Return of the War God

Chapter 5514: The final truth


How could things be like this?

With the emergence of the immortal poster, with the outbreak of the evil spirit of the immortal, the secrets of the human domain seem to be unlocked!

At this moment, a terrifying aura of earth-shattering erupted from the immortal host, rolling in all directions, almost tearing the world apart.

Immortal Inspiration received this breath, and the smile became more and more crazy!

It seems to have no fear of death at all, just for pure revenge, enjoying the last pleasure.

But in the next moment, the fluctuations in the body of the immortal host slowly subsided, he seemed to have suppressed his own fluctuations after all, looking at the immortal spirit who was laughing wildly, with one hand poked out, and shook the void!

In an instant, the immortal spirit uttered a painful snorting, and his body began to shrink drastically, as if being squeezed together forcibly, and finally reduced to a head-sized ball of light, spreading across the void.

Within the sphere of light, one can vaguely see the howls and struggles of the immortal spirit, as well as the spiteful and crazy roar!

The immortal poster didn't seem to be a killer, but only the immortal spirit was imprisoned by the seal.

After doing all this, the unquenchable host looked flat and sighed, and finally sighed deeply.

At this moment, the atmosphere between heaven and earth became strange and silent!

All the creatures in the domain are silent at this moment, but their faces are constantly changing, including Jiu Xian Zhizun, Su Mubai, Jiang Feiyu, Tian Duo'er, Leng Lingshuang and others.

Everyone has heard the words of the immortal spirit!

At this moment, everyone hates the immortal spirit to their bones!

Everyone witnessed what happened to Luo Hongfei before!

An unimaginable terrible catastrophe had already come to the human domain, and only two hours were left.

"Dare to ask Master Immortal... What the immortal spirit says is true?"

After all, Jiu Xian Zhizun still spoke, she still couldn't believe it, and asked the immortal poster for verification.

The indestructible poster slowly nodded and said: "Yes, this person's situation can't deceive anyone."

The indestructible poster looked at Luo Hongfei again!

Hearing the affirmative answer from the indestructible poster, everyone looked at each other, and the last trace of luck in their hearts disappeared.

Either the immortal landlord left as soon as the human domain was destroyed, and all the creatures in the human domain were killed!

Either immortalize the landlord and sacrifice himself to save the entire human domain!

How would the immortal poster choose?

From the previous words of the immortal spirit, it can be reflected that the immortal poster seems to have long been tired of the human domain, and has long wanted to leave, and this is the birth of the immortal spirit.

If you are an immortal host, would you sacrifice yourself for a place you already hate?

The torture and temptation of human nature!

What will be the answer?

With a squeak, I saw the indestructible landlord descend from the sky, fell into the hall, and walked towards Luo Hongfei.

Everyone looked at that, their eyes flickering.

Ye Wuque stood with Jian Chan, also watching the actions of the immortal poster.

"What do you think?"

Jian Chan spoke to Ye Wuque.

Ye Wuque stood with his hand holding his hand, looking at the immortal host who inspected Luo Hongfei, his eyes became deeper and deeper at this moment, and finally Chuanyin slowly replied: "It is very similar to the death of'It', everything seems to happen very simple. It's straightforward and smooth."

"But is it really that simple?"

Jian Chan's frowning brows slowly spread out and immediately said, "You mean this immortal poster...has a problem?"

"I don't know, it's not clear, even if it wasn't for your existence, I'm afraid I wouldn't have any doubts."

"my existence?"

"Yes, the truth of the whole thing now is that the immortal spirit uses the power of'it' to avenge the immortal landlord. Everyone in the human domain believes it, and'it' was killed by us first. It's so logical."

"However, the reason why you wake up in this era is to punish ‘it’. At the end of the day, it’s just an immortal spirit who is making troubles, don’t you think it’s a bit tricky?"

"What you said does have some truth, do you need me to act immediately?"

Jianchan agreed with Ye Wuque's statement, his eyes looking at the immortal poster were still dull, but he could obviously send a thunderous blow at any time!

"Don't worry, maybe I just think too much."

"Moreover, the aura on this immortal poster is very special. The most important thing is that he seems to be able to leave...Human Realm!"

"In other words, he returned from outside the human domain!"

"What the immortal spirit knows is definitely no better than the immortal poster. The secret controlled by this immortal poster should be the biggest and most complete secret in the human domain!"

"The most important thing is that if there is a real problem with the immortal poster, then he will definitely do something..."


At this moment, the immortal host had already stretched out a hand, and a strange radiance enveloped Luo Hongfei.

Ye Wuque looked on coldly, the power of the soul had already been silently perceiving, and found that the indestructible poster was indeed in Jianchan Luo Hongfei's body.

After a few breaths.

The immortal poster withdrew his hand and looked at Luo Hongfei, who was motionless, with a bleakness in his eyes that didn't know whether it was emotion or sigh.

"His body has been planted with the lifeblood of the human domain. It is sturdy and perfect! This is something that only that terrifying existence can do..."

"Everything can't be reversed!"

As soon as the immortal host said this, everyone in the human domain instantly changed their colors!

In other words!

The next immortal poster can only choose one of two?

However, a voice sounded at this moment, breaking the dead silence.

"Excuse me, the immortal host, the terrifying existence that you and the immortal spirit speak... who is it?"

It was Ye Wuque who kept silent all the time.

As soon as these words came out, almost all the creatures in the domain were shocked!


Everyone heard the words of the immortal spirit.

In the words, "that horrible existence", that is, the existence of the surrender of the immortal spirit, seems to be behind the scenes!

Even now, it seems that the Huangtian clan is not behind the scenes.

So who is this terrifying existence?

Who is not curious?

Everyone looked at the immortal poster once again.

And at this moment, the expression of the immortal poster followed Ye Wuque's question, and there was a sense of undisguised deep jealousy!

But he followed but shook his head slowly, as if with a sigh: "To be honest...I don't know."

This answer from the indestructible poster made everyone stunned!

do not know?

how can that be? ?

Ye Wuque's expression remained unchanged, and he still looked at the immortal host.

"It should be said that until now, I have never seen the true face of this terrible existence!"

The fear on the face of the immortal host disappeared, and a touch of distant memory and emotion appeared in his eyes.

"If you want to know it clearly, you must understand the greatest secret and history of Human Domain..."

"There is not enough time, well, you should know..."

"All the time, what is the biggest secret of Human Domain?"

After calculating the time, the immortal poster looked at everyone again and asked like this.

Jiuxian Zhizun immediately replied without hesitation: "Of course it is the origin of life in the human domain! Therefore, according to old legend, the life of the human domain originated in the eternal island of the eternal star river!"

"The first generation of creatures in the human domain came out of the island of eternity!"

"Our human beings and the eternal family in the Eternal Island, dating back to the longest time, are in the same vein!"

"It's just that, until now, no one knows how the real ancestors of the human domain or the eternal race appeared on the Eternal Island."

Ye Wuque listened to Jiu Xian Zhizun's summary.

When he first entered the human domain, he had heard this legend, until later he had the Eternal Island and his party, but his focus was not here.

and many more!


Could it be that…

Ye Wuque suddenly realized something!

"Yes, the'origin of life in the human domain' is indeed the biggest secret of the human domain, but what I am going to say next is the final truth of the facts, and I am afraid it will subvert the cognition and fantasy of all of you!"

The indestructible poster spoke again, his tone revealing a trace of solemnity.

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