Return of the War God

Chapter 5306: : There is a way to heaven, don’t you go!

  It was just a moment's effort, Ye Wuque returned to the previous tide again, and then jumped easily.

  Back to the original road, there seems to be no accident.

  When Ye Wuque stopped again, the dark whirlpool channel appeared in front of him again!

   "The channel is really not one-way..."

   His eyes flashed, and Ye Wuque immediately realized that he should be able to return to the top of the huge tower again through this vortex passage.

   "It's just that I am afraid that it needs a strong soul to rebel."

  As the Great Soul Sage of Nirvana in the Black Hole Realm, this is not difficult for Ye Wuque.

  The figure flashed, and Ye Wuque entered directly.

   Surrounded by surging spatial fluctuations, with a thought, the power of the soul overflowed directly, and the flow of the vortex channel was immediately enveloped by the power of the soul, and then began to change.

  The entire vortex channel once again seemed to be activated, the power of the soul overflowed endlessly, and finally pushed the vortex channel to reverse successfully, and Ye Wuque's figure disappeared in it.

  After a few breaths.

  At the top of the huge tower, a dim whirlpool passage suddenly brightened.


  The strong spatial power overflowed with the fluctuation of the power of the soul, and in the next instant, a tall figure wearing a black cloak to hide the true face stepped out of it.

   Ye Wuque returned smoothly to the void above the summit of the giant tower.


   But immediately, Ye Wuque's gaze overlooking the audience was a little narrow.

  In this area, we can clearly see the waves of destruction everywhere, the terrible remnants of the aftermath of the powerful battle, and the dense dust and smoke surging in the void.

  At the same time, Ye Wuque keenly smelled the remaining **** smell, and there was still blood in the ancient square below, which stained more than one place.

  It’s just, one!

  In the sky and underground, a figure is invisible.

  Not even a single body was seen!

  Whether it is the eight heavenly kings of the human domain or the eight heavenly kings of the eternal race, all seem to have disappeared on the top of this huge tower at this moment.

   "The battle seems to be fiercer than imagined..."

   "I'm afraid that someone on both sides has been hit hard, but it doesn't seem to have really fallen, but each ran away..."

   Ye Wuque's figure moved, and slowly landed on the ancient square, and the faint self-talking slowly sounded.

  At this moment, he still couldn't perceive his own flesh and blood clone, and it seemed to have disappeared at the same time.

  It was as if Ye Wuque came back, but he was empty.

  But in the next moment, Ye Wuque, who stood quietly on the ancient square, spoke lightly again...

   "So... why do you stay?"

  The moment the sentence fell, the gaze under Ye Wuque’s cloak was refracted like a sharp sword out of its sheath, and he looked towards the end of the ancient square!

  There is no one there, just a ruined ruin, but the next moment...


  A hoarse, mocking laugh like a night owl suddenly sounded, and at the same time, a blood-stained figure slowly emerged!

   "There is a way to heaven, you don't go, **** has no way to vote!"

   "It seems that Dao San... is right, you, the ant, really can't help but sneak back! It's worthwhile to wait here for the elders to wait for the rabbits, and it really didn't take much effort!"

  The blood-stained figure is completely clear, and it is astonishingly one of the five heavenly elders of the eternal clan... Yong Xiao!

   is the elder of the eternal clan who acted together with the three scattered people before, and conspired against the scorching sun god.

  He didn't even leave!

  Hidden in the void of the ancient square!

  But he couldn't hide Ye Wuque's eyes at all. The moment he walked out of the whirlpool passage, Ye Wuque had already discovered Yong Xiao's trace.

  "Being able to find this elder is worthy of being the Great Soul Sage of Nirvana in the Black Hole Realm!"

  "Tsk tusk..."

   "Even if I see you the ant again, this elder still feels incredible! There is actually a living black hole realm and death great soul saint in this world!"

  "Don’t talk about it three times, even this elder is very curious about you, and wants to capture you and slice it for research, so you can check it out..."

  The blood-stained Yong Xiao's voice was hoarse, and his breath was slightly disturbed. It was obvious that he had been injured.

  It’s just that, at this moment, Yong Xiao’s eyes looking at Ye Wuque carried a variety of emotions mixed with mockery, amazement, pity, cruelty, and excitement!

  It seems that in his eyes, even if Ye Wuque is a legendary black hole realm extinguished great soul saint, he is still just... ants!

  He didn't pay attention to it at all, even if he was injured.

  Because he is...the king of heaven! !

  Under the King of Heaven!

   are all ants!

  The Great Soul Saint of the Black Hole Realm Annihilation?

  It can be crushed to death with one finger! !

   is still an ant!

  But this moment!

  Yong Xiao could not see the face under the cloak of Ye Wuque, but there was a smile that was not a smile, that was in his eyes, and it exuded a kind of excitement called seeing the hunt!

"Oh it's you……"

   Ye Wuqian spoke slowly, with a hint of inexplicability.

  Before I played the eternal king of the eternal tribe with Dao San San Ren!

  Yong Xiao was taken aback for a moment. He didn't understand Ye Wuque's endless sentence, but he smiled sullenly and strode towards Ye Wuque without anyone else.

   "Dao San told you to save your life, so you have good luck, you don't have to die now."

   "However, before, your companion cut each of the three elders of my eternal clan with a sword. This hatred, this elder is going to avenge it!"

   "So, just squeeze one of your legs and one arm, don't you mind?"

  "This elder is already very kind! It will hurt a bit next time, Lord Nirvana, you have to hold back..."

  Between cruel and joking words, Yong Xiao who strode forward directly grabbed Ye Wuque with a simple and rude hand! !

  Boom! !

  The Destiny King’s soul shone, and his big hand slammed across the void, like a half of the sky, like a lightning bolt, grabbing one leg and one arm of Ye Wuque!

  A huge roar exploded, and the terrifying power of the King of Heaven was boiling, and the big hand had already covered Ye Wuque's whole person!

   is like a huge peak that is forced to press on a flesh and blood body.

  Yong Xiao with a pale face showed a bloodthirsty and cruel smile at this moment, and then a pitying voice slowly sounded: "What a poor little thing..."

   "What about the Great Soul Saint of the Black Hole Realm?"

   "In front of the king, it's not as fragile as paper... Click!!!"

  The big hand covered with it suddenly burst to pieces, and directly collapsed into the void, making the expression on the bloodthirsty and grinning Yong Xiao's face instantly solidified! !

In the dust and smoke, the black cloak hunted in the wind, and Ye Wuque's figure reappeared intact, as if the eyes under the cloak were looking towards Yongxiao with interest.

   "The King of Heaven..."

"That's it?"

  A faint whisper, falling slowly, but it is so clear.

  Yong Xiao's frozen expression became distorted, her eyes became extremely ferocious and incredible, and she directly issued a dull and unbelievable low growl!

  "Are you also a king?"

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