Return of the War God

Chapter 5377: King's return


The reason why he didn't kill the ancestor of the Ji family naturally had his own plan.

After all, it is also a heavenly king.

Maybe it will be used later!

Even if it is used as cannon fodder, it is good.

"Nine Immortals Supreme!"

"Jiang Feiyu!"

At this moment, the voice of "Maple Leaf Heavenly Master" also sounded again, looking at Jiu Xian Zhizun and Jiang Feiyu, his faces showed undisguised gratitude and solemnity.

"As the saying goes, Lu Yao knows horsepower and will see people's hearts over time!"

"Today, Maple Leaf realized that Huluo Pingyang was bullied by a dog, but I also saw what it means to be sentimental and righteous!"

"I didn't say it!"

"Although Dawei Tianshi is indeed worthless now, I am here to promise Maple Leaf!"

"If there is any trouble in the Jiuxian Palace in the future, if there is a place where Maple Leaf is needed, I will definitely be there!"

The word "Maple Leaf Heavenly Master" is like a knife, solemnly and solemnly.

Jiu Xian Zhizun hurriedly said: "The heavenly master does not need to be like this! It is our Jiu Xian Palace who is in front of you!

"It's natural to help you, the celestial master!"

"It's just I didn't expect the heavenly master to have the senior fellow Black Venerable."

"One yard goes to one yard! I wrote down this love!"

"Maple Leaf Heavenly Master" also waved his hand, very serious, so that Jiu Xian Zhizun could only acquiesce.

"You, you, you have grown up through this experience. Fortune and misfortune depend on each other. It is enough."

"Hei Zun" spoke again, smiling and cursing "Maple Leaf Heavenly Master".

"In that case, don't disturb the reunion of the two. The palace will retire first. If there is time in the future, the two can come to the Jiuxian Palace at any time!"

"My palace must sweep the couch to welcome each other!"

Jiu Xian Zhizun was clean and tidy, and said directly at this moment.

"Black Lord" nodded lightly.

"Very good to go!"

"Maple Leaf Heavenly Master" clasped his fists away, and at the same time nodded to Jiang Feiyu.

Immediately, the second place on the human domain beauty list turned away and returned to the Jiuxian Palace.

Between the heaven and the earth, countless creatures still didn't dare to move, looking at the brothers "Black Venerable" and "Maple Leaf Heavenly Master".

"Junior Brother, what are your plans next? Do you want to go back to see Master with me?"

"Black Lord" spoke.

"I won't go for the time being, thank you, brother! I want to return to the Immortal Building! This time, brother, you have finally been born. How can I not just take a breath?"

"This time, Junior Brother, I am suffocated to death! I must raise my eyebrows!"

"I want the king to return to the immortal building!!"

"Maple Leaf Heavenly Master" spoke viciously.

"You...Okay, just be happy if you are happy. Then, if there is any accident, activate it at any time, and I will appear immediately."

Under the gaze of countless creatures, they saw with their own eyes that the "Black Venerable" had thrown a token like a token to the "Maple Leaf Heavenly Master".

"Remember to go home often, Master and his elders still remember you very much!"

"I know, brother, don't be fussy! I'll slip away first!"

"Maple Leaf Heavenly Master" took out the Nine Heavens and Ten Divine Shuttles, activated it again, and left immediately.

Only the "Black Sovereign" who seemed helpless, and countless humanoid creatures who looked at each other and were full of shock were left behind!

This is a high above, invincible in all directions, as well as the Black Lord who can kill the Heavenly King!

Infinite horror!


But in front of the "Maple Leaf Heavenly Master", it was so... kindly?

The relationship between the two brothers is too good, right? ?

If necessary, can the "Maple Leaf Heavenly Master" summon Master Black to come over at any time? ?

Good guys!

"Maple Leaf Heavenly Master" has such a dear brother, this new patron is afraid that it won't be better than the Immortal Building!

After all, the reason why the Immortal Tower is so detached that no one dares to provoke it is because the immortal spirit can kill the King of Heaven!

Now, the Black Lord can also kill the King of Heaven!

What more to say?

In an instant, all the creatures understood what the "Maple Leaf Heavenly Master" just said, "The King is back, raise your eyebrows"!

Good guys!

This is the "Maple Leaf Celestial Master". Is it possible that there will be another disturbance in the Indestructible Building?

Oh my God!

Isn’t there a bigger excitement to watch? ?

Just when countless creatures were shocked, the "Black Venerable" above the void had silently disappeared at some point.

So far, countless human beings completely collapsed one by one, their legs were soft, and many people sat down with a thumping ass, as if they had come back to life again.

But the next moment!

Almost everyone immediately took out a variety of jade slips to spread all the news here.

I am afraid that within a dozen breaths, one pass ten, ten pass a hundred, a million pass, the entire human domain will know what is happening here!

The entire human domain is about to be completely... boiling again! !

call out!

In the vast void, nine heavens and ten earth shuttles shuttled at speed, returning to the original road, the direction was naturally the immortal building.

Inside the shuttle, the "Maple Leaf Heavenly Master" sits quietly cross-legged.

In the next instant, a figure flashed away, and it was Black Venerable that suddenly appeared.

The figure of "Maple Leaf Heavenly Master" immediately disappeared, and Ye Wuque lifted the black cloak.

"Black Lord" disappeared.

The real Maple Leaf Heavenly Master is back online.

With a sigh of relief, Ye Wuque sat down again.

"I have one thing to say, I'll play myself here. It's tiring to play double reeds, but the effect should be good..."

Ye Wuque showed a faint smile.

This wave comes down, a few eagles with one stone.

"Luo Hongfei slipped away without accident."

"But the look in his eyes before running..."

With the power of Ye Wuque's spirit, Luo Hongfei's hiding is just a joke.

When the ancestors of the Ji family ran to get the storage ring of Venerable Cangyang, Luo Hongfei ran away directly.

But Ye Wuque didn't take action against him, but let him run away.

Ye Wuque clearly "see" that, in addition to resentment, madness, and fear, Luo Hongfei's eyes looked at him before leaving, and there was a glimmer of light.

"Not surprisingly, what should the grandfather in his body promise him to give him the power to defeat me?"

Ye Wuque felt the "Soul Eater Divine Insect" in the Divine Soul Space, but it was still not activated.

"I hope he can surprise me, such as the rest...Gu Bao!"

Put a long line to catch a big fish.

Now that this step has been reached, the previous Ye Wuque is not in a hurry, but now that his combat power has leapfrogged, he is naturally not in a hurry.

The supreme power behind Luo Hongfei!

This is also what Ye Wuque cares about.

Could it also be related to "it"?

Once Luo Hongfei is dealt with, will he be stunned?

After all, Jianchan is still healing his wounds, and then he has to go to the fault of the Heitian domain to replenish the ancient will.

At this time, you can't worry.

Temporarily suppressing the thoughts in his heart, Ye Wuque took out the storage rings of Venerable Cangyang and the ancestor of the Ji family, which were two unexpected trophies.

The storage ring of the two heavenly kings?

Shouldn't let him down?

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