Return of the War God

Chapter 3758: : Last words

The strength of the incomparable space overflowed everywhere, and the entire sky was shaking!

It was a huge teleportation array from other areas, and many creatures were teleporting here at this moment, and those teleporting rays were large and small, and obviously the number of transmissions was different.

Hum! !

The first formed transmission light source lights up, and a man dressed in Tsing Yi slowly walks out of it, holding a handful of Tian Ge, with sharp and domineering aura, like the pride of heaven, unpredictable!

The moment this person appeared, a pair of sharp-edged eyes stared at Ye Wuque, as if a hungry wolf stared at his prey.


Next, three teleports lighted up almost at the same time, and a figure came out of them!

A man wearing a dark blue armor, full of armor with barbed roots erected, tall, his back seems to prop up a piece of sky, giving people a great pressure!

A graceful woman, wearing a white fairy dress, with fringed fringes and fluttering hair, presents a jet-black, translucent skin, with a condensed fat, beautiful features, and a solemn complexion. She is still carrying a whisk in her hand and looks extraordinary. , The breath is profound and broad!

A big man full of bronze muscles, carrying a giant axe on his shoulders, is a full meter long, extremely sturdy, and his whole body fluctuates like boiling magma, which is impossible to ignore!

In the ancient formation, Ye Wuque's gaze swept across the four people who had been transmitted, expressionless, but his eyes narrowed slightly!


The four people who appeared one after another were...stronger than the previous Master Tianhong, whether they were aura or fluctuations! !

Hum! !

And at this time, the giant teleportation brilliance that appeared between heaven and earth was also lit up, and countless creatures with teeth and claws rushed out of it, obviously the native creatures of Liusha State.

Almost for an instant, the vast world and the open fields began to be occupied by countless creatures. Everyone's face was filled with excitement and fiery light. They looked at Ye Wuque and Little Fatty who were trapped by the ancient formation, their eyes filled. Greed!

Unlike the previous four-person teleportation array, this giant teleportation array bin is not closed, but is always open. The creatures that have been flowing from it are teleported over, and it will hardly take long before the world is full!

Heaven and earth!

The eyes of all creatures were staring at Ye Wuque and Little Fatty who were trapped in the center!

Especially the five masters including the bald red robe, their eyes are like knives, exuding a powerful shock, looking at Ye Wuqian, Qi Ji has already locked him firmly!

The little fat man grinned and glared back at everyone!

But Ye Wuque stood up long, expressionless, black hair fluttering, there was a kind of speechless grandeur and domineering, without any fear!

"Only you?"

Ye Wuque's indifferent voice fell, strong and powerful!


At this moment, suddenly there was a wild and tyrannical smile resounding again, and a teleportation array appeared above the void again, with light shining, and three figures slowly appeared from it!

Those were three men, and the weird thing was that these three looked... exactly the same! !

This is a pair of triplets!



"I'm late……"

The three voices almost exactly the same as the previous laughter sounded one after another, and they finished one sentence three times, but there was a kind of inherent weird tacit understanding!


In the next instant, a cold hum came from the other teleportation formation next to the triplets, like thunder!

A tall and thin old man slowly walked out of it, with a gloomy breath and ice-like eyes. The whole person looked like a goshawk soaring in the ice hell, incomparable!

All of a sudden!

The number of people surrounding the ancient formation has reached...nine! !

The nine masters stand in the void, each occupying a place, as if nine towering giant peaks exude terrifying fluctuations, plus the countless creatures constantly appearing all over the sky, it is really a net of heaven and earth!


At this moment, the nine masters standing in the void suddenly turned their eyes together, looking at the endless creatures that have appeared on the earth, they all clasped their fists and bowed slightly!

"Senior Gu Shi, trouble you..."

The man in Tsing Yi who was the first to send it out, holding Tian Ge gently spoke, with a hint of politeness in his tone.

"Cough cough cough cough..."

Amidst the extremely noisy crowd, at this moment, there was a coughing cough that sounded very hoarse!

Immediately, thousands of creatures scattered towards the four directions, and finally revealed a slumped figure!

It was an old man in a long gown, hunched back, with his hands behind his back, pacing forward, it seemed that it would take a huge amount of energy to take no step, and he was so old, as if the wind would blow.

But the most conspicuous thing is that the old man's body is... decadent and dead! !

Obviously, this is an old man who has died soon, and the deadline is approaching. It is also the ancient stone senior in the mouth of the man in Tsing Yi!

Gu Shi walked slowly to one place, and then slowly stopped, breathing still a little short, after breathing for three or five breaths, he slowly raised a pair of turbid eyes and looked at Ye Wuque within the ancient formation's restraint. The turbid eyes finally lit up with a glimmer!


"Unexpectedly, before the death of the old man, I would be fortunate enough to meet such a vigorous young man, such a young...the Great Soul Saint of Nirvana..."

With a trace of hoarse and admiration sounded from Gu Shi's mouth, he looked at Ye Wuque, the exclamation in his eyes was not concealed.

And Ye Wuque was also looking at Gu Shi at the moment, his eyes changed a little for the first time!

Although the old man in front of him is about to decay, and the deadline is approaching, he still has a life span of less than half a year at most, but Ye Wuque can still see and confirm at a glance...

This old man is a...the Great Soul Sage of Nirvana! !

Unlike the parallel imports of Huang Yangyun before, this old man in the long gown is a real nirvana soul saint, without any moisture in it.

At this moment, Ye Wuque's heart stirred up a little.

Since he achieved the Great Soul Sage of Nirvana, he entered the real Goddess Land, this is the first time he has encountered an existence who is also the Great Soul Sage of Nirvana!

"Since the old man's life is not long, why don't you cherish the last time and go to this muddy water?"

Ye Wuque spoke lightly.

"Ha ha."

Gu Shi shook his head and smiled, but there was a rather complicated expression on his face, not knowing whether it was envy or something.

"In this life, the old man specializes in the power of the soul, just to be able to set foot on the'Soul of Nirvana'. I thought there was no hope, but I did not expect that when I was old, I was caught by chance. I was caught by the old and experienced life and death. After the ultimate test of not breaking or standing, finally achieved this lifelong dream!"

"It's just a pity, I'm too old, the opportunity came a little too late..."

"Initially there were only a few decades of life left. Although the breakthrough was successful, it also squeezed the last life of the decay. There will be at most half a year, and the decay will be wiped out."

"Oh, in this life, the old man has done too much for himself and too few for his relatives and family. Now I am deeply regretful. Once I am gone, if the outstanding people in the family are not visible, it will inevitably be a disaster!"

"Therefore, there is no way, we have to take this trip, even if we take the last life, we also need a bright future for the family's relatives!"

"So, young man, thank you for your kindness, the old man took it!"

"In addition, the old man can only be sorry."

Gu Shi's voice slowly became firm, and endless brilliance and...stubbornness shone in those muddy eyes! !

For the family!

For loved ones!

Gu Shi chose to come here to help others deal with Ye Wuqian!

Because the only one who can deal with the Great Soul Sage of Nirvana!


"Ye Wuque!"

"If I were you, I would just grab it with my hands! Today's game is specially set up for you. We even invited Senior Gu Shi to come over! You can't escape with your wings, and you are doomed to fail!"

"Do you have any last words to explain?"

Above the void, the brawny man with bronze muscles and a giant axe on his shoulder laughed grinningly!

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