Return of the War God

Chapter 5409: :That's it?

"It really stopped!"

"what's the situation?"

Hongyun Enshrinement was also carefully observed.

"Let's talk about it first!"

King Baicang made a decisive decision.

The flying shuttle was advancing as fast as lightning, and wherever it passed, a majestic wave of air was set off, like a storm.

Soon, at the end of heaven and earth, a huge natural abyss appeared, lying there, surrounded by many towering peaks.

It looks like a hell.

"Master Bai Wang is in this abyss, and he hasn't moved, so he stopped in it."

Heavenly King Shirakura, who is always paying attention to the compass, speaks slowly now.

On the compass, the light spot remained motionless, never moved a bit, and pointed directly into the abyss ahead.

"Huh! Go straight in!"

"What's to be afraid of?"

Baicang Tianwang is a master of art and bold.

Hongyun worship also nodded.

Ye Wuque...

Naturally even more okay.

I saw the flying shuttle swept across the void, rushed directly under the abyss, and plunged down.

The surrounding void suddenly became dim, and only a small amount of light could be seen, which made people feel an inexplicable sense of horror.

"This abyss is deep! It's been down for half an hour, and it hasn't bottomed out yet..."

Hongyun enshrines and stares below.


Ye Wuque spoke slowly.

In the next instant, the eyes of the three people suddenly brightened, and a place resembling a valley appeared, and they had obviously reached the bottom of the abyss.

The dust and smoke were blown away immediately, lingering in the void, as far as the eye could see, a cloud of gray.

But at this moment, King Shirakura looked up at the top of them when they came.

Total darkness.

Can't see anything!

It's like an eternal night!

"The compass indicates that Master Bai Wangtian is here!"

Heavenly King Bai Cang held up the compass, and at this moment, the two light spots on the compass had overlapped.

"Go down."

Ye Wuque stood up first and walked out.

Heavenly King Baicang and Red Cloud were naturally fearless, and soon the three of them stepped off the shuttle.

As far as I can see, a piece of gray, as they step down, a piece of dust gradually rises.

"What the **** is this? It seems deadly silent!"

Hongyun enshrines Shen Sheng and speaks.

"No one at all!"

Heavenly King Baicang was holding the compass, but he didn't seem to find any clues.

But here, Ye Wuque, from the time he stepped out of the shuttle, a deep playfulness surging in his eyes.

"Wait! In front!"

Heavenly King Bai Cang suddenly spoke, and his right hand flicked in the void.


A storm swept away, blowing towards the front, suddenly blowing away all the gray fog, exposing the landscape ahead.

I saw a huge boulder slowly emerge, and on that huge boulder, there was an old figure sitting side by side!

His face was thin, his body was medium-sized, his face was full of folds, his head was gray and white, and his whole body exuded a decadent aura.

It was as if dead wood was buried in the ground, and only half of it fell outside, lingering, and the fire of life had begun to dim.

"Master Bai Wangtian!"

Hongyun enshrines and speaks unanimously with Tianwang Baicang, calling out the identity of this person, and it is Tianshi Baiwang who stole the mysterious rune from the immortal building.

Sure enough, he appeared here, not only sitting cross-legged, but with his eyes closed together, looking from a distance, as if he was asleep.

But this weird scene did not scare away Hongyun enshrining and Baicang Tianwang.

They are the realm of heavenly kings!

And are the two statues in one place, facing the soul cultivation of a Dark Star Realm Great Perfection?

If you are still scared, you don't need to be confused!

"Bo Wang!"

Heavenly King Baicang yelled and shook the surroundings, and the entire void showed terrifying coercion, pouring out like mountains and seas.


In an instant, the huge boulder on which Master Bai Wang was sitting cross-cut directly, causing Master Bai Wang to sit on the ground.

However, Master Bai Wang still maintained the posture of sitting cross-legged, as if unmoved, but at this moment, the closed eyes finally opened slowly.

In the dark pupils, the red cloud enshrined, Baicang Tianwang, and Ye Wuque were reflected in the three people, and a strange smile slowly appeared in them.

Just now!

"Two heavenly kings, one mighty heavenly master."

"This lineup, to be honest, makes this young man a little..."


A sudden young man's voice rang suddenly, and it came from nowhere, but with a kind of magnetism, and a little...joking!

"Someone pretends to be a fool! Get out!"

Heavenly King Baicang roared directly, and the terrifying coercion swept across the void once again, and the soul of the King of Destiny shone, terrifying everything!

Wherever he went, the void was directly distorted and shattered, as if the end had arrived, squeezing everything.


Still nothing!

As if the voice came from other places infinitely distant, the real body was not here.

Hongyun Enshrine and Baicang Tianwang stood side by side, expressionless, but his eyes squinted.

"Oh, let this young man rush over in a hurry, he didn't hesitate to miss a game, and the result..."

"That's it??"

In the next moment, the jokingly emotional young man's voice sounded again, still not knowing where it came from, unable to distinguish.

But this time, behind that Master Bai Wangtian, a figure suddenly appeared slowly!


The first thing that catches the eye is a cloak that hunts in the wind!

Golden cloak!

But at the edge, it is inlaid with black edges, making this golden cloak look even more luxurious and unfathomable!

Under the golden cloak with black borders, a tall figure slowly emerged.

Can't see the true face, but it gives people a mysterious and unpredictable feeling!


This figure is the owner of the voice of the young man who claims to be "the son", that is, the young man who has just spoken.

Seeing this figure, the expressions of Hongyun Enshrine and Baicang Tianwang were indifferent, and there was a touch of chill in their eyes.

"The Maple Leaf Heavenly Master guessed it right!"

"Are you the person behind Bai Wang?"

King Baicang asked, his tone indifferent.

The young man in the golden cloak did not answer, but just smiled faintly, as if with a touch of leisure and joking.

"The two heavenly kings of the Immortal Tower... are well-known and invincible!"

"But now it seems that my son is really... so weak..."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Hongyun Enshrine and Baicang Tianwang became colder, but they were not angry.

Hongyun enshrinement just said coldly: "Young man, no matter who you are, dare to do it right! You will have to pay for it!"

Ye Wuque stood holding his hand with his hand on the side, his expression calm, his eyes fell on the young man in the golden cloak, and the surging interest in the depths of his eyes became more and more intense!

This should be called... Yuanjialuzhai?

Golden cloak!

The self-proclaimed "My Son"!

Wasn't it just the so-called master who chased after Tianduo'er and Leng Lingshuang, those golden cloaked Heavenly Spirit Realm and dozens of half-step Heavenly Spirit Realm masters who had left behind Gubao's ultimate move?

What a coincidence...

In an instant, Ye Wuque's gaze gradually became strange.

"In this way, everything seems to be connected..."

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