Return of the War God

Chapter 5427: :That's it?

Brother Ye didn't speak, he just... smiled.

But at this moment his smile fell in Elder Xuan's eyes, but he felt an indescribable... chill for no reason!

Because Ye Wuque was smiling clearly, but the extreme chill was obvious, the eyes looking at him didn't have the slightest temperature.

There is no anger into anger, no unwillingness, but a kind of...expectation? ?

Elder Xuan sneered immediately!

He is fearless.

His grandson is dead, he has lost his beloved relative, and the enemy is right in front of him. How can he make the other person feel better? ?

He must have Ye Wuque in front of him feel exactly the same pain as him!

Do not!

It is more intense pain.

What does death count? ?

Letting the enemy die is the best revenge!

At this moment, Elder Xuan seemed to have the faith that was divinely helpful.

He believes that his grandson is now looking at him in the sky, watching his grandfather vent his anger for himself, making the enemy feel unhappy.

Thinking of this, Elder Xuan only felt that an endless stream of power gushed from the limbs and a hundred skeletons, and his mind and will had been refined and tempered like never before.


Elder Xuan laughed wildly, with a desperate joy and wanton.

But at this moment, Elder Xuan suddenly heard an inexplicable word from Ye Wuqian who was close at hand...



The moment the word fell, Elder Xuan discovered that the nine golden chains that bound him were all shining.

I saw a golden light beam lingering from each golden chain, continuously extending and stretching, and finally included Elder Xuan in it.

The brilliant golden light suddenly rippled, as if these golden light beams were painting in the void like golden paintbrushes.

With the brilliance shining, a brilliant golden flower turned out to bloom.

It is shaped like a lotus with nine petals.

At this moment, Elder Xuan was directly sealed in a giant golden flower, and only a pair of eyeballs could move gently.

despite this!

At this moment, you can still see deep sarcasm, disdain, and sneer in Elder Xuan's movable eyes!

"That's it??"

Ye Wuque stood quietly under the giant golden flower, expressionless, a touch of coldness as if expecting in his eyes.



The nine petals of the golden giant flower tremble suddenly, and the entire void trembles, and a brilliant brilliance immediately blooms from the stamen!

In an instant, Elder Xuan's eyes suddenly solidified!

Then it's crazy... bump!

It became scarlet in an instant!

It was covered with endless bloodshot eyes in an instant!

Then he started a weird tremor!

The whole body is shaking!

Each pore blooms with a strong brilliance, and it blends with the golden giant flower like water and milk|melting together, regardless of each other, it seems like a fairy.

But it was followed by bright red blood flowing from Elder Xuan's eyes!

Then every pore!

A faint red mist sprayed out from it, blending with the golden brilliance, vaguely forming an inexplicable poignant beauty.

Just a breath time...

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

A bitter and desperate, like a roar of pain emanating from the boundless **** exploded, resounding from Elder Xuan's mouth!

His eyes oozing blood are already full of endless fear and pain!

And the elder Xuan’s roar became more stern, louder, and more terrifying, and the blood mist oozing from his pores became stronger. Under the contamination of the blood mist, the golden giant flowers gradually became bright red, as if they were melted. For a huge scarlet flower.

This is the fifth word of Jiulong bound Tiansuo... Zhi!

When Ye Wuque came up, without any hesitation, he directly used the fifth word.


The harsh and crazy roar continued, and it became more sharp and terrifying, as if there was a night owl wailing.

Elder Xuan inside the golden giant flower has turned bright red all over, and the blood mist is constantly gushing out of his forehead, and the giant flower becomes more and more charming!

Eyes bulge violently!

The blood keeps oozing out!

Every place is trembling all over the body!

But Elder Xuan can only enjoy the endless pain, can only scream, other than that, he can do nothing!

Not only was he unable to commit suicide, but he still remained awake at any time, fully enjoying the boundless pain.

Elder Xuan's eyes were about to burst open, but he still seemed to maintain the last stubbornness!

Do not!

I can't admit defeat!

Xuanfeng is still looking at me in the sky!

I want to avenge Xuanfeng!

I want to let the maple leaf celestial master in front of me also taste the pain of losing an important person!

My faith is still there! My will is still there! I will never give in! Hyeonfeng is watching...

"I said!!"

"I'll say it all!"

"Let me go! Let me go!!"

With endless pain and stern begging for mercy suddenly sounded at this moment, inside the golden giant flower, in the **** raised eyes of Elder Xuan, there was endless begging and misery surging!

It's like an old dog wagging his tail.

Ye Wuque stood with his hand in his hand and ignored him.

The golden giant flower is still trembling gently!

"Oh no!"

"I say it!"

"I'll say it all! Let me go! Let me go!"

"The No. 9 target is at the junction of Xijing and Baimenxia! It's there!"

After exhausting all his strength at the end, Elder Xuan roared out of the location of the No. 9 target.


Seeing no movement from Ye Wuque, the giant golden flower blooming in the void finally no longer tremors, but slowly collapsed.

The elder Xuan inside fell like a muddy mud and hit the ground, just at the foot of Ye Wuque.

He was panting frantically, a strong smell of blood filled his body, blood dripping everywhere, only his face could still tell the original appearance.

Ye Wuque looked down at Elder Xuan condescendingly, expressionless, but his cold voice sounded directly.

"Avenging for grandson?"

"A strong belief?"

"As a result, I only persisted for three breaths and didn't get it..."

"That's it?"

Elder Xuan, who was paralyzed on the ground, was already numb, his eyes dimmed, and he was just breathing greedily. All his spirits and so-called spiritual will have been shattered by the Nine Dragons Bound Heaven Lock.

As for the self-cultivation?

Has long been abolished!

Ye Wuque directly strangled Elder Xuan's neck with one hand and lifted him from the ground.

Then the figure behind disappeared directly from the place.

Human domain, Baimenxia.

This is a very famous place in the human domain, because there is a mighty spirit river flowing in the Baimen Gorge, rushing all day long, endless!

The water of the entire Linghe presents a strange white color, as if it is not water flowing, but white jade.

Therefore, it has long been famous in the human domain, and it can be regarded as a special place.

And Baimenxia borders Xijing. Compared with Baimenxia, ​​Xijing is also a peculiar place.

The sky in Xijing is pure white!

It's like heaven.

This makes when the water of the Linghe River of Baimen Gorge flows into Xijing, the sky and the ground are all white.

It's like coming to a white world, endless and endless.

call out!

A stream of light pierced the sky, and at this moment rushed into this white world, extremely fast!

However, if you look carefully, you can find that the streamer is already a little bleak, but within the streamer, there are two shadows.

One of them, covered in blood, was... the supreme Nine Immortals!

And in her hand, what she held was the one who fainted... Jiang Feiyu!

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