and stopped, and continued to look at the statue of the **** ape, as plain as water, without a trace of fireworks.

"Damn! Ye Wuque also chooses three-headed six-armed magical powers? This is to match Yi Shuihan's rhythm!"

"This is interesting!"

"Just as Yi Shuihan put down his cruel words, Ye Wuque slapped his face directly!! It was clearly a direct counterattack to Yi Shuihan's previous ridicule! It was so exciting!!"

"The two are destined to stage a battle! A wonderful battle is inevitable!"


The outside atmosphere became uproar, and it was full of expectations!

Yi Shuihan's eyes were slightly narrowed!

He squinted at Ye Wuque, expressionless on his face, but at some point, he could feel a scalp-tingling horror from Yi Shuihan! !

The atmosphere seems to become volatile!


But in the next moment, another footstep sounded, and a fragrant fragrance followed, but the purple lotus fairy swayed gently, coming in money, and also heading to the middle port!

"The magical powers of three heads and six arms fit perfectly with the magic yarn! Brother Yi, please forgive the magic yarn for not giving way."

Zi Huansha spoke softly, her figure swaying, and she came with a chuckle.

This immediately made many people's eyes shocked again!

Fairy Zilian also chooses three heads and six arms magical powers?

"Hehe, the road to practice lies in fighting against the sky. I saw these three-headed and six-armed magical powers at a glance, so how can I miss it?"

Once smiled, the anode Kong who held the ancient scroll also strode forward and chose the middle port.

"It's interesting to fight for hegemony! I can't miss it!"

Xia Xueyi followed closely behind!


Another cold snort sounded, and the majestic Mo Gui stepped on like a giant, his gaze fixed on Ye Wuque, showing a sorrowful smile, and he also chose the middle port.

The outside world suddenly became an uproar! !

After Ye Wuque, a succession of four top talents of Tianjiao all chose the middle port, with three heads and six arms magical powers!

Happiness! !

Many people looked at Yi Shuihan, and seemed to hear invisible but loud slaps in their ears! !

You know that Yi Shuihan just put down his ruthless words, five Tianjiao appeared, and his face was smashed!

"This is the inheritance of the famous ancient supernatural powers! How about Yi Shuihan's face? No one will give face at this time!"

Someone hit the nail on the head!

Pei Tianluo looked at Yi Shuihan’s face that was no longer pretty at the moment, and he called a comfortable and refreshing face in his heart. He really wanted to walk to the middle port and hit Yi Shuihan’s face hard, but when his eyes saw the middle Standing on the other side of the port with his back to everyone, when he quietly looked at the back of Ye Wuque of the **** ape statue, the eager expression on his face suddenly disappeared!

"Grabbing supernatural powers with the forced king? I'm not tired yet!"

"Yi Shuihan, Yi Shuihan! You don't even know what kind of opponent you are facing! Alas, it's a pity, I can't see this wonderful scene of being beaten by Brother Ye!"

A touch of regret flashed in the monster's eyes, Pei Tianluo stepped out in the same step and headed towards the port on the left!

He chose to compete for the supernatural power of calling the wind and calling the rain!

"Calling the wind and calling the rain plus my demon **** Jiuzhan, tusk tusk, that scene is beautiful!"

Pei Tianluo smiled.


At this moment, a mighty Buddha horn sounded, and the monk Yijie also made a choice, and unsurprisingly, he walked to the right port.

"The Xuankong Temple should welcome back to the Buddhist supernatural power..."

There is a hint of dignity and solemnity in the monk Yijie's tone.

The top piece of Tianjiao has almost all selected their respective ports, and the remaining Tianjiao's eyes flickered, and they also gritted their teeth and made their own choices.

Half a quarter of an hour will come soon!

In the end, there was no one on the stone platform, and all gathered on the three ports!

At a glance, you can see the difference immediately!

Of the three ports, the middle port has the most people!

Yi Shuihan stood holding a sword, he looked at the group of people beside him, suddenly...laughed!

"good very good……"

A faint whisper sounded from Yi Shuihan's mouth. He looked at the gorgeous silver long sword in his hand and stroked it lightly with the other hand, but this action had a chilling feeling!

"The time is up, let's go now!"

"Remember, don't leave the green light range of the canoe."

Half a quarter of an hour was up, and the voice of the mysterious creature sounded.

Buzzing! !

The bracelets of Tianjiao on the three ports suddenly light up one by one, and the ten gems reflect each other, and they are reflected in the sea of ​​all souls. They suddenly turned into aquamarine wooden boats. The Tianjiao Renjie on the port all jumped onto their green canoes and started to head towards the three statues!

The sea of ​​all souls is quiet.

Many green canoes shook, but the speed was quite fast, leaving the port in the blink of an eye.

"Huh? Under this sea of ​​spirits...not simple."

On a wooden boat, Ye Wuque stood quietly, and after spreading the power of the soul, he immediately revealed the strangeness of the Wanlinghai under him.


At this moment, the desperate howls of a Tianjiao outstanding person suddenly sounded from one place, breaking the silence on the Wanling Sea, but it was so permeating! !

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