Return of the War God

Chapter 5318: : To kill the sun and the moon!

The eternal race, holy land.

Rumble! !

The earth-shaking fluctuations seemed to explode as endless stars, and under the entire sky, above the void, there was an indescribable atmosphere of terror!

The sky is broken and the earth is shattered.

If it weren't for this place is the holy land of the eternal race, vast and strong, I am afraid it would have been shattered and cracked long ago!

Fifteen tall and splendid figures, at this time, fought together above the sky, almost defeating the sun and the moon, and killing intent was boiling.

The eight kings of the human domain!

The three eternal kings and elders of the eternal clan, four rebellious kings.

It seems that the battlefield has been moved to here, and continue to fight for life and death.

It is shocking and inexplicable!

Dao San scattered people!

At this moment, the rebellious king of the human domain was using one enemy and two, and with his own power, blocking the Annihilation and the Great Emperor Taiyan.

But even so, the protagonist between heaven and earth at this moment is not Dao San scattered people, let alone any heavenly king.

It's a weird...door under the sky! !

In a small hidden corner below, there are two figures hiding here with difficulty, looking very embarrassed, it is "Ye Wuque" and the Great Nine Heavenly Master.

The Great Nine Heavenly Master was already covered in dust, and his gorgeous robes were already torn, and he looked more embarrassed and embarrassed. At this moment, the tortoise was huddled in the corner, not daring to move, and his hands clasped together, as if he was talking about something, old face. Very pale!

"Unlucky... Why is this celestial master so unlucky! Damn eternal clan, **** traitor! You can't die!"

"I don't want to die..."

The Great Nine Heavenly Master wanted to cry without tears, his voice was already hoarse, with fear and resentment towards the eternal race and traitors.

"Brother, don't look at it! Be careful of the aftermath and shock you to death!"

But even so, the Great Nine Heavenly Master still saw "Ye Wuque" who was cautiously poking his head out to look at it, and quickly pulled him, for fear that "Ye Wuque" rushed out irrationally.

"Ye Wuque" naturally wouldn't really rush out, but his gaze at the moment was staring at the weird gate that had just risen above the sky!

In the past period of time, a lot of things have happened!

The ontology escaped smoothly, found its own chance, and should be in a breakthrough.

However, due to the emergence of the body and Jianchan, pooling forces to cut the three kings with one sword, and severely wounded the three kings of the eternal clan, the situation between the two sides was restored to balance, and the two sides fell into a complete white-hot battle.

Originally, under the blessing of the body's will, "Ye Wuque" only needed to wait quietly, wait until the body broke through before killing it back, and cooperated with the king of the human domain to give the eternal clan a big surprise, but later, it turned out to be a sudden change!

The eight human domain kings, at first, are like a rainbow, desperately confronting the eternal family and rebellious, fearless and fearless.

And the sword from Jianchan was indeed powerful and unpredictable, causing the injuries of the three eternal clan kings to be even more serious than being attacked by the human domain king!

Sure enough, with the passage of time, coupled with the desperate play of the eight kings of the human domain, the eternal clan was gradually suppressed!

The heavenly king and rebellious face of the eternal race are ugly, and the resentment towards the body and Jianchan has reached the extreme!

But resentment still cannot stop the fact that they were suppressed, and the situation is getting worse.

Among them, the three elders of the eternal clan who were chopped by Jianchan were coughing up blood, as if they were precarious.

But at the most critical moment, that three scattered people unexpectedly broke out again!

He once again used the power of the black hole realm divine soul that had prevented the body before!

But all the people present were in the Heavenly King Realm, and under the suppression of the Destiny King Soul, the remaining black hole realm divine soul power would not have much effect, at most it would interfere.

But immediately Dao San San Ren opened the second hole card!

He unexpectedly took out a secret treasure that was so dazzling and indescribable, possessing a great ancient and majestic breath!

The dazzling secret treasure and the power of the black hole realm divine soul were combined together, and immediately burst out incredible power, forcibly blocking the attack of the eight heavenly kings of the human domain, and forcing them back out, alleviating the eternal king of heaven Their disadvantages gave them a temporary respite.

