Return of the War God

Chapter 5375: What's up


Before the ray of hell, Wan Lai was dead!

Only the ancestor of the Ji family kowtowed his head frantically, and the roar of his forehead hitting the ground constantly reverberated. It was so clear, so cold, and the soul collapsed!

That is a heavenly king!

The pinnacle powerhouse of the human domain, squeezing the ten directions, exists invincible vertically and horizontally!

At this moment, like a dog, he kowtows to such an extremely weak soul repairer like the Maple Leaf Heavenly Master, and he doesn't even dare to stop!

This scene literally caused all the three levels of human beings present to suffer the ultimate impact of eternity and indelibility.

Countless creatures looked up at the Black Venerable above the void, and at this moment, almost gushing out awe, fear, trembling, fear...

Why did the ancestors of the Ji family completely abandon his face in this way?

Isn't it because of Master Black's unparalleled means and earth-shaking powerful force?

One punch to destroy the king!

In the big pit not far away, Venerable Cangyang, who was only half of his body left, still wailed incessantly, terribly and full of fear. The blood seemed to overflow without money, and the The ground was stained red everywhere.

face? dignity? backbone?

Under the strong threat of life, nine out of ten creatures in the world will choose their own lives.


There will be no exceptions!

If the ancestors of the Ji family kowtow to admit their mistakes, then the fate of Venerable Cangyang at this moment is her fate!

"Compared to him, you are very eye-catching..."

At this moment, Black Venerable's indifferent and calm voice finally sounded again, echoing between the heavens and the earth, causing countless creatures to tremble.

And falling in the ears of the ancestors of the Ji family, it was like a thunder and thunder!

"However, if you bully my junior, you have to pay a price!"

"When will you and my brother feel satisfied, when can you stop."

Black Lord spoke again.

But as the Black Venerable spoke, the Ji family ancestor's head knocked more violently. The ground in front of her had been knocked out of a hole, and it was still expanding!

The thin and pale old face was filled with endless despair, fear, horror, and trembling. The hoarse voice of the ancestor of the Ji family begging for mercy and apology was about to float, full of fear!

Can she not be afraid?


Just a punch!

Venerable Cangyang was abolished!

If it was her, there would be no surprises.

This Black Venerable is really terrifying, terrible!

Is his strength afraid that he has reached the level of invincible heaven?

Not to mention that there is a white deity next to the black deity, and a more unfathomable master behind him!

The ancestor of the Ji family didn't even have the slightest sign of resistance and resentment. She was really shocked.

At the same time, infinite regret was born in my heart!

Not long ago, she had just eaten in the Jiuxian Palace and lost a lot of fortune in the Jiuxian Palace, which greatly hurt her Ji family's vitality.

That's why I took this opportunity to get involved in the wealth of the Heavenly Master Maple Leaf, thinking about making up for the wave.

It turned out to be what it is now!



But it's too late!

At this moment, countless human beings looked far away and saw the "Maple Leaf Heavenly Master" standing triumphantly, with a flushed face, raising his chin and looking proudly at the kneeling ancestor of the Ji family. A look of joy and enjoyment!

Black Venerable has already spoken, when will the "Maple Leaf Heavenly Master" be satisfied, and when will the Ji family ancestors stop and save his life.

Now, everyone can only wait for the "Maple Leaf Heavenly Master" to be satisfied.


No one could see it, whether it was the depths of the eyes of "Maple Leaf Heavenly Master" or the gaze under the cloak of the Black Venerable, the same deep smile was surging at this time.

Differentiate "Maple Leaf Heavenly Master" and "Black Venerable", sing and make a peace with each other, supporting each other as the two identities, acting as if they were acting!

This is the method Ye Wuque planned to end all of this!

Proper show operation!

Even Ye Wuque himself found it quite interesting.

The identity of "Maple Leaf Heavenly Master" needs to be retained for the time being, because Immortal Building still owes him a trip to the treasure house!

In addition, the name "Maple Leaf Heavenly Master" has other uses.

And because Dawei Tianshi is worthless, in addition to Ye Wuque’s purpose of smoothly making the black hole Yuanshen perfect, the second purpose is to find a new and hard backing for the "Maple Leaf Tianshi". .

The "Black Venerable" who had just shocked the human domain was perfect, and naturally appeared here.

Perfect linkage with "Maple Leaf Heavenly Master".

Have no idea!

Ye Ge has so many vests!

And this is the advantage of having more vests. Use one vest to raise a hand for another...

What's up?

Can not be done!

There is a saying, manipulating the vests to equip each other... Acting, Ye Ge is also very tired, okay?

In this way, not only did the two vests establish a connection, but the sound of "senior brother" expanded and deepened this connection to an unfathomable extent.

You know, people's self-replenishing ability is very strong!

"Black Zun" and "Maple Leaf Heavenly Master" are brothers, and the existence of "Master" is mentioned in the words of "Black Zun".

Just a few simple words and revealing some key words are enough to allow countless creatures in the entire human domain to carry out their own and reasonable brain supplements!

A dragon in the brain fills the head but never sees the end, but the strength is unpredictable and unimaginable mysterious force!

In Ye Wuque's eyes, the biggest effect of this wave of operations is actually... to muddy the water!

Now the biggest and most terrifying enemy in Ye Wuque's eyes is naturally "it", a rebellion that needs to be killed.

The two sides are already immortal!

And "it" has been entrenched in the human domain for many years, even the eternal ancestor of the eternal clan has become a slave of "it", God knows how many other cards "it" has!

Otherwise, in the Eternal Island, before the trace of power left by "it" is killed, it will not let go of cruel words.

In the eyes of "it", it may have controlled everything in the entire human domain.

But at this time, a mysterious and unpredictable one suddenly appeared, but the appearance of a powerful force was tantamount to muddy the water, enough to distract some of "it"'s attention.

What is false and true, true or false, is often the most confusing.

Therefore, Ye Wuque always thought carefully about everything he wanted to do. He counted on one arrow and took three steps, which has become instinct.

"The other key reason why the identity of the'Maple Leaf Heavenly Master' is still retained is to facilitate further exploration of the... bottom of the'Indestructible Building'!"

At this moment, under the black cloak, a deep and sharp meaning flashed in the depths of Ye Wuque's eyes.

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