Return of the War God

Chapter 5395: : Causality

"Why can the Zhao family be high above? Those Zhao families are born to be extremely noble, obviously a lot of waste, but on what basis can they be in charge of the soul palace? And my big ninth, with an outstanding aptitude for soul cultivation, Born but can only start from the humblest apprentice?"

"I'm not convinced!"

"Furthermore, it is because of this inheritance treasure that the Zhao family's bloodline can temper its bloodline, which not only purifies it, but also makes its bloodline more suitable for soul cultivation."

"If I get it, I will only do better than Zhao's and achieve even greater achievements!"

"Zhao's line, what counts?"

The Great Nine Heavenly Master is like a devil at this moment.

"It's just that I didn't expect that even if the Zhao clan was destroyed, I would not find the Soul Heaven Tower, and I wasted all these years in vain. I used to hide here all the time."

Staring at the Soul Heaven Tower, the Great Nine Heavenly Master was full of greed.


"So, you do everything possible to adopt me, so you can find this tower for so many years?"

At this moment, Qin Churan looked at the Great Nine Heavenly Master with more pity and mockery.

"of course!"

"Although I have long been the noble Master Dawei! The Zhao family has never even appeared in the same line!"

"But if this treasure is in my hands, it will shine!"

"If I tell you, this so-called'soul sky tower" is only used by the Zhao family to confuse people, and it is not the treasure of the Zhao family's inheritance at all?"

"You were only tricked by the Zhao family from beginning to end!"

Suddenly, Qin Churan spoke like this, like a demon.

The Great Nine Heavenly Master was suddenly struck by lightning!

"No! Impossible! You are lying to me!"

How can the Great Nine Heavenly Master accept it.

"What she said is not wrong, this Soul Heaven Tower really can't be regarded as the treasure of the Zhao family's inheritance."

Suddenly, Ye Wuque spoke again, his tone flat.

"Why do you say that??"

The Great Nine Heavenly Master glared at Ye Wuque, his eyes were scarlet and scary!

"Because the true heritage of the Zhao family is this thing..."

In the words, Ye Wuque's right hand, the "Black Hole Inheritance Bead" from Water Mansion Zhao Yiyuan appeared in his palm at this moment.

The Great Nine Heavenly Master shuddered all over, and the whole person seemed to have been caught in the hold technique!

But here, Qin Churan was also staring at Ye Wuque at this moment, shocked, unbelievable, and suspicious in his beautiful eyes.

"You, you...who are you?"

The Great Nine Heavenly Master's voice was already trembling, and there was endless anger and madness.

But Qin Churan couldn't help but look at Ye Wuque at this moment and said, "You..."

"I am not from the Zhao family."

"I only got the chance left by the last Patriarch of the Zhao family,'Zhao Yiyuan' under the fate meeting, and finally got this'Black Hole Inheritance Bead'."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the Great Nine Heavenly Master suddenly went round!

"what did you say??"

"Black Hole Inheritance Pearl??"

"This bead can break through to... the black hole realm?"

Ye Wujian head, gave an affirmative answer.

"No! How could this happen??"

"No! How can this be?"

"I struggled to find the baby for a lifetime, but it turned out to be a fake! I never knew the real baby??"

The Great Nine Heavenly Master looks like a madman.

"There is another news you should also know..."

Ye Wuque looked at the Great Nine Heavenly Master and spoke again.

"Even if you get this'Black Hole Inheritance Bead,' you won't be able to break through the black hole realm."

"Because the Dawei Tianshi Road will only cut off the'Black Hole Path', this is the ultimate secret from the Zhao family."

As soon as he said this, Qin Churan's expression condensed, obviously she didn't know this.

But Ye Wuque was surprised to find that the Great Nine Heavenly Master did not seem to be surprised, but a tragic smile appeared.

"You already know this?"

Ye Wuqian opens.

The Great Nine Heavenly Master smiled desperately: "Yes, I found it! My Great Nine is a genius with souls! I have reached the Dark Star Realm Dzogchen, and become the most noble Heavenly Master in the human domain!"

"Why can't I find out?"

"At the moment I found out, God knows how desperate I was!"

"But it is precisely because of this that I have to break through! I am not convinced! Why can't the Dawei Tianshi not break through the black hole realm?"

"I just want to break the curse! It is impossible to break!"

The Great Nine Heavenly Master roared like catharsis.

"So, this is why you killed Yun Luo?"

Ye Wuque said slowly.

There was a strange color on the face of the Great Nine Heavenly Master, it seemed to carry a trace of sadness, a trace of intolerance, but was replaced by endless madness!

"Yes! Since ordinary methods can't break through, then don't take the ordinary path!"

"One great mighty heavenly master can't do, one dark star realm Great Perfection Yuanshen can't do, so what about two?"

"What if my primordial spirit merges with another dark star realm Great Perfection primordial spirit? Maybe it will succeed!"

I saw the Great Nine Heavenly Master flipped his right hand and took out a small jade bottle. The jade bottle was transparent. At this moment, a pulsating light source was flashing in it. It was the original spirit... the original spirit left by the Yunluo heavenly master. force!

"Yun Luo... I'm sorry for you!"

"But I can't help it!"

"I really can't help it!"

"I want to break through! I want to break the curse! Only you can help me! Only you can help me..."

The Great Nine Heavenly Master stared at the jade bottle tremblingly and muttered to himself.

Seeing this scene, Ye Wuque's suspicion about Tianshi Yunluo's death before his death was completely solved.

It's no wonder that after discovering the body of Tianshi Yunluo, Ye Wuque instinctively felt something was wrong!

Why can Tianshi Yunluo die silently?

It could only be the hands of someone he knew, which made him let go of his guard.

There is also the most critical, but also the most overlooked point!

After discovering the body of Tianshi Yunluo at that time, Dajiu was in grief, but from beginning to end, he did not even touch the body of Tianshi Yunluo!

why? ?

Because of guilt! Because of fear!

Will subconsciously refuse, do not want to approach.

It's just that Ye Wuque ignored this because of the goal of the Hidden Heavenly Master.

And this is also the reason why the Great Nine Heavenly Master will make a fierce move!

Directly blame the Yintian Master!

However, no one would have thought that the "Yin Tianshi" turned out to be Qin Churan.

That's why it was just explained!

Everything, like fate, after going round and round, after all, the truth comes to light.

"You beast! Not only have you betrayed the teacher, you have even killed your best friends! It's not a pity to die!"

Qin Churan yelled bitterly.


"People don't kill themselves!"

The Great Nine Heavenly Master squeezed the jade bottle, slowly roared and laughed wildly.

"The person behind you...who is it??"

Suddenly, Ye Wuque looked at the Great Nine Heavenly Master and spoke like this.

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