Return of the War God

Chapter 3789: :breakthrough!

The little fat man suddenly raised his head and his mouth was full of oil. He had just bitten half of the barbecue and was still chewing subconsciously, but soon his head dropped again. After a long time, he spit out the full mouth of barbecue, "Uncle Sixty-Six , Do you have to go?"

At this moment, the little fat man's voice was low, and there was a sense of slowness that had never appeared. Although he couldn't see the expression, the sense of reluctance was beyond words.

"Must go."

"Although you have been born for a long time, but your ancestors can perceive it, it means that his life form has been completely stabilized, but it has not been completely changed."

"You must return to the clan immediately for three months, and your ancestors will enlighten you, completely change your life form, unite your body and soul, and achieve perfection."

"Otherwise, you will lose your best chance, and you will not be able to become a true member of the Tianling clan. At the most critical moment, your lifespan will also be affected, and you will suffer an irreversible huge price in the future!"

"This is something that every member of the Celestial Spirit Race must pay attention to, and this is why the ancestors will send out people like me to bring the new race back into the family."

The sloppy man took a sip of wine, his tone was serious and meticulous.

After listening, the little fat man did not speak, but slowly nodded and said: "I understand."

"Then can we take Big Brother back together?"

Immediately, the little fat man raised his head and looked at the sloppy man, his tone was serious, his big eyes were filled with reluctance!

Although the time to get acquainted with Ye Wuque is not that long, in the heart of the little fat man, Ye Wuque is his own good eldest brother, and he is the best person in this world except Shenyou Diji!

The two of them left from the Divine Desolate Dynasty and came all the way to the real Divine Desolate Land. They walked together and fought side by side. They experienced the blood and blood all the way, and the friendship between them naturally did not need to be said.

How can the little fat man be willing to be separated now?

He seems to be childlike, careless, heartless, but because of loneliness, he values ​​everyone who treats him well!

Facing the deep dissatisfaction and sadness in the little fat man's big eyes, the sloppy man sighed softly, "Of course, but the premise depends on the wishes of Brother Wuwei. We can't force it."

Hearing this, the little fat man nodded slowly.

"Because of my relationship, the whole world is chasing and killing Big Brother. This time if Uncle Sixty-Six arrived in time, maybe Big Brother and I would really die!"

"If we leave, leaving Big Brother alone to face the chase of the whole world, how can we do it?"

The little fat man said worriedly.

The sloppy man smiled softly and said, "Don't worry, this is actually very simple. The root cause of all the people in the world chasing and killing Brother Wuwei is because of your existence, and thinking that you are a sacred artifact of the disaster of heaven. Brother is your master, but what if he is no longer your master? Are you no longer in his hands?"

Obviously, the sloppy man has already considered this issue.

"Gong Qiu, don't worry, your Uncle Sixty-six, I will definitely help Brother Wuwei get this done, so that he won't be bothered for the first time and get rid of this trouble."

"Ah? How do you do it?"

"Kill some people and act in another scene. Anyway, I have killed a few on the way when I came. I guess the time, and it won't take long for the next people to arrive."

"Ah?? There are masters? Uncle Sixty-Six, can you handle it? Don't take the lives of my brother and me!"


"It hurts!!"

"No big or small! Is there something that I can't handle?"


At this moment, Ye Wuque naturally didn't know the conversation between the sloppy big man and the little fat man. He was wholeheartedly refining all the power in the great pill of learning flesh and blood!

The holy way's fighting spirit is surging extremely fast, and countless red flames are burning in the limbs. That is the situation that the majestic vitality is too pure. It savagely collided in Ye Wuque's body, and the muscles all over his body. All are trembling, the body surface is constantly bulging, and the veins and veins are knotted!

If it were replaced by a normal creature, it would have exploded and died at this moment!

With the passage of time, the incomparable spiritual energy was finally smoothed by Ye Wuque, and he began to transport it towards the desert in his body with all his strength!


Located in the deserted land in the body, now the eighty divine springs complement each other, forming a strong resonance with each other. The golden sea of ​​bitterness is vast and surging. The majestic power and level of life represent the realm of a peerless king, a king who is enough to make the world surrender. Will is like a wave!

And as the brand-new endless stream of majestic power was delivered, the golden bitter sea slowly boiled, and the eighty golden divine springs also trembled!

Ye Wuque hugged Yuan Shouyi, carefully focused, and his whole body fell into a sense of emptiness, as if sitting upright on the nine heavens, everything was unimpeded, and he was comfortable and comfortable.

When the cultivation base enters the queen of peerless people, every time she wants to open up a sacred spring, she needs not only a strong and incomparable spiritual energy, but also enough amazing aptitude and understanding, and an opportunity to do it!

According to the truth, it didn't take long for Ye Wuque to break through to the Peerless King. At least he needed a long time to break through.

But as the sloppy big man said, after coming out of Dakong Devil Burial, Ye Wuque had been fighting for a while, fighting ceaselessly until he was desperate between life and death!

It seems that all his own spirits and spirits have been melted by blood and fire, especially in the cliff of Death, after struggling with the old man and killing him, Ye Wuque had a thought to understand, and his mind was thoroughly baptized. a feeling of!

The fight between life and death has always been the most effective way to force one's own potential!

and so!

Ye Wuque felt that opportunity for a breakthrough!

Coupled with his unparalleled talent and amazing savvy, he seized the opportunity at this moment, and the flesh-and-blood cultivation of the sloppy man himself was a great pill. It can be said that everything is ready and only owes east wind!

All this is so natural and ushered in a great opportunity!

When it came time, Ye Wuque could start a breakthrough.

Wow! !

The golden sea of ​​bitterness exploded, and the eighty divine springs were already incomparably bright at this moment, like stars in the sky, reflecting each other, as if forming a mysterious and unpredictable map of ancient stars, flashing endlessly!

The aura of the Flesh Great Pill was used madly, and was madly absorbed by the eighty divine springs, and the whole desert land began to tremble, converging continuously to a complete ground!

It was like a panting beast, about to wake up slowly!

The power of Ye Wuque's Great Soul Sage has long been spread, covering the entire desert land, can accurately perceive every change, and more accurately control the subtle sense of absorption of every aura.

In a trance!

Ye Wuque faintly felt the obstacles and barriers to the breakthrough!

It squeezes on the road ahead of the peerless king, blocking all creatures who want to break through!

Throughout the ages!

I don’t know how many amazing and brilliant creatures have broken through to the peerless king, only then understand the difficulty of opening up the Shenquan in the future!

That is a barrier that can make any creature desperate!


In front of Ye Wuque at this moment, the barrier was like a paper tiger!

With a thought, the violent and mighty power surging like an eternal torrent, with an irresistible force of impact, directly blasted above this barrier!

With a click, the barrier shattered directly and was crushed by Ye Wuque!

At the same moment!

On the desert land, the eighty divine springs are boundless, and seem to have boiled to the limit! !

The earth is already protruding!

The golden sea of ​​bitterness is surging, and thousands of forces are swept like a storm!

As if a little spark fell in the prairie! !

"It's now……"

"Give me... Open!!!"

Ye Wuque roared, and the entire desert land instantly shone with endless golden brilliance, drowning everything, and in a faint, golden light beam rose into the sky!

That is the vision that appeared after the new Shenquan was opened, covering the void, and there was more than one!

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