Return of the War God

Chapter 5221: :This is impossible! ! (Three shifts)

"The old man doesn't know..."

The ancestor of the Ji family slowly shook his head and spoke hoarsely.

"do not know??"

"The ancestor of the Ji family, are you kidding me?"

The expression in Hongyun's consecrated eyes became cold!

The countless creatures between heaven and earth who heard the words of the ancestors of the Ji family were also stunned.

The savior who keeps talking!

You said you don't know who it is? ?

When everyone is an idiot?

Jiu Xian Zhizun didn't speak, she just looked at the ancestor of the Ji family, her phoenix eyes flashed with terrible light, which made people palpitate.

But the ancestor of the Ji family did not have the slightest excess emotions, but continued to speak hoarsely: "The old man not only doesn't even know who he is, but has never seen his true face or breath from beginning to end."

"But this person really saved the life of the old man!"

"At that time, the old man was in a dangerous situation, thinking that he was bound to die, so I didn't hold any hope, but at that time, that person appeared and saved his life."

"The old man remembers that until now, he promises to repay him, and he will definitely go through fire and water!"

"And that person didn't want me to reciprocate, but left in a hurry, but left a token and a word..."

"If you want something in the future, you will come to the old man with another token that is exactly the same and complete your promise of repaying."

The ancestor of the Ji family said slowly.

"The old man thought that this reward would come soon, but I didn't expect it to be a long time, and even the old man suspected that the savior may no longer be there, and even I have slowly forgotten it myself."

"Unexpectedly, just before the night, someone really came!"

"He came with the same token that the savior left me at the beginning, and it appeared very strangely, and even concealed the rest of the Ji family up and down!"

As soon as these words came out, except for the enshrinement of Hongyun and the two heavenly kings of the Nine Immortals Supreme, all the other primordial powers stared.

Especially the Patriarch of the Ji family!

He didn't know the news from the ancestors of the Ji family from beginning to end, and he didn't even know that a creature broke into the Ji family the night before. He didn't notice it. At this moment, he only felt cold sweat and his scalp numb.

"The old man was also terrified at the time, but after comparing the token and listening to the details of the life-saving of the year, it was confirmed that it was indeed the case."

"The man who came here only proposed one thing that needs to be done by the old man, and that is to come to the Jiuxian Palace today, find a reason to kill and entangle the original light, and do nothing else."

"As long as this is done, the cause and effect between the old man and the person who saved me in the past will be wiped out."

The ancestor of the Ji family spoke blankly.

"Wait? Eliminate the cause and effect of the people you used to be?"

"Isn't the person who came to you the night before was the same person who was you?"

Hongyun enshrinement's eyes flashed, and he immediately noticed this keenly.

At this moment, the ancestor of the Ji family was looking at Jiuxian Supreme, his eyes became complicated, and he said hoarsely: "Actually, the old man knew from the beginning that the Jiuxian Palace was framed, and that'Ye Wuque' has nothing to do with Jiuxian Palace Any relationship."

"It is impossible for him to appear in the Jiuxian Palace."

Nine Immortals Supreme phoenix eyes narrowed slightly.


Hongyun enshrined immediately, and countless creatures between heaven and earth had their eyes rounded at this moment, just thinking that things really turned around.

Why did the ancestor of the Ji family say that?

"It's very simple, because the person who came to find the old man with the token, he is... Ye Wuque!"


The moment this sentence fell, Hongyun Enshrine's eyes widened slightly.

Nine Immortals Supreme also shrinks his phoenix eyes slightly!

Countless creatures between heaven and earth felt that there was a problem with their ears, and their hearts roared!

In front of Jiuxian Palace.

Always calm, his eyes closed slightly, Ye Wuque, who seemed to be sleepy, opened his eyes suddenly at this moment!

In the depths of the eyes, a sense of astonishment flashed at the moment, and then it was replaced by a faint sense of weirdness and interest, and instantly looked at the ancestor of the Ji family.

On the other side, "Luo Hongfei", guarded by the Seven Black Devils, rubbed his eyebrows, his face drooping, and some of them couldn't really look like it, but the Seven Dark Devils were equally shocked and incredible!

"Are you saying that the person looking for you with the token is Ye Wuque?"

Hongyun Jishi couldn't help asking again.


At this moment, Jiu Xian Zhizun finally couldn't help but opened his mouth, his voice still very cold.


Jiu Xian Zhizun did not believe what the ancestor of the Ji family said.

The ancestor of the Ji family slowly let out a breath: "The old man has no evidence, but this person came with a token and claimed to be'Ye Wuque'."

"The old body can perceive that although this person is hidden by mysterious power, and even the old body can't see through it, his age must be very young, and he is definitely not a mysterious, old-fashioned creature."

"And there is no need for this person to lie to the old man."

"He has calculated the elder Yuanguang, and even the greed and constant madness in the old body!"

"But the only thing he missed is that the Nine Immortals broke through and became the Heavenly King Realm. If not, then the Nine Immortals Palace at this moment has disappeared!"

"The old man will naturally not say it, and can only and only acquiesce in all this."

"It now appears that this'Ye Wuque' may be the real man behind the scenes, extremely terrifying!"

"He has calculated everything, not only for all of us, but even for himself, and put himself into this killing in a strange way."

A hint of resentment flashed across the scarlet eyes of the ancestors of the Ji family!

Between heaven and earth, there is no sound at this moment.

All creatures are stunned!

If what the ancestors of the Ji family said is the truth, who can think of it? ?

It's incredible! !

This "Ye Wuque" is too scary, right? ?

Jinghong appeared in the human domain, then disappeared silently, never appeared again, but secretly calculated the most powerful ancient force in the human domain!

Who is he? ?

"This is impossible!!!

"Young Master Ye would never be such a person!!"

Suddenly, a scream came from the Jiuxian Palace, with an unbelievable denial, followed by a shadow, breaking the dead silence between heaven and earth, it was Jiang Feiyu!

Jiang Feixiu frowned and retorted directly.

All the creatures looked over subconsciously, their gazes were a little dazed, but also somewhat meaningful.

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