Return of the War God

Chapter 4304: : Blood is like a fountain! !


Although the previous four **** heads had already made everyone expect this!

But when he really saw Ye Wuque's one move to kill a master of the eight-aperture quasi-legendary mid-term, this kind of personal witness still brought an indescribable huge visual and emotional impact!

That's not a cat or a dog!

That is a master who can be compared with Mr. Yuelong, and can be regarded as the strongest existence in the entire Tianma domain!

That's how it was solved by the Lord Queye!

After the endless shock, endless ecstasy and excitement burst out of the hearts of the people in the Zhuo Palace!

What is life from desperation?

What is the road to heaven and earth?

Right now! !

And it is Lord Que Ye that brought them all this! !

Zhuo Buqun clenched his fists tightly and his face was flushed. At this moment, he looked at Ye Wuque's back in front, and his eyes were no longer shock and horror, but an irresistible reverence and... fanaticism! !

Zhuo Qingying's pretty face flushed, and water mist appeared in her beautiful eyes. Looking at Ye Wuque's sturdy back, a deep sense of fortune and joy exploded in her heart!

God pity!

Let me meet Lord Que Ye! !

Mr. Wan, as well as the rest of King Zhuo’s mansion, Ke Qing, are also full of gratitude and deep excitement at this moment!

In addition to gratitude, Wang Zhuo slowly burst into a complex wry smile.

"A true **** is here!"

"It's Zhuo Yiyang, I'm blind, and I haven't recognized it all the time!"

Only Feng Liang could not care about the boundless shock caused by Ye Wuque's move at the moment, he was crazy checking Du's situation like a demon.

After carefully checking several times, Feng Liang was sure that the trip was safe!

The blow from the Broken Heart Sect master just now hit Du and blasted her out, but she seemed unharmed. Such a terrifying attack did not leave any injuries on Du’s body, even There is no trace at all.

"It's're fine...just fine..."

Feng Liang stared at Du, who was still like a sleeping beauty, muttering to himself, his eyes filled with endless joy and joy.

Even at the moment of life and death, only Duo was left in his eyes, nothing else, including his own life.

For decades, Du has long become an indispensable special existence in his life and the object of pilgrimage in his heart!

Fengliang has long regarded Duo as his personal belongings!

No one can hurt Du!

No one can! !

"Du, I know, as long as you are by my side, no matter what difficulties, dangers, life and death crises I encounter, I will be safe and safe."

"Look, Lord Que Ye is back! Turn the tide and sweep everything!"

"Du, it must be you who let Lord Que Ye come back in the dark?"

"Du, you are so kind to me..."

Feng Liang looked at Ye Wuque's back, still muttering to himself.

Feng Liang didn't seem to see the young man who was panting and suffering serious injuries.

"Your Excellency... who is it?"

Between the deadly world, Bai Xiannian's voice finally sounded, but at this moment it was with a hoarse and unconcealable fright!

He is still full of confusion, and he has no idea where the terrifying guy in front of him came from! !

Bai Xiannian looked at Ye Wuque's eyes, filled with deep fear and horror!

One punch to kill the heart-breaking master of the eight-aperture quasi-legendary middle stage!

Bai Xiannian asks himself...can't do it! !

He is the pinnacle of the eight-aperture quasi-legendary stage. In terms of strength and cultivation, he can be defeated, even without much effort in the eight-aperture quasi-legendary mid-stage.

But such an understatement of the spike, it is too horrified!

Only the Eight-Aperture Quasi-Legend can do this... Great Perfection! !

But this level of realm has always been something he can't ask for!

Above the void.

Ye Wuque just glanced at Bai Xian Nian, then his gaze turned and fell directly on the two remaining masters of the broken heart.

The two people trembled suddenly! !

They felt the great crisis of life and death, their hearts were chilling, and they wanted to turn around and flee immediately!

But they dare not!

Don't even dare to move!

