Return of the War God

Chapter 4004: : God's Code! (Three shifts)

The silver compass, exuding misty brilliance, came under pressure like a sky!


At this moment, even Ye Wuque was quite puzzled and puzzled. He couldn't think of why the spirit of luck would make something like a compass.

Rumble! !

The silver compass fell extremely fast, and soon countless participants on the earth finally saw its true colors!

"Fuck! Am I dazzled? Is it a compass?"

"It's really a silver compass!"

"Is this really a compass? Is there such a big compass? Bigger than the sky?"

"I can't figure out what the spirit of luck is going to do now! What does this second stage mean!"

"How about love! Anyway, I'm...not good!! Get out of the way!!"

Many shocked and puzzled voices suddenly turned into low growls!

The silver compass crashed down!

The imaginary pause did not appear.

All the participants immediately withdrew crazily towards the rear, and the terrible momentum brought shocking fluctuations down.

Ye Wuque and Mu Daoqi retreated back in the first time.

Click! !

With a deafening roar, the sky moved in an instant, and the endless dust exploded. I don't know how many cracks the ground had cracked. It was like two ancient stars collided fiercely, and nothing was seen!

The void of the ten directions was trembling violently, as if the whole world would explode completely at any time.

None of the participants who withdrew originally stopped, they were still retreating crazy!

Because the huge black shadow kept following them, making them afraid to stay, the silver compass was too big, and it would take an extremely long time for it to reach the ground.

After a full quarter of an hour.

The deafening roar finally stopped, and the dust all over the sky gradually dissipated. After the last trace of dust also dispersed, all participants could see the silver compass falling from the sky.

At this look, everyone's eyes are suddenly frozen! !

too big!

On the earth, the silver compass that descended from the sky lay there, like a giant entrenched, without seeing the edge at a glance!

The misty light continued to radiate, and the entire sky was dyed silver, as if it had come to a silver country.

Ancient, mysterious, heavy and profound!

It was Ye Wuque who felt the breath from the silver compass. In addition, there was also a mottled feeling that had gone through years and time.

But this is not what attracted Ye Wuwei's attention the most.

"What an ancient compass, unprecedentedly huge, it is like a country, incredible!!"

Mu Daoqi was also shocked at the moment.

The expressions of countless participants at the moment were almost identical to those of Mu Daoqi. Seeing such a silver compass up close, the visual impact was too great.

outside world.

Void arena.

Thousands of people chose to take the initiative to withdraw, and the creatures remaining in the void arena at the moment also looked shocked at the silver compass in the light screen above the void.

"Sister! I feel that this silver compass is bigger than our home, the entire Dark Hall headquarters!"

Xuan Yuanba said in shock.

Xuan Nishang did not speak, but a pair of beautiful eyes were also full of shock at this time.

Ye Wuque's eyes condensed on some areas of the silver compass at this moment, and his eyes slowly narrowed.

"Benevolence, the spirit of luck said that the second stage can be summed up as a gambling! I thought it would be another battle royale, but now that such a compass comes out, is it possible to give us...fortune telling?"

Mu Daoqi was rare and witty.

"Look at the surface of this compass. Although there is a misty silver brilliance, you can still see the actual color if you look closely."

Ye Wuque's faint voice sounded, immediately making Mu Daoqi look straight, and immediately began to observe carefully!

Soon, he realized something was wrong!

I saw through the misty silver brilliance, on the real surface of the silver compass, it turned out to be a dark red!

Mu Daoqi's heart trembled slightly, as if he understood something, with a slight solemn expression on his expression, "That's... bloodstains?"

"Only after a long period of time, and a sufficient amount of blood is contaminated, can blood of this scale and color be formed."

"In this silver compass, there are so many dead creatures that you can't even imagine."

Ye Wuque's tone was still indifferent, but it fell in Mu Daoqi's ears to make him feel inexplicably cold!

Between heaven and earth, it was already quiet.

Many of the participants had a solemn expression, their eyes fixed on the silver compass in front of them.

Obviously, not only Ye Wuque found the blood stained inside the silver compass, but also many sharp-eyed participants.

"I think you have already seen it clearly..."

At this moment, the voice of the spirit of luck finally sounded again, echoing in the entire world, in the ears of every participant.

"The real name of the silver compass that appears in front of you is...the Celestial Compass!"

"And it is also the place where you are about to really test your life in the second stage of the supreme event. Now, everyone should not resist!"

As soon as the words of the spirit of luck fell, I saw that the misty silver brilliance that originally flashed on the silver celestial compass in front of me turned into blazing, like a blazing silver flame!

Click, click, click...

In the next instant, everyone heard the roar of something cracking!

"The Celestial Compass... cracked!"

Someone issued a low drink!

At this moment, cracks began to appear on the surface of the Celestial Compass, and each crack spread, forming a channel!

A crack represents a passage!

Dense cracks!

It also represents countless densely packed channels!

Buzzing! !

Immediately, a silver beam of light was refracted from each channel, which instantly enveloped a participant, and a flash of light dragged the participant into the entrance of the channel.

Within a quarter of an hour, all the participants who were originally distributed in the four fields of heaven and earth disappeared in place, appearing in the entrance of a passage.

"The Celestial Compass is enough to split countless Celestial Channels."

"Each Celestial Channel corresponds to a participant."

"One person, one channel."

"A passage can only accommodate one person."

Listening to the sound of the spirit of luck again, Ye Wuque found himself standing in front of a long passage at the moment.

Passage number: 9527 At the end of the passage, I don’t know where it leads to.

The walls on both sides of the passage are silvery, but both the walls and the ground are stained with dark red blood stains, invisibly exuding a touch of cruelty.

At this moment, if someone is standing above the sky and looking down at the entire Celestial Compass, they will find an extremely spectacular scene!

Countless passages of the gods were split on the compass of the gods, and the ends of the passages all converged to the center of the compass!

At the entrance of each passage, there is a participant standing, forming a huge circle, which is spectacular.

Ye Wuque stood tall, quietly waiting for the spirit of luck to tell the true rules of the so-called "gambling" in the second stage.

Immediately, the voice of the spirit of luck sounded again, with an inexplicable smile!

"Supreme event, in the second stage, what each of you participants has to do is actually very simple, that is, all participants practice the same exercise."

"And the name of this exercise is called...the Code of Gods!"

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