Return of the War God

Chapter 5079: : The unknown past

As soon as Jiang Feiyu said these words, Ye Wuque's heart was shaken again! !

He didn't guess wrong!

This black sky domain was actually cut off by a single sword! !

Immediately, Ye Wuque felt an unprecedented spiritual shock!

He just left from Hei Tian Da Yu!

How big is the black sky domain?

He knew it!

The area alone is vast!

The creatures are in it, so tiny.

But today's Heitian Great Territory was abruptly cut off from the original Human Territory with a single sword!

At this moment, the pitch-black fault is the cut that was cut out!

What a terrifying method is this?

What an earth-shattering supreme cultivation base is this?

One man, one sword!

Cut off the territory of the human domain, cut out a place of exile, a vast territory!

this moment!

Ye Wuque stared closely at the pitch-black fault in front of him, feeling the eternal sword intent entwined on it, the horror in his heart could not be described!

Looking at the fault incision in the distance, I feel that it has always existed after eternal years, as if the sword will never fade away!

In a daze, Ye Wuque seemed to have seen the peerless demeanor and invincible power of the white-clothed creature before the ages!

This supreme creature must be a world-shaking, peerless man who has been standing in front of all ages... Sword repair!

Who is he?

Why did he cut off the "End of the World" from the territories of the human race and exiled it into the starry sky, turning it into a place of exile, the "black sky"?

Is it the aftermath of a battle with the enemy?

Or is there any unimaginable secret for the ages?

"Who is that supreme being?"

"Why do you want to cut the horizon with one sword?"

"For a long time, countless creatures have studied, trying to find out the mystery, and restore the purpose of this shocking truth!"

"Unfortunately, no creatures succeeded."

"If it weren't for the existence of this fault incision and the eternal sword intent, even this legend would not have been believed!"

"After all, one sword cuts the horizon! Such means and cultivation bases simply exceed the limit of imagination!"

"It's as if countless ants want to understand what the Nine Heavens Dragon is thinking, how can they start?"

Jiang Feiyu's emotions sounded reasonable to Ye Wuque.

The supreme existence that can cut off the realm with a single sword, how can ordinary creatures predict what he thinks?

In the reverse channel, he fell into a dead silence.

Ye Wuque and Jiang Feiyu both looked at the fault incision at this moment, each fell silent, not knowing what they were thinking.

The half-remaining vertical pupil guarding the taboo starry sky!

Entering the first generation of Valley Lord of the Nine Tribulations Valley stationed by the Shenhuang Dynasty...Tianmu!

The mysterious creatures that existed in the Shenhuang Dynasty!

To tear apart the real gods and fall from the sky to punish taboos, that is, the master of the dead and withered giant hand under the gods and wilds world, sitting in the void and turning around for endless years and finally being killed by the mysterious creature town!

Witnesses of fate who met accidentally or inevitably...cross!

And the immortal sword repair of the sword that cuts the horizon in front of you!

this moment!

Ye Wuque suddenly found out!

In every world that I have traveled, it seems that there have been ancient and mysterious great creatures, leaving endless doubts and secrets.

Is this really just a coincidence?

Or is it some...causal?

He vaguely felt that the different places he had walked through a long time ago might not be what he is now.

It's as if Brother Xiaosha once said!

The "Big Dipper Star Field" he was in was not called this name at all in the legendary "Wild Immortal Era" long ago, but was called...the ancient star of Yingzhu!

Unknown past!

Perhaps an unimaginable change has happened!

Will re-evolve into the present.

The terrifying catastrophe that I have seen with the help of the white jade beads and the power of the heavenly spirit pill!

Fight side by side with Brother Xiaosha in the tomb of the **** Tongtian, and extinguish the terrifying gray mist creatures and the "king"!

Together with Du, calm down the giant gate in the secret territory of the sting dragon!


Ye Wuque's thoughts are boiling!

I thought of a lot at this time!

But in another cloud and mist, the clues are too broken and messy, and many things are simply unclear.

Time passed little by little, about half a day later.

The tomographic incision in front of me finally seemed to come to an end, and the reverse channel continued to move upwards, finally completely leaving the range of the black sky radiation.

Completely entered the towering and silent starry sky!

Ye Wuque felt it again at this moment just like the feeling he had when he crossed out of the Divine Desolate World.

"In this way, the'Black Sky Great Territory' was originally called'End of the World'. It belongs to a part of the territories of the human race. After being cut a few years ago, it was reduced to a place of exile."

"For the'Black Sky Domain', the Human Domain is indeed the upper bound..."

"Then what does the eternal and silent starry sky mean?"

"Upper Realm... Human Realm..."

Standing in the reverse passage, Ye Wuque's eyes looked forward, gradually becoming deeper.

After half an hour.

Ye Wuque's eyes moved!

At this moment, at the end of his gaze, he finally saw the end of the reverse channel, a huge and mysterious light source!

It is as if countless big days have gathered in everything, burning eternally, emitting endless light and heat, bringing a touch of life to the deadly starry sky.

"finally reached!"

A faint smile came out of Jiang Feiyu's beautiful eyes at this moment.

Obviously, this light group is the entrance to the human domain without accident. At this moment, the reverse channel is constantly approaching, and the surrounding is brightened with brilliant light.

But Jiang Feiyu held the immortal token with his slender hand, which seemed to be a kind of verification.

When the reverse channel completely integrated with the light group, the indestructible token in Jiang Feiyu's hand once again rippled with mysterious waves and merged with it.

Next moment!

Ye Wuque and Jiang Feiyu, along with the entire reverse channel, completely entered the light cluster.


Ye Wuque only felt that the sky was shaking, and his whole person seemed to be being violently pulled, floating in the sky, and the power of endless and strong space overflowed from all directions!

After tens of breaths!

Ye Wuque suddenly felt his body stabilized, and his feet slammed on the solid ground!

At the same time, the brilliance of the endless space around was shining, and it slowly subsided at this moment.

When Ye Wuque looked around again, he found that he had appeared in an extremely vast and ancient and gorgeous teleportation formation.

"Finally returned to the human domain! Back...indestructible building!"

Jiang Feiyu, who was on the side, had a faint brilliance in her beautiful eyes at the moment, as if she finally relaxed.

"Indestructible Building?"

From Jiang Feiyu's words, it seems to mean that they have entered the human domain at this moment, and they are within that mysterious immortal building?

At this moment, Jiang Feiyu walked out of the teleportation formation very familiarly, and Ye Wuque immediately followed without hurries.

He naturally didn't want to expose that he was a newcomer, after all, this could confuse the audience.

Fortunately, Jiang Feiyu didn't doubt it, and at the moment it clearly meant to be a big deal, leading the way.

Soon, the two of them walked out of the room where the teleportation formation was located, and the moment they stepped out, Ye Wuque's expression changed slightly, as if he had come to a new vast world! !

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