Return of the War God

Chapter 4307: : No one remembers after death


This sigh, this inexplicable sentence made Ye Wuque suddenly think of someone!

That is also a woman.

While still under that starry sky, in the star field battlefield, he met a woman in white when he rescued Immortal Tantai!

Ye Wuque remembered clearly!

When the white-clothed woman looked at herself, she had a nostalgic look.

And at the moment!

For some reason, the crossing before him suddenly reminded him of the woman in white.

It's not that the two are alike, it's just a feeling of inexplicability.

It seems that these two people know themselves!

"Did you make a mistake?"

"We first met in the White Star Tornado. You followed Feng Liang. You seemed to fall into a deep sleep, but suddenly you opened your eyes and sang an ancient ballad!"

"Before this, I have never seen you!"

"Why did you use the words'I finally met'?"

Ye Wuque's eyes are sharp!

However, Du didn't answer, instead, there was a trance in his eyes again, and there was an inexplicable throbbing.

Next moment!

The long daughter's voice sounded again, but she was singing.

"Three thousand prosperous..."


"Long years..."

"But a handful of yellow sand..."

"I stared at the beginning of the age..."

"I think about it at the end of the age..."

"I witness the return of eternity and moment..."

"I am wandering at the end of the years and reincarnation..."

"Who has arrived?"

"Who ever sighed?"

"Who ever praised it?"

"In a dream... can you see... homeland... in a dream... can you return to... my hometown..."

Du sang the ballad again.

Like the elegy of the past, it opened the dusty sadness.

Ye Wuque listened to this ballad again, and an inexplicable sadness rose in his heart.

When the last word fell, Du stopped singing.

She stared at Ye Wuque, but suddenly a pair of slender hands stretched out, converging in front of her, and struck out a mysterious ancient gift!

She bends down gently!

Salute Ye Wuque!

"Thank you for temporarily waking me up from my deep sleep..."

Ye Wuque was shocked!

He subconsciously exerted force, and the whole person suddenly got up from the couch, stood on the ground, and was already free.

"I wake you up??"

Ye Wuque frowned and spoke.

"The agreement from the ages ago, I thought I would be buried in the years and never see the sun again, but I didn't expect it to come true..."

At this moment, Du's speech speed increased a lot, and her state seemed to be constantly changing.

Her tone has always been very strange, with a kind of extreme ancient meaning, and even a trace of decay, as if she was not the person of the world at all.

The eyes were still staring at Ye Wuque, her words seemed to be answering Ye Wuque's question.

"An eternal agreement?"

"Have I awakened you?"

Ye Wuque was puzzled, he didn't even touch her.

"Your appearance is to wake up..."

"The meeting between you and me is a ritual..."

"The waiting in the dark, I don't know how long has passed. The agreement from the ages ago, accompanied by fate, will finally come."

Du is telling.

"Who made the agreement with you?"

Ye Wuque followed closely.

Du's eyes flashed, and a trace of trance flashed within, but he shook his head slightly: "I can't remember..."

"I just recovered, I can't remember many things..."

This answer made Ye Wuque feel aggrieved.

"Then why did I wake you up?"

"What does all this have to do with me?"

Ye Wuque raised two questions again.

"Promise is fate!"


"It will only be you!"

"It can only be you!"

"Also...only you..."

Du stared at Ye Wuqian and said something that was completely unclear.

"Under the drive of fate, I met you and was awakened by you. This is the beginning of the agreement..."

Staring at Du, Ye Wuque's eyes flickered!

"How can I make you remember more?"

Du's eyes were in a trance.

"Recovery takes time."

"This body has been wandering for too long, almost rotten..."

Suddenly, Ye Wuque thought of a possibility, and his heart was shocked!

"Aren't you...the living creature?"

That kind of extreme ancient and vicissitudes, mottled and mysterious, is not something that people in this world can have.

Du was silent.

She seems to be remembering.

Immediately, gently shook his head.

"I am neither the past nor the future. I have been sleeping, crossing, and witnessing..."

"I'm just a witness..."

"I am always here……"

Ye Wuque looked at Du in front of him, carefully analyzing her words.


There are not many ruthless people like Senior Kong and Chu who can cross the long river of time and space, and this crossing does not seem to be right.

"You mean... you are a living being?"

Du did not speak, it seemed to be a default.

"You said you were a witness?"

"What have you witnessed?"

"Also, you just said'I am not' to me, what am I not?"

"Who do you think I am?"

Ye Wuque still did not give up and asked these questions.

Du stood still, did not speak, seemed to be thinking, seeming to remember.

"I have witnessed too much..."

"Maybe...I tried to intervene..."

"But it was swept back by fate!"

"And you..."

Speaking of this, Du stared at Ye Wuque, and suddenly something inexplicable appeared in those eyes.

"I don't know...who are you..."

"The mottled eternity, the long river of time and space, the mighty, irreversible..."

"How many outstanding people have set off a big wave in the long time and space of Hanoi, leaving behind eternal famous names, but how many arrogances have ended sadly, not even a ripple, no one remembers them after death."

"Glory and sadness have always been one."

"Fate allows you to wake me up temporarily, enough to prove your extraordinary."

"But through the ages, how many outstanding people have been extraordinary? The result?"

"Perhaps, you are just an inconspicuous wave in Hanoi in time and space, and all living beings are surging, fleeting in the blink of an eye.

Du this moment's voice brought a kind of indifference, she was calmly telling a cruel fact.

It seems that she has witnessed too much!

Ye Wuque awakened her, she knew that Ye Wuque was extraordinary, but she still gave such an evaluation.

As for the question "You are not", she still didn't seem to give Ye Wuque a positive and direct answer.

"One thing you remember."

"You and I are not enemies."

"Even at some point in the future, we will...fight together."

"You trust me."

Du spoke again, adding these words.

Ye Wuque didn't show any unwilling or angry expressions, his face was still calm, just experiencing the meaning of Du's words.

"Aren't you the enemy?"

Ye Wuque repeated this sentence.

"You mean you have witnessed too many talents?"

"Have you ever seen any creatures that were once invincible in the world or amazingly talented?"

It seemed that he had acquiesced to Du's attitude, Ye Wuque thought of something and asked like this.


Du sighed slightly.

"So these people, do you have an impression?"

Seeing Ye Wuque's thoughts moved, the power of the soul shrouded the void, and an image of the soul suddenly evolved!

A figure appeared inside!

Surprisingly, it is the woman in white who once had a relationship!

Du's gaze suddenly looked over.

at the same time!

In another wing room.

Feng Liang, who was sleeping on the couch, suddenly murmured.

" thirsty...water..."

Drunken Feng Liang felt thirsty unbearable, he called, and then slowly opened his eyes and sat up.

Seeing the teapot on the table, I went straight to the bed, walked slowly over, grabbed the teapot and poured my head up!


After pouring a large sip of herbal tea into his stomach, Feng Liang felt comfortable and exhaled.

But when he was carrying the teapot and subconsciously preparing to go back to sleep...

Cang Dang! !

The teapot fell to the ground and smashed to pieces!

The crossing is gone! !

Feng Liang's face instantly turned pale!

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