Return of the War God

Chapter 5367: : Breakthrough on the spot!

Hell has a ray of sky.

Twenty vast and incomparable auras descended from the sky, shocking the ten directions, making countless people in the human domain who were chasing after them without expression and shivering.

Twenty Heavenly Spirit Realm masters!

What an earth-shattering deterrence is this?

You know, although there are many masters of the Heavenly Spirit Realm in the human domain, the human realm is vast, and the Heavenly Spirit Realm is also fascinating in normal days, unless it is a grand event like logging in to the Eternal Island.

But now, before the line of heaven in the hell, twenty heavenly spirit realms appeared in a coincident wave!

In addition to the previous six, a total of twenty-six Celestial Spirit Realm.

What scale is this?

It also proves how terrible the attraction of "Maple Leaf Heavenly Master" is?

At this moment, after the twenty Heavenly Spirit Realm fell, their eyes flickered with each other, each on their guard, their eyes watched.

Obviously, they themselves didn't expect so many heavenly spirit realms to appear.

But since it's here, how can you give up?

And it is foreseeable that there should be other Heavenly Spirit Realms coming!

"You, come out and say, what's the current situation here? Who has already arrived?"

One of the Heavenly Spirit Realm pointed at an onlooker human being, and spoke coldly.

The same scene appeared.

The human beings who were accused of stammering suddenly spoke about the situation, and suddenly all twenty Heavenly Spirit Realm masters frowned.

"Already six Heavenly Spirit Realms have entered?? Haven't come out yet?"

"what's the situation?"

One of the heavenly spirits, named "Old Huang", looked at the restriction that enveloped the entrance, his eyes flickering.

"In a full quarter of an hour, a great mighty celestial master can kill him more than a hundred times in any celestial spirit realm!"

"How could it be possible that none of them come out?"

"Could it be that within the ray of hell, there are... other exits?"

Another Heavenly Spirit Realm spoke up, and thinking of this, everyone suddenly changed their colors again.

Only this one explanation is reasonable!

Otherwise, how could the six heavenly spirit realms disappear silently? ?

As for the six Heavenly Spirit Realms, will they be counter-killed by the Maple Leaf Heavenly Master?

No one would think about this idea at all.

Because before they came, a mere Dawei Tianshi, and a mere dark star realm extinguished the soul repair of the Great Soul Sage, and in front of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, they were as fragile as an ant.

"Go in!"

"At this time, at the door, I don't think there is any need to fight for life and death. How about going in together first and then relying on their own skills?"

There was another opening in the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

This sentence immediately made countless human beings onlookers look weird.

Because not long ago, the six great masters of the Heavenly Spirit Realm had just said exactly the same thing.

As a result, after the six Heavenly Spirit Realm entered, they have not yet come out.

The twenty Heavenly Spirit Realm masters glanced at each other, and in the end they all agreed to go in together first.

After all, I haven't even seen "Maple Leaf" now. The six Celestial Spirit Realms in front still appear now. There is a weirdness, just like this?

It's not worth it!

There is naturally no idiot who can break through to the three-day realm.


In the next instant, the forbidden light covering the entrance suddenly gleamed. Twenty great masters of the heavenly spirit realm, 18 of them rushed in without hesitation, confronted the forbidden light curtain, and wanted to rush in.


However, two Heavenly Spirit Realm masters suddenly stopped at the last moment.

One of them was named "Baihua Sanren", and the other was named "Xiao Tianshou". Both of them were famous lone strong men in the human domain.

But at this moment, the two people's eyes flickered, staring at the forbidden light close at hand, looking at the backs of the eighteen squeezed in, their eyes were like knives.

"No! Something is wrong!"

Baihua Sanren's eyes suddenly condensed, and from the bottom of my heart there was an indescribable...shock and chill!

He has always been keen intuition, this is an innate talent, at least three times helped him through life and death crisis, and felt in advance.

At this time, this instinctive intuition once again appeared, reminding him that there was a problem within the **** line of sky ahead!

"Never go in!"

"The six people who went to the Heavenly Spirit Realm in advance, I am afraid that something has happened!"

"This may be a trap! A trap laid by the Maple Leaf Heavenly Master??"

The chill in Baihua Sanren's heart was surging, and the steps he had already stepped out suddenly withdrew at this moment, and then he didn't look back even... ran away!

On the other side, Xiao Tianshou, unlike Baihua Sanren, did not have any terrible instincts. The reason why he stopped and stared at the entrance was only because a tangled color flashed in his eyes.

"Do not!"

"Interests can indeed destroy a person's mind and will! If I take this step today, my bottom line and principles will be completely fallen!"

"Although I Xiao Tianshou is not a saint, I still understand what I can do and what I don't do!"

"Besides, even if I actually go in, can it really be my turn to have the last laugh?"

Finally, Xiao Tiansou made his own choice, he chose to give up, and also turned and left.

The departure of the two Heavenly Spirit Realm masters caused a lot of riots, but more attention was still paid to the eighteen people who chose to enter them.

After watching the eighteen heavenly spirit realm shining with the spirit of destiny and completely entered the **** line of heaven, all the creatures in the realm stared at the entrance again.

Within the hinterland.

Eighteen panting Heavenly Spirit Realm masters finally squeezed in, but their brows were all frowned in an instant.

"There is a smell of blood! Sure enough...Huh??"

"Maple Leaf!"

Then, they saw Ye Wuque sitting there quietly, and the six **** heads in front of Ye Wuque's body!

"you you…"

The eighteen masters of the Heavenly Spirit Realm suddenly felt cold all over!

Is Maple Leaf Heavenly Master intact? ?

The six Heavenly Spirit Realms that came in before are all dead? ?

The head was screwed off? ?

How could this be? ?

"Is it really a trap??"

Someone growls!

But more people are showing a fierce light!

"The matter is over, what are you waiting for?"

"kill him!"

"No matter what pitfalls there are, we have 18 people here, and we are afraid that we can't kill them?"

"Shoot together!"


After a loud roar, the eyes of each of the eighteen great masters of the Heavenly Spirit Realm became fierce, the spirit of destiny shone, and the killing intent was fierce. They looked at Ye Wuque and made their own choices.

No one hesitated or hesitated, scrambled, and their eyes were full of greed and madness, and they all shot together!

Kill Ye Wuqian and then hurry up!

Divide and swallow all the property, eat and wipe away the bones and scum without leaving behind!

And then…

There's no after that…


After a burst of scalp-numbing flesh and blood shattered and roared, as the strong smell of blood dissipated, 18 **** heads flew across the void and were sucked onto the ground in front of Ye Wuque.

Back and forth, a total of 26 heads of the Heavenly Spirit Realm masters are piled up here, which also represents the 26 destiny spirits!

"This time, it must be enough..."

Ye Wuque swept over twenty-six **** heads, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

Then there was a buzzing, the restriction at the entrance of Hell Line Sky suddenly flashed, and it was lifted to the extreme silently.

"So far, just over half of the game..."

"But for the remaining half, wait until I break through..."

At this moment, Ye Wuque had already made a decision!

Just within the ray of heaven in this hell, right now...

He wants to break through on the spot!

Completely transform the black hole primordial spirit to perfection, from the "half-step black hole realm" to the hole realm!

Seeing Ye Wuque's thoughts move, the black hole primordial spirit in the soul space suddenly turned around!

In the next moment, as the devouring sky sucked, a full ten spirits of destiny were sucked out of the **** head, and they were all sucked up in the soul space, and they were swallowed frantically by the greedy black hole primordial spirit!

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