Return of the War God

Chapter 5522: : Puff! !

"Yeah, it was indeed unsuccessful, so I was curious, where did I reveal the flaw?"

"The identity of the'indestructible landlord' is a real existence, not a new character who appeared out of thin air, and under the support of the immortal spirit and the clues left by the past deliberately, the'indestructible landlord' should gradually What is left for you is a positive image..."

"Why do you still doubt?"

"It" still seemed a little puzzled, looking at Ye Wuque and Jian Chan.

Ye Wuque had no expression on his face, but at this moment he spoke directly: "The reason is very simple. In the fault space, your death went too smoothly!"

"You who are so afraid of death and willing to give everything in order to survive, even if Jianchan's power restrains you, how can you not even resist the last?"

"You die too easily."

As soon as the words came out, "it" was stunned!

It seemed to be aftertaste, and then a faint sense of helplessness was revealed: "It turned out to be such a reason, so it seems that I really miscalculated..."

"Besides, there is another reason, you just exposed it!"

Ye Wuque continued to speak.

"Oh? Listen carefully."

"It" seems very interesting.

"You won the'indestructible landlord'. It can be said that the breath is perfectly united, and it has been hidden well before, because what you occupy is the body of the indestructible landlord. Unfortunately, in order to be realistic enough, you are indeed exerting your power with all your strength. , But because of your full display, I was still aware of it..."

In the words, the black hole in Ye Wuqian's eyes appeared silently!

"A breath that belongs to you leaked from the body of the'indestructible landlord', even though there is only a slight to the extreme!"

"But I still can't escape my perception!"

"From that moment, you were exposed."

At this moment, "it" looked at the black hole sky eye in Ye Wuque's forehead with an inexplicable look, and suddenly smiled: "So, it's worthy of the Great Soul Sage of the Black Hole Realm. It's just like a secret calculation just now, it's also clearly felt by you of."

"It seems that I still underestimated the power of the'Black Hole Realm Nirvana Great Soul Sage'!"

At this moment, the flesh body belonging to the indestructible landlord began to collapse a little bit, as if this flesh body was beginning to be unable to support it.

At this moment, Jian Chan's voice suddenly sounded!

"In the fault space, you will have died tomorrow morning. I can be sure that it is indeed you who died. There is nothing wrong with it."

"Why can you be resurrected? Is this your hole card?"

Hearing that, "it" smiled and looked at Jianchan weirdly: "Resurrection? Haha, you will know the answer right away."

"It doesn't matter anymore, even if you can be resurrected a million times, I can kill you a million times!!"

Jian Chan's voice is not high, but he has an absolute strong belief that he will never move forward! !

A horrible breath evaporates from Jianchan's body!

"It" smiled.

Immediately, "it" looked at Ye Wuque again, but his eyes became strange, and then said: "You should still have a question or curiosity in your heart, that is, why the immortal spirit treats Dawei Tianshi so favorably?"

"Or, for a long time, why did the immortal spirits...collect the great mighty heavenly master?"

As soon as he said this, Ye Wuque's eyes narrowed slightly!

Isn't this behavior coming from the real indestructible landlord, but from the will of "it"?

Is "it" always collecting "Dawei Tianshi"?

"And why haven't you been curious..."

"It" stared at Ye Wuque like this, and the weird voice continued to sound again.

"Obviously I knew that you are the Great Soul Sage of Nirvana in the Black Hole Realm, who can perceive everything and can't hide anything from you, but did you still perceive my flaws?"

Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly narrowed!


Puff! ! !

Before the voice of "it" was finished, Jianchan's body trembled suddenly!

On her chest!

A sharp thorn, pierced in from behind, came out through the body! !

Jianchan's beautiful eyes shrank violently! !

The same violently shrank eyes... Ye Wuque! !

Because the same scene happened to Ye Wuque!

Ye Wuque’s physical body was also penetrated from behind, a sharp thorn was exposed from his chest...

To the yin **** thorn! !

Ye Wuque looked back suddenly!

The first thing that catches the eye is that the same unbelievable face on the left, full of sadness, incomprehension, confusion, and the beauty of the country, is the supreme nine immortals!

The situation of Jiu Xian Zhizun is exactly the same as Ye Wuque and Jian Chan!

Her chest was also pierced by Zhi Yin Shen! !


Behind Jiu Xian Zhizun, a beautiful figure slowly walked out, it was... Leng Lingshuang!

Behind Jianchan, two slender hands let go of the magic thorn, it was... Zhao Churan and Xuan Yanqiu!

As for the other two shadows standing side by side with Jiu Xian Zhizun on the other side of Ye Wuque’s back, at this moment they also slowly loosened the two delicate hands that pierced Ye Wuque’s physical thorns, but the owner was exactly...

Jiang Feiyu!


In Ye Wuque's squinted eyes, there was a shock that was completely unexpected.

"Master Ye, I'm sorry..."

At this moment, Jiang Feiyu spoke slowly, her eyebrows drooping, and a touch of inexplicable melancholy still appeared in her tone.

On the other side, Tian Duo'er looked at Ye Wuque with her gorgeous eyes, but there was a touch of reluctance and sigh surging in it.

"Big villain... I'm sorry..."

The two women spoke one after another, making Ye Wuque's heart shake again! !

The two women are sober-minded, they don't seem to be taken away at all, and he doesn't feel any breath of "it" at all.

Not only them, but Xuan Yanqiu, Leng Lingshuang, and Zhao Churan, too.

But if you haven't been seized...

"You must be curious, why don't you feel my breath from them?"

"It" seemed to have guessed what Ye Wuque was thinking, and at this moment slowly smiled.

And Jianchan is here!

The whole body's horrible will is boiling, it seems to be breaking free, but it is... useless! !

Jianchan couldn't move at all!


Ye Wuque couldn't move either! !

That divine thorn could actually ignore the power of his physical body, and all the power just pierced into his body, and it sealed all his power!

It's incredible!

"It" at this moment belongs to the body of the "indestructible landlord", has slowly disappeared, and gradually revealed a strange form that is not expensive or expensive, just like a mass of rotten meat, showing black, but stepping into the void, exuding A weird and decadent breath!

This is what "it" really looks like! !

At this moment, "it" passed Ye Wuque and Jianchan, passed the five daughters Jiang Feiyu, Tian Duoer, and finally walked in front of Jiu Xian Zhizun.

Jiu Xian Zhizun stared at "it" with a pair of eyes, his eyes were unyielding and domineering, and slowly said, "No matter what you want to do, you will not succeed!"

"Never will……"

"It" seemed to be just a faint smile, and then the black rotten flesh condensed into a hand, directly pressing on the Nine Immortal Supreme Heavenly Spirit Cover!

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