Return of the War God

Chapter 5182: : Simple and rude

"finally come!"

"The Maple Leaf Heavenly Master has finally arrived!"


A famous spokesperson finally no longer restrained his emotions, his face showed expectation and a hot smile.

Since the Maple Leaf Heavenly Master rejected their idea of ​​meeting in private three days ago, but chose to talk three days later, these Tianjiao spokespersons have also been waiting for three days.

In these three days, they stayed in the Indestructible Building. Of course, they had already got in touch with their own forces through communication, and they were always discussing and studying various methods that could make the Heavenly Master Fengye move.

Especially one of...

Maple Leaf Heavenly Master loves Gubao!

This hobby has been repeated countless times, and all ancient forces have made a fuss about this hobby!

Three days, for these Tianjiao spokespersons, really feels like living a year.

Fortunately, finally waited for the Maple Leaf Heavenly Master.

In the box, all the Tianjiao spokespersons subconsciously sorted out their appearances at this moment, with respectful and kind smiles on their faces, all standing upright, waiting to meet the Maple Leaf Heavenly Master.

But among them!

There is one person who is a little different, it is...Luo Hongfei!

Although he was also standing with a faint respectful smile on his face, there was a strange color faintly surging in those unpredictable eyes at this moment.

And beside him, there are only five of the original six underlings at this moment, and one of them seems to be missing.

At this moment, Luo Hongfei's gaze swept away quietly from Jiang Feiyu's beautiful back, and then looked outside the box door. Finally, the corner of his mouth slowly outlined a strange arc.

Outside the box.

Ye Wuque carried his hands on his back and walked in stride as if there was no one beside him.

On both sides of the beautiful and luxurious passages, the stewards of the Immortal Building have already bowed down.

Behind Ye Wuque, Su Mubai followed like a shadow.

At this moment, Ye Wuque's complexion was calm and his eyes flickered slightly as his eyes swept over the gorgeous box door that had opened wide.

"I love Gu Bao's preference. After these three days, it should have been completely spread out. Not surprisingly, these Tianjiao spokespersons and their ancient forces should be prepared."


Ye Wuque was not hurried, and finally stepped into the box.

"See... Maple Leaf Heavenly Master!"

As soon as he entered the box, Ye Wuque heard the endless respectful and polite greetings ringing in unison!

It was a famous spokesperson of Tianjiao, all of them held their fists and saluted Ye Wuque at this moment, bending their waists, without exception.

Ye Wuque looked around, and finally scanned the backs of Jiang Feiyu and Luo Hongfei. He walked to the single gorgeous sofa in the center and sat down, sinking his whole body in the sofa, comfortable. Leaning back.

"You're polite, no need to see outside."

Immediately, Ye Wuque spoke lightly, and all the Tianjiao spokespersons stood up straight again.

Without waiting for any Tianjiao spokesperson to speak, Ye Wuque's voice followed closely again, flat and direct.

"Your wish is very clear to the heavenly master, and the heavenly master can tell you responsibly..."

"This celestial master really wants to find an ‘ancient force’ to achieve in-depth cooperation."

"Of course, there is a prerequisite, and that is that this'ancient force' is strong enough and sincere enough."

"The most important thing is to be able to make this Tianshi... happy!

"Do you hear what the celestial master said clearly?"

All Tianjiao spokespersons in the entire box were taken aback!

Obviously, they didn't expect the Maple Leaf Heavenly Master to be so simple and rude, they are not polite, just so straightforward!

But immediately, the faces of all Tianjiao spokespersons showed surprises and conceited expressions!

"Maple Leaf Heavenly Master is quick to talk, straight to the point, I am waiting for admiration!"

Leng Lingshuang spoke first.

"Yes, my Tai Yin Temple is also annoying for those fancy superficial skills, as you said, the most powerful weapon that can make you happy and make you feel sincerity!"

"Everyone thinks anything?"

Taiyin little war **** said with his own mercy.


"That's the truth."


All Tianjiao spokespersons agreed.

"It is true that the heavenly master said that before you came, we had all reached an agreement in advance."

Tian Duo'er's grinning voice sounded, but in front of the "Maple Leaf Heavenly Master", there was no hint of showing off.

"Above the human realm, the ancient forces are respected!"

"For the same ancient forces, who can be worse than whom?"

"If the conditions are arbitrarily mentioned, it will only cause very bad results, and in the end it will even annoy you, Maple Leaf Heavenly Master..."

"Therefore, we decided that we all hope that you will visit our respective gates in person, take a look at each of the ancient forces, take a stroll, and let each of us entertain you."

"After all, hearing is fictitious and seeing is believing. When the time comes, when each family mentions the conditions of each family, there is no need to compare with each other, and whether the conditions are good enough, it is up to you to weigh and compare yourself."

"If you want to come, you will definitely make a choice in the end."

"In this way, it is not only private but also fair, and everyone can accept it."

"Master, what do you think?"

After Tianduo'er finished speaking, all the spokespersons of Tianjiao in the box looked at Ye Wuque in unison, with anticipation and respect in their eyes.

Sitting quietly, Ye Wuque put his hands on the armrests, tapping lightly with one finger, no sorrow or joy could be seen.

But the next moment, there was a faint smile.

"It seems that you have already discussed it, and it sounds...not bad."

"This heavenly master can accept it."

Hearing that Fengye Tianshi agreed, all the spokespersons of Tianjiao showed joy.

"I have a question!"

"Which one will the celestial master go first?"

At this moment, the lonely voice sounded again, but instead of asking Ye Wuque's question, he looked at the other Tianjiao spokespersons.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of all Tianjiao spokespersons suddenly flickered!


To know!

Which one to go first is too important!

Because it will be preconceived!

The ancient power that Maple Leaf Heavenly Master went first must be the most dominant.

After all, the ancient powers, the powers of each family are not much different, only the first one can be the first to win, and it is best to impress the Maple Leaf Heaven Master.

This quota is too important! !

In an instant, except for Luo Hongfei, all the spokespersons of Tianjiao had the same idea.

Must compete for this first place for the Maple Leaf Heavenly Master to go first.

But before any Tianjiao spokesperson spoke, Ye Wuque's gaze suddenly looked at Jiang Feiyu and Luo Hongfei. The original smile on his face became rich, and there was a touch of kindness. .

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