Return of the War God

Chapter 5123: : Crying without tears! (Three shifts)

When the reef community appeared at the end of the field of vision again, the eyes and expressions of the five Lao Chen in the shuttle became extremely complicated at this moment.

Unwilling, painful, uncomfortable, longing, greedy, entangled.

The scene that had just failed came to mind once again, causing the five people's complexion to change constantly, and they were restless.

"go in!"

In the end, Old Chen opened his mouth hoarsely, breaking the silence.

Flying Shuttle broke through the water of the galaxy and once again descended into the reef community, and soon they returned to the edge zone.

"It's here!"

"Although it seems to be hidden, it is best to put a little warning and prohibition, which will cover it, and if anyone comes here, we can know the first time..."

Wang Dahunsheng spoke like this as he walked out of the shuttle.

His face is still a little pale, but his spirit seems to have eased a little.

The four Lao Chen followed around Wang Dahunsheng, watching vigilantly in all directions.

"After all, Lao Chen, the way you discovered this Shuifu chance was an accident. What if someone is lucky?"

The words of Wang Dahunsheng made Old Chen nod slowly. Although the other three people still felt that they were making a fuss, they all came back, so they naturally wouldn't sing the opposite.

At this moment, Wang Dahunsheng has stopped, and he is at a corner. Turning in the front is the road to the opportunity of the water house. He began to encourage the power of the soul, and continued to speak: "It is here, here is the most Good location, and...wait!"

"Something's wrong!"

But Wang Dahunsheng's words suddenly changed, and his tone became sharp, and his pale face was full of incredible anger at this moment!

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

Old Chen's four expressions suddenly tightened.

"The reef here... is not placed in the right place!!! It has been moved!!"

Wang Dahunsheng pointed to a scattered reef in front of him.

"What do you mean?"

One of them spoke incomprehensibly.

At this moment, Wang Dahunsheng had no longer cared about the prohibition or prohibition, and rushed towards the direction of the Shui Mansion.

Old Chen also realized that something was wrong and immediately followed.

"what's going on?"

The other three are still puzzled.

"I am the Great Soul Sage of Nirvana! Under the power of the soul, let alone such a big reef, I can remember the location of a dust!"

"The cleaning and covering before we left, no matter how big or fast, all the reefs in front of the water mansion, I remember clearly their placement!"

"Now the location of these reefs has changed..."

Soul Sage Wang Da's voice has become sharp and trembling, his soul power has already spread, and he rushes to the place of the water mansion frantically.

When the four of Old Chen heard this, their expressions became extremely ugly!

"You mean... after we left, someone else found this place and came in?"

"How can this be??"

The tone of one of them became incredible and unbelievable.

Soon, the five people rushed directly to the water mansion, Wang Dahunsheng looked around, the expressions on his face were full of uncertainty and horror.

"In front of the Gate of Water House..."

"It seems to be covered again, but it is completely different from our previous cover!! Someone has moved!!"

"Moreover, the surrounding reefs are very scattered, and there are traces of just moving!"

Old Chen's expression has been distorted!

The whole person is about to explode! !

"Someone is here?"

"Why is there no response to my warning prohibition? All intact!"

Old Chen roared, he checked the warning restrictions he left.

"My soul control hasn't been damaged at all, it's also intact!"

Soul Sage Wang Da's voice has brought a kind of horror and... fear! !


"Wang Dahunsheng, your soul restraint is not damaged in any way, then there is only one possibility..."

The voice of one of them trembled.

"The people's spiritual attainments surpass Wang Dahunsheng!"

As soon as this result was deduced, the five of them were trembling like five thunders.

"Cough cough cough cough!"

Old Chen even coughed violently and snorted, bloodshot spread in his eyes, and the smell of sweetness in his throat rose again!

But Wang Dahunsheng jumped frantically to the gate of the water mansion like an old rabbit, and his fingers in the depths began to observe and check the traces around him.

Immediately, his fingers trembled more and more, and his pale face had become extremely pale! !

"The door of the Water House...has been opened!!"

"Someone has gone in!!"

As soon as these words came out, Old Chen's throat trembled like a lightning strike!

puff! !

The injury that was finally suppressed once again became angry and burst out with excitement, and another gulp of blood spurted out!

The other three were also faltering, and they only felt black.

"No, it's impossible!!"

"It shouldn't be!"

"Who is it? This, this doesn't make sense at all!"

The five are completely messed up!

"Could it be that when we came, we were already targeted?"

"I'm afraid so..."

Soul Sage Wang Dashen spoke bitterly and weakly at this moment, with endless amazement in his eyes.

"This person's divine and soul attainments are above me, and I am afraid it is a great soul saint in the dark star realm! So I didn't find anyone following along the way."

"I am afraid that when we desperately tried to open the gate of the Water Mansion, he was hidden from the side to watch the show."

"Until we left, he finally shot!"

"It's just that he didn't expect that we would come back again!"

The word Wang Dahunsheng poked into the hearts of the five people like a sharp sword, especially Old Chen, his face full of bruises and bruises, and his eyes were chosen to eat!

"Just, even if that's the case... But how did he open the door of the water palace?"

This question left the five people completely at a loss.

They simply can't figure it out!

"I have already inferred! The Divine Soul restraint on the Water Mansion may only be unlocked by the Great Soul Sage of the Dark Star Realm Nirvana. He may have seen this, and then... succeeded!"

puff! !

The bitter and weak words of Wang Dahunsheng once again made Old Chen's body tremble, and blood coughed out of his mouth as if he didn't need money.

The expressions of the five people are as ugly as if they had swallowed three hundred catties of rice fields!

What is this?

They tried their best to bet on the chances of the water mansion of all the family properties, but they couldn't even open the door. Now they were taken first by others, and the most important others actually got in! !

If it hadn't been for them to come back, they wouldn't even know it from beginning to end.


They hadn't even seen each other's appearance, and didn't know whether it was a human or a ghost.

Crying without tears!

Beep dog than beep dog! !

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