The four **** heads on the ground, and the blood mist that hasn't dissipated in the void, all reminded them cruelly that they were not even qualified to resist in front of this terrifying and powerful man! !

"Your Excellency!"

"We are from Broken Heart!"

"Not rootless duckweed!"

"Your Excellency should understand a truth, that is to be forgiving and forgiving!"

"As long as you are willing to raise your hands high, we can swear to leave Tianma Domain immediately and never come back!"

One of the heartbreaker masters spoke in a quiet voice, with a hint of softness in his tone.

But in the depths of this person's eyes, there is a deep chill and killing intent!

He swears!

As long as he can escape today, he will definitely report Broken Heart, tell the sect master, let the sect master come personally, and cut this guy in front of him to pieces! !

The stronger the killing intent in the heart, the more humble the expression on his face!

Another heartbreaker master also had the same expression.

And this scene suddenly caused Bai Xiannian's face to change wildly, wishing to slap the two guys to death immediately! !

Ye Wuque stood in the void, staring at the two heartbreaking masters seeking peace, but he looked at two dead men.


"It's time to die."

Ye Wuque slowly raised his right hand again.

The expressions of the two masters of Broken Heart suddenly changed, and their souls were all gone, they turned their heads and ran! !

But they haven't waited until they take the second step...

Click! !

A **** gold hand fell from the sky and directly crushed one of them!

The body exploded directly, the blood rushed to the old height, and his death was extremely miserable!

The only remaining heartbreaker master heard the huge roar, but fled forward like crazy. He didn't even dare to look back, his eyes were full of endless fear! !

But immediately he felt black in front of him, as if something was covering the sun!

When I looked up, my whole body trembled violently, revealing a sense of despair!

A **** gold hand came to suppress him!

A dead end!

Knowing that he is bound to die, this person is full of resentment, and this moment is crazy!

"My heart-broken six King Kong entered the Heavenly Horse Realm! All died in your hands! The sect master will never forgive the year!!"

"You Tianma domain wait for the end to come!!"

"It won't be long before the sect master will come in person!!"


"I'm waiting for you below!! It won't be long before you... Click!!"

The spiteful roar stopped abruptly, and after the huge roar, the last master of Broken Heart Gate also died.

After solving the last two Broken Heart Sect masters, Ye Wuque's gaze finally fell on Bai Xiannian again.

Bai Xiannian's face is extremely ugly at this moment!

This terrifying guy who didn't know where he came from couldn't even kill the Six King Kong of Broken Heart, let alone him?

"Your Excellency is superb and unfathomable!"

"It's a pity that you don't know how much trouble you have caused!"

"Today's matter, count me as Bai Xiannian planted!"

"Thousands of counts did not expect you to come out!"


"The green hills will not change the green waters!"

"When we meet next time, I won't know who will kill you!!"

During the words, Bai Xiannian's vitality suddenly boiled over his body, and the cultivation base of the peak of the late eight-aperture quasi-legendary broke out!

He was extremely confident, even if he lost to Ye Wuque, but if he wanted to escape, Ye Wuque would definitely not be able to stop him.

"Want to go? Did you go?"

King Zhuo rushed out!


Bai Xiannian sneered, and said without any fear: "This king wants to escape, even if you two can't stop me! Because this king...puff!!"


With a roar, Bai Xiannian's sneer turned into a miserable howl! !

Behind him, Ye Wuque's figure appeared like a ghost!

The void dragged a long trajectory through everything!

But on Ye Wuque's hands, each was carrying a **** thigh!

Bai Xiannian behind him was twitching and trembling crazily at this moment, wailing like a ghost, his face distorted, miserable!

His legs were directly torn off by Ye Wuque alive!

At this moment, blood spurted wildly at the two amputated legs, like a fountain! !

Throwing away both thighs casually, Ye Wuque turned around to look at King Zhuo who was stunned, and said lightly: "King Zhuo, he belongs to you."

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