Return of the War God

Chapter 4723: : Heroes shouldn't end up sadly

Sheng Haoxuan is still alive?

And there is evidence?

Such a thought flashed in Ye Wuque's mind, but he was rejected immediately.

If Sheng Haoxuan is really still alive, then according to the character state displayed by his remnant soul in the top of the sky, it is impossible for him not to show up to see Pan'er.

"It looks like you are completely crazy."

Ye Wuque shook his head lightly and spoke lightly.

Pan'er's face suddenly became extremely distorted and terrifying, and her big eyes became blushing!

So many things had happened before that didn't make her change, but now because of Ye Wuque's denial, it made her angry.

"You do not believe??"

The sound of Pan'er is like ice, like a night owl.

"You are the one who collected the body for Sheng Haoxuan, right?"

Ye Wuque did not answer, but chose to ask rhetorically.

"If I haven't figured it out before, then it's all solved now. You wrote the twelve characters on the tombstone in front of Sheng Haoxuan's grave in the top of the sky, right?"

After determining that Pan'er was behind the scenes, Ye Wuque sorted out a lot of things in an instant.

The twelve characters on the tombstone were written by a woman. Who else except Pan'er thought?

Following Ye Wuque's repeated questions, Pan'er's expression of distorted fear suddenly stagnated!

"You are the one who collected the corpse!"

"It was you who buried Sheng Haoxuan with your own hands!"

"Don't you really know if he died?"

"If you die, you are dead. If there is nothing wrong with you, why would someone like you who have been saved by love sink again..."

"To shut up!!!"

Pan'er roared, like a madman!

An indescribable wave of horror spread out from her body, and her body shined directly!

The disaster is complete! !

At this moment, the aura that diffused from Pan'er's body had reached this level, which was already stronger than the peak-level Saint Youhuang.

The entire small valley was trembling, and the entire ancient league was trembling, as if the end had come.

Wenren blew blood and almost lay on the ground, she couldn't resist the breath released from Pan'er at all, just a trace of power was enough to crush her.

Only Ye Wuqian remained indifferent here.

Moreover, at this moment, Ye Wuque's attention was no longer on the horror cultivation level that he expected to show, but on the brilliance emanating from her body.

This brilliance was the reason that shrouded the entire Ancient League before and caused the Ancient League to go back in time, but now it is radiating from Pan'er's body.

"Hao Xuan is still alive!!"

"He's still alive!!"

"He is not dead!!"

"I will go find him now! Go find him now! Hahahahaha!!"

Pan'er looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, like a completely mad devil, and then her whole body suddenly burst with brilliance, and her figure disappeared into the small valley.

Seeing all this, Ye Wuque was still calm, didn't seem to be anxious, and didn't chase after him because he knew where Pan'er had gone.

This woman who loves becoming a demon is on the verge of complete collapse.

At this moment, Ye Wuque turned his head and gently walked to the side of Shen San who seemed to have died long ago.

Looking at Shen San, who was already riddled with holes and almost completely abolished, Ye Wuque sighed slightly, his eyes flashing with respect.

I saw that he slowly stretched out a hand and put it on the chest of the third god, and then the gods around his body lit up.

Immortal King Gong!

Ye Wuque ran this technique, his divine aperture oscillated, a wisp of incomparable life essence overflowed, and entered the body of the third divine through his right hand.

Next moment!

Wenren not far away slammed his eyes wide with blood blowing!

Because after she saw Ye Wuque put his hand on Shen San's chest, all parts of Shen San's body were illuminated with green light full of vitality.

The indescribable strong vitality overflowed, as if the spring was reviving and the earth awakened.

"Isn't the three gods... not dead?"

Wenren was blowing blood and immediately understood.


At this time, Shen Sanhuo's body was shining with green light, starting from his feet, all the way to the heavenly spirit cover, the whole person seemed to have fallen into the green ocean.

Ye Wuque looked at the changes in God Three with calm eyes.

Of course God III is not dead!

Ever since Ye Wuque inferred from the clues that Pan'er was most likely the real behind-the-scenes man, he realized that God III might be against Pan'er, and realized that this is the true hero of the Ancient League.

Therefore, before coming to the Patriarch Hall, Ye Wuque would recite the name of God Three twice in a row, not with chills, but with respect.

and so!

Since Ye Wuque appeared in the Patriarch Hall, and since he and Shen San started to determine that there was a problem with Shen San's state, he had begun to make arrangements quietly.

In Pan'er's eyes, Ye Wuque suppressed Shensan with every punch, and even hit Shensan directly in the end, almost hammering to death.

But actually!

Every punch that Ye Wuque blasted had already poured into the life essence circulating in his divine orifice!

It seemed that he was destroying God Three, but in fact, with every punch, the essence of life was inserted into God Three's body a little bit, so that he could save his life.

The reason for this is to confuse Pan'er, and to relieve the hidden dangers in the third body of God.

So, it seems that God III was blown up, but in fact, this was a necessary process and was saving him.

The strong green brilliance has completely submerged God III, and the power contained in the life essence is simply unimaginable!

Ye Wuque stared at Shen San quietly, his eyes were like swords, as if waiting for something.

Until a certain moment!

God Trinity's motionless body suddenly trembled suddenly, and then the life essence began to tremble extremely quickly, as if squeezing something.

Cracks began to appear in his body, which seemed to crack open his newly healed body again.

But under the control of Ye Wuque, the life essence immediately rushed in like a wolf, filling up no matter how many cracks appeared, he directly remedied the cracks and healed the cracks again.

After seven or eight breaths, all the cracks disappeared, but a strange scene appeared!

I saw that the body of God III actually appeared bulging, as if something was about to rush out.

Ye Wuque's knife-like eyes became cold, **** stuck out, and he grabbed it suddenly!


A crack appeared in Shensan's body, Ye Wuque's **** flashed away, and the essence of life surged and began to repair.

But above Ye Wuque's **** at this moment, he did not know when he caught a blood-red worm that was about the size of a soybean, and was emitting a very harsh, **** roar!

Blood Madness Gu!

This is exactly the worm that Pan'er placed in God Three's body, and it is also the root of God Three's loss of control. If this thing is not removed, God Three will not be completely saved.


The Blood Madness Gu was screaming frantically at this moment, covered in blood, and extremely fierce. Even if it was pinched by Ye Wuque, it was still fierce, desperately trying to get into Ye Wuque's flesh and blood and start a new parasite.

However, its bite could not even scratch Ye Wuqian's skin, as Ye Wuqian squeezed it with both hands.


The blood mad Gu was suddenly pinched and burst, and there was no time to let out a scream.

It was also at this time that the life essence of Shen Sanhun on the ground began to slowly dissipate. His battered body looked very miserable, but his breath calmed down, and life fluctuations returned. .

In the next instant, Shen San's closed eyelids tremble suddenly, and then they open slowly.

After opening his eyes, Shen San immediately saw the face of Ye Wuque who was close at hand with a faint smile.

Sensing the warm body, Shensan immediately seemed to understand something, but in his eyes there was no joy after the catastrophe. Instead, a deep husky voice surged: "You, you shouldn't save me..."

"The hero shouldn't end up sadly."

Ye Wuque spoke like this, with a calm but firm tone.

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