Return of the War God

Chapter 4007: : Among the dust and grass, there are true heroes!

"It's just that although the first level has been practiced, the so-called "potential emergence" has not changed."

Ye Wuque felt the effect of the first level of the Celestial Codex once again, and found that there was nothing left except for a refreshing surprise.

But immediately he understood what was going on.

"From the beginning of self-cultivation to the present, I have embarked on the path of extreme realm, cultivated various powerful magical powers and secrets, tempered the physical body, and even possessed the immortal and immortal king power. After opening up the divine orifice, the potential of the body has long been unexplored. How much is out of it is turned into strength."

"And the first level of the God's Code of Heaven is just the most basic exercise technique for tapping the potential, naturally it has no effect on me..."

This feeling is like the game is full of large size, full of full, full of skills, and the big guys who are full of skills go to practice the basic skills that the little novice in the novice village regarded as treasures, even if they have practiced a hundred kinds of them, they will not increase their strength. Be stronger even by the slightest.

The first level of the Codex of the Gods looked like this to Ye Wuque.

Not only the first level, the second level, the third level... these deeper levels may not be of any use to the current Ye Wuqian.

After all, the immortal and immortal **** Wang Gong of calling the divine canon is not for nothing!


Ye Wuque's eyes did not show disappointment or the feeling of eating chicken ribs, but the look in the light curtain of the god's code revealed a strong interest!

"The sign of a successful passage in the second stage is to train into at least the tenth level of the Celestial Code. According to the spirit of luck, it is clear that the complete version of the Celestial Code is far more than the tenth level."

"Perhaps the previous part of the God's Code has no effect on me now, but what about the advanced part of the God's Code?"

"Maybe it's not necessarily."

Now that there is such a good opportunity to practice advanced techniques for free, wouldn't it be a pity to miss it?

As for whether there are hidden dangers in the Code of the Gods, Ye Wuque is not worried. With his current eyesight and the power of perception at the level of the Great Soul Saint, if there is a problem with the Code of the Gods, he can't hide it.

Right now, Ye Wuque was about to take a step and enter the second level of the Heavenly God Code of Practice. He wanted to see if it would be effective when he trained the Heavenly God Code to the tenth level.


The moment Ye Wuque was about to take his right foot, he had a sudden stop!

As if thinking of something, Ye Wuque raised his head and looked at the sky above the sky, as if he could see the spirit of luck and the three legendary realms outside, and the coldness that Tong Di had fallen on him before appeared in his mind. In his eyes, a touch of sharpness slowly emerged in his eyes!

"Either don't play, if you want to play, play the biggest one!"

The threat of Tong Di is always on his back!

Only when the spirit of luck and the other two legendary realms, especially the female legendary realm, prove that they have more value and potential, can they pay more attention to them and make Tong Di dare not do anything to themselves. .

Just like in the first stage, I decided to break through the 54th theater!

The more the better!

In this second stage, Ye Wuque also decided to have a...shocking eruption! !

So how can we achieve this explosive effect?

Ye Wuque stretched out his hand and lightly tapped the light curtain in front of him, and the light curtain suddenly slipped, revealing the next second, third... and the tenth level of training content, impressively recorded on it!

Seeing these training contents, Ye Wuque's gaze turned to the hourglass of light used to time the light next to the light curtain, and the corner of his mouth slowly outlined a faint curve.

"The time of three hours, perhaps a little too reluctant..."

While muttering to himself, Ye Wuque sat down on the spot again, and the contents of the second to tenth levels of the Celestial Code appeared in his mind. He slowly closed his eyes, and the holy way war energy in his body began to revolve.

In the entire Celestial Compass, all Celestial Channels are completely silent at this moment!

Every participant is working **** the first level of the cultivator's God Code, and dare not slack in the slightest.

After all, this is a gamble!

And it's just the beginning, and it's the easiest first layer. If this can't be done within the specified time, even if there are a hundred chances of avoiding death, I'm afraid it will be dead!

Time began to pass slowly...

outside world.

Above the void, the spirit of luck and the three legendary realms looked at the countless passages of the gods above the light curtain, and all the participants were in their eyes.

"I don't know if there will be some amazing talents in this second stage, especially the younger generation."

Gu Lian Ji said with a smile.

"It can only be said that it is not easy. You don't know the meaning of the Codex of the Gods. This is not a magical power. It is a fundamental technique directly linked to the many inheritances of the Ancient League. It may not be difficult at first. Starting from the eleventh level, its difficulty will soar too much, and it will completely enter another world!"

"I don't have enough amazing talents, savvy, and aptitudes. After practicing this Heavenly God's Codex to the tenth level, it simply brings me boundless bitterness and despair."

Silver Saint said a few more words, with a touch of solemnity in his tone.

"Hey! Those of them who are qualified to practice the Codex of the Gods are already the good fortunes of the three generations and three generations. As for whether there can be such amazing talents, I am not optimistic!"

Tong Di sneered, with a hint of mockery.

"Not necessarily. In this supreme event, the younger generation still has a few nice little guys, such as Xia Guangrong, such as Ye Wuque, especially Ye Wuque, are you right?"

Honglianji smiled and looked at Tong Di, as if she was deliberately teasing him.

"Huh! Are you so optimistic about him?"

"For a long time, I don't know how many Tianjiao people in the Supreme Dazhou want to enter the ancient league and practice this God's Code for screening, but how many will eventually rise? Ninety-nine percent of them have failed!"

"This Ye Wuqian, but from a small heaven-level big state, the background is too much different, at best it can only be regarded as a general in the dwarf, after all, he can't escape the fate of failure."

"I really don't know why Gumeng has to select seeds from places outside the Supreme State. It is a waste of resources!"

Tong Di hummed coldly, with a look of disdain.

"Amidst the dust and grass, there are true heroes. At the end of the ants, there will be true dragons!"

"As one of the second seats of the Ancient League, you have even cultivated to the legendary realm. You still don't understand this truth?"

With a hint of indifferent old voice coming from the front, it is from the spirit of luck!

Tong Di's face suddenly turned dark, but he didn't get angry, but he hummed: "Senior's words are indeed reasonable, but seniors should not forget the question of probability. How many ants dust will give birth to real dragons? I am not. I think there will be real dragons among them."

Tong Di's retort also didn't make the spirit of luck anger, but continued to be silent, but its gaze was looking at the several passages of the gods in the light curtain, among them the one where Ye Wuque was.

"Since the Ancient League has formulated and handed down the rule of'Supreme Events', it naturally makes sense. We just need to follow suit."

Silver Sage opened his mouth, seeming to have played a round, and continued to say: "But then, according to past experience, regardless of the time and number of levels afterwards, only the time to practice the first level of the God's Code will determine the practitioner. Future potential and qualifications."

"The sooner you become the first level, the higher your future achievements!"

"The meaning of the first level of the Code of Gods is very important and cannot be replaced!"

"For example, the few souls who have been selected in this generation of the ancient alliance, all of them are exceptionally talented. When they wanted to enter the ancient alliance, when they first practiced the Celestial Codex for selection, almost all of them were completed within half an hour. The successful practice shocked many big people! Even the first adult!"

There was a trace of emotion in Yin Sheng's tone.

"I remember this incident very clearly, especially one of them, who took the shortest time and performed the best, and has become one of the most shining souls now."

Gurenji was also interested.

"You're talking about Long Qianqiu, right? This son is truly amazing, extraordinary and extraordinary!"

Tong Di added, with a touch of undisguised appreciation in his tone.

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