Return of the War God

Chapter 5344: : A terrible fact!

Although he had long realized that the Eternal Ancestor must have something to follow, and there are other conspiracies waiting for them, Ye Wuque could not have imagined such a move!

And... Master?

Who will be the "master" in the mouth of the eternal ancestor to greet Jianchan?

It can only be... it!

The rebellion of that smuggling time and space!

It now appears that the Eternal Ancestor is indeed a loyal lackey of "it". The previous performance in the Holy Land of the Eternal Clan was just a disguise.

"It" must have known the existence of Jianchan a long time ago, so that the eternal clan will be guarded here, and the eternal ancestor will be guarded here, monitoring the situation of Jianchan at any time. Once Jianchan is successfully recovered, it will take action.

In order to deal with Jianchan, the eternal saint ancestor was extremely fierce and resolute. First, he harvested and killed the game, swallowed the gods, and then directly blew himself without hesitation and planted this ultimate ultimate move.

A glimpse of the face shows the horror and weirdness of "it", enabling the Eternal Ancestor to execute all its commands without hesitation.

And Duo She Jian Chan?

From Ye Wuque's point of view, the shock was extremely shocking, and he also felt an unbelievable method.

In addition to this!

Ye Wuque also had a feeling of having to obey the eternal saint ancestor.

The Eternal Ancestor is obviously a male, but in order to deal with Jianchan, he actually chose to seize the house!

The proper ruthless man!


Jianchan stood above the void, and the pitch black bubbles surging in half of her body squirmed crazily, and the face of the eternal saint ancestor condensed on it, constantly shining and galloping, showing the weirdness and evil.

Ye Wuque didn't dare to act rashly at this moment, just staring at Jianchan and Eternal Ancestor, his eyes like a knife.

But his soul power is surging endlessly, and the big dragon halberd in his hand can explode a peak blow at any time.

He has confidence in Jian Chan...

"and so…"

"The previous series are just blindfolds. Is this your last resort?"

Finally, Jian Chan's calm voice sounded, her state at the moment looked extremely strange, only half of her body was normal, and the other half, the black bubbles had become more and more dense!

It looks as if he is surrounded by evil spirits.

The Eternal Ancestor did not speak, but continued to make a weird and penetrating laugh.

And Jian Chan also continued: "Forcibly smelt the power of the placenta of the other gods, and then blew himself up and abandoned his own body, and actively integrated all the spiritual will and power into the destruction of the black source, just to take advantage of my seal to destroy the black source, and pass it openly. Contaminated and attached to me?"

"Hey Hey…"

"There is no way, you are too powerful, if you want to deal with you, you have to die and live!"

"If you can kill you, no matter how big the price is, it's worth it!"

"In order to solve problems for the master, I am willing to give everything."

The Eternal Ancestor opened his mouth with a sly smile, and his voice trembled with a crazily trembling.

The creeping of the black bubbles became more and more terrifying!

The face of the eternal saint ancestor started to grow a little bit bigger at this moment, almost swallowing up half of Jianchan's body!

"The layout of the long years has finally waited for this moment."

"My light will be...infinitely bright today!"

The voice of the eternal ancestor became high-pitched and sharp, and there was a kind of crazy excitement.

This is a total lunatic!

Ye Wuque also felt a trace of solemnity.

At this moment, the black bubbles began to burst a little bit, as if the swamp was exploding, Jianchan's body also trembled.

"Do you really think you can succeed?"

Even if Jian Chan looked very bad at the moment, she was still calm, her expression unchanged, and she was always indifferent.

"You do not understand!"

"The person who knows you best is often your enemy!"

"You don't even know how long the master has studied you!"

"You don't even know how much preparation the master has made to deal with you!"

"You don't know what you are about to face!"

"For you, the eternal years are just a dream, open your eyes and close your eyes."

"But for the master, how many days and nights are there!

"Do you really think you can calm everything by absorbing the source of strength? Suppress everything?"

The eternal saint ancestor's crazy voice slowly became weird, and finally the creepy and terrifying face became more and more infiltrating.

"Do you really think that I haven't discovered the existence of the'source of power' for a long time?"

"Do you really think that the canopy of the sky can be a perfect and undamaged source of protection, no one can do anything about it?"

"The master's method! It's beyond the limit you can imagine!"

As soon as he said this, Jianchan's eyes finally narrowed slightly.

But Ye Wuque was shocked in his heart here too!


"When you and this ant pass through the Duntian Curtain, enter the source of power, and after you start to absorb it successfully, how much do I want to laugh?"

"It's like seeing two little lambs who think they are in control and walk into the trap carefully set by the tiger without knowing it. Instead of feeling the least wrong, they are complacent and pitiful!"


The Eternal Ancestor laughed wildly.

"A source of strength!"

"What a great power that is!"

"It is the greatest contributor to the evolution of the'Eternal Island'!"

"Such a great power, even if it is a boost for the owner, but it still chooses to leave it to you..."

"Why do you say it?"

During the words, the eternal ancestor stared at Jianchan, as if to appreciate the change of Jianchan's expression next.

But Ye Wuque had already caused waves in his heart, and it was difficult to calm down!

The words of the eternal ancestor revealed a terrible fact!

Source of strength!

In fact, it was a trap that "it" deliberately left for Jianchan!

It is very likely that "it" has already used numerous methods!

Doesn't it mean that he and Jianchan absorbed the source of power, but in fact, it is equivalent to actively jumping into the layout of "it"?

Is it possible that some kind of...hidden danger has been buried in your own body?

Ye Wuque's eyes flickered!

But when he broke through, he took control of himself, and his mind and will reflected everything. He didn't notice any impropriety, and there was no alien power or volition of will!

Or is the Eternal Ancestor just deliberately bringing rhythm and talking nonsense?

"Do you think I will believe?"

Jianchan was still calm.

"Is it?"

The Eternal Ancestor was not annoyed, but gave a weird smile, but at this moment, he turned his face suddenly and looked at Ye Wuque in the void, his eyes filled with pity, mockery, teasing, and comical meaning.

"I just didn't expect that you would be willing to let this ant share the source of power with you, tusk, it's so magnificent!"

"Therefore, because of you, this ant is about to die...very miserable!"

"It's so pathetic..."

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