And at that time!

"Ye Wuque" clearly noticed that although Dao San Sanren took out these two big cards and forced them to retreat to the King of Human Domain, his face was not pretty, even very gloomy.

This made Ye Wuque's eyes flicker, and he inferred...

Either the two big hole cards want to be displayed, and there is a price to pay!

Either these two big hole cards have other more important uses. One point is less for strength and cannot be used easily.

And even if "Ye Wuque" is just a flesh and blood clone, you can still feel that the dazzling secret treasure that Dao San Sanmen took out can actually blend with the power of the black hole realm divine soul, as if it was originally... one!

This force is obviously unpredictable, unfathomable, and extremely ancient and majestic!

If it broke out in an all-round way, it would be enough to make the domain kings have no good fruit!

But then...

Dao San scattered people actually chose... retreat!

The four rebellious and eternal kings, although very unwilling, still chose to retreat!

This made "Ye Wuque" more and more affirmed that the two big trump cards in the hands of Dao San Sanmen must have greater other uses!

The importance of this purpose even surpasses the heavenly kings who destroy the human realm! !

How can the eight heavenly kings of the human domain make the eternal race escape?

So I chose to chase and kill without hesitation!

Because the eight human domain kings also saw that the secret treasure in the hands of Dao San San people was extremely powerful, but they were not easy to use.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and they must hunt down in one go, even if it is just to cut off an eternal king of heaven, it is a big gain.

So the two sides chased and fled, so they smashed out the place where the giant tower is inherited!

However, the heavenly kings of the human domain did not forget the Great Nine Heavenly Master and "Ye Wuque", the Venerable Annihilation took the initiative and brought two great mighty heavenly masters together to protect them.

After all, if two great mighty heavenly masters were left behind and the other heavenly spirit realms of the eternal clan were encountered, the consequences would be disastrous.

On the human side, the momentum is like a rainbow, chasing frantically, until the sun and the moon are dull!

The Eternal Clan was injured a lot and was almost about to be intercepted.

Forced, Dao San Sanren could only explode the secret treasure trump card again, exploding with huge power, forcing the King of Human Realm to retreat!

But how can the king of the human domain give up?

Immediately chased up!

In this way, the Dao San San people have fully stimulated the power of the secret treasure several times, and their expressions are hard to see the limit!

And "Ye Wuque" also discovered that the power radiated from the secret treasure in the hands of Dao San Sanmen could actually isolate everything!

So, it was blocked!

The body has lost its perception of itself.

At the same time, "Ye Wuque" also noticed that the eternal clan had one less heavenly king, and he didn't know when he disappeared.

The Heavenly King of Human Domain also noticed this, but he didn't separate out one person to look for it, but he pursued it even more!

Because of eight vs. seven, the eternal family is even more disadvantaged.


In such a chasing and fleeing, the Eternal Clan and the Rebellious Fleeing into the Holy Land of the Eternal Clan unexpectedly.

Came to the ancient square in the center of the Holy Land!

And this square.

It was not the square where the empowerment was before, nor the square in front of the altar where Jian Chan was sleeping at the deepest point. It was a strange small square.

After escaping into the Holy Land Square, Dao San scattered people only did one thing!

That is to throw the secret treasure in his hand to the center of the square, and immediately, the secret treasure burst open!

"Ye Wuque" then discovered that the entire ancient small square seemed to be a place of organs!

As the Secret Treasure burst, the small square appeared unimaginable changes, and it kept closing, and finally turned into a weird gate, and it slowly rose to the top of the sky!

And the shape is very strange!

The whole body of this door is dark red, as if it is made of endless blood. It is about ten thousand meters in size. On it, there are eight **** meridians that are extremely thick and thick, spreading and piercing into the void!

But in the eyes of "Ye Wuque", these eight **** meridians are more like eight huge... blood vessels!

The eight blood vessels twitched constantly, as if absorbing some unknown power, extremely strange.

As the blood vessels continued to tremble and twitch, the dark red door actually began to become more...brighter!

It's as if something needs to be recovered from it!

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