Return of the War God

Chapter 5527: Almost laughed


As soon as this is said!

Whether it was Luo Hongfei, Ye Wuque, or Jianchan, all of them were shocked!

Jianchan's pupils shrank violently!

Luo Hongfei was in a daze!

But here, Ye Wuque, after a shock in his heart, his mind seemed to have thousands of thoughts finally combined, and he realized it instantly.

At the beginning!

After he got the Sue Sword, he originally planned to swallow it in for the ancient bronze mirror, but instead of swallowing it, he reminded him that he had to understand the cause and effect of the Sue Sword.

Then, in Shi'ejian, with the help of the ancient bronze mirror, he finally found Jianchan. Following Jianchan's guidance, he entered the Eternal Galaxy, and finally entered the holy land of the eternal family on the Eternal Island, where he awakened. Jianchan!

And after a battle with Jian Chan, he was amazed by Jian Chan before he was recognized, and after communication, he finally fought side by side.

But he clearly remembered...

Jianchan had doubts at the time!

It shouldn't be herself who awakened her by holding a sword, but someone else.

This person should be Luo Hongfei!

Because in the final analysis, Shi E sword was taken from Luo Hongfei's hands.

Indirectly, it was equivalent to seizing the luck that belonged to Luo Hongfei, halfway through it, and then there was the next thing.

This was what he had discovered on the Eternal Island at that time.

But now as the word "it" once again said something, Ye Wuque had already vaguely realized what at this moment...

And almost at the same time, Jian Chan also understood it!

Her gaze fell on Luo Hongfei's body, without blinking!

The sound of "it" sounded again, as if the whole bureau had developed to the present, and it was the scene that "it" most wanted to see.

"You don't know, Luo Hongfei should be the one who came here with a sword and awakened you!"

"He is the one who fought side by side with you in this era under the power of fate and cause and effect!"

"This should be the back hand that arranged for you to resist the supreme existence of the Great Avenue long ago!"

"such a pity!"

"Your hand, do you think I would not know? Behind me, there is also a great being! The reason why I can smuggle to this age is because this great being raised his hand."

"So, since I came to the exile prison, when I came to this time point, I was making the most comprehensive preparations!"

"After all the hard work, combined with the power of the Supreme Treasure Three Stones, coupled with the help of that great existence, I finally found someone who should be destined to help you one step ahead of you..."

"That is Luo Hongfei!"

"I said, this is not that you don't know..."

"But you deliberately...ignore it!"


"Because Ye Wuque is far more amazing than the man who should have come with a sword, that is, Luo Hongfei!"

"The reason why you were able to fight side by side on the Eternal Island later, I think you must have recognized him!"

"So, you think he is even more powerful, and you found a lot of incredible surprises in him, right?"

"It" smiled playfully and looked at Jian Chan.

Jianchan was silent.

Because "it" is like a devil, everything that it says is exactly the same as Jianchan thought.

At the beginning, Jianchan had seen many incredible things about Ye Wuque after a battle with Ye Wuque. He was already peerlessly qualified. Based on this, he finally recognized Ye Wuque and no longer struggled.

"Hahahaha! You think you have encountered something better! So there is no need to worry about who is supposed to stand with a sword, you think it doesn't matter anymore!"


"Compared to Luo Hongfei, Ye Wuque has indeed surpassed countless times! The two are no longer on the same level at all."

"So, your decision does not seem wrong, and you may even be complacent, thinking that you have met someone beyond the'causality of destiny', and this person can definitely help you and put me to death!"

" are so pathetic..."

"You don't understand at all!"

"Destiny, cause and effect, has always been everything!"

"Luo Hongfei should be the one who is the cause and effect of your destiny, and the one who can help you at this time."

"But because of Ye Wuque's stunning beauty, you chose Ye Wuque and ignored Luo Hongfei!"

"It seems that I am changing my fate against the sky and breaking the bondage."

"Actually, this is the most stupid thing!"

"If the cause and effect of destiny is really so reversible and easy to overthrow, or is it destiny? Or is it cause and effect?"

"You think you met Ye Wuque and got a better one, you can change your fate against the sky and help you kill me. In fact, it is destiny and cause and effect that are playing with you!"

At this moment, Jian Chan was still expressionless, his pale face did not change, but the delicate hand was slowly clenched!

She couldn't calm down in her heart.

"It" is like a dagger pierced into her heart fiercely!

The choice that seems to change your fate against the heavens is actually a self-defeating result of falling into the fate of causality?

Jianchan's throat trembled, and blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth again!

"What? I can't bear it anymore?"

"It" smiled strangely, seeming to enjoy the feeling of this moment too much.

"The greatest secret and the greatest cause and effect have not been told to you yet..."

"Do you know why I tried so hard to find Luo Hongfei before you wake up? Because of the power of destiny and cause and effect..."

"The only one who can kill me is...Luo Hongfei!"

"This is the power of destiny and cause and effect!"

"Thanks a lot for the guidance of the Zhibao Sanshengshi, otherwise, I would not be able to understand all this so clearly..."

"This is also the biggest secret of destiny between you and me!"

this moment.

Ye Wuque finally stunned!

Why did he just give birth to a feeling that even if he can defeat "it", but can't really kill "it"!

Why "it" attaches so much importance to Luo Hongfei! Even Luo Hongfei did not hesitate to complete!

Is it the so-called **** of destiny's causal force?

But no one saw that the sharp edge and... the sharpness of Ye Wuque's eyes slowly pouring out at this moment!


At this moment, Jianchan finally trembled abruptly, as if he could no longer hold it up, a big mouthful of blood was spit out again!

And Luo Hongfei was completely confused and plunged into endless horror, and then suddenly felt shocked and shouted with horror again!

"So! You let me seize Mr. Shebei, is it actually your conspiracy?"

"Yes! Fate and cause and effect are mysterious and unpredictable. Unless you take the initiative to take me out of your own will, can you let my last soul be mixed in the soul of'Mr. Bei' and be completely accepted by you to truly comply. Destiny, cause and effect, is not deliberate, it can also make you my ultimate trump card!"

"Luo Hongfei, you are even more pathetic and stupid than the two of them. You don't know anything from beginning to end, so you are controlled by me, and become a complete tool man, hahahahaha!"

"It" completely admitted, unveiled what he thought was the most amazing in the end, and was extremely excited!

Luo Hongfei, who learned the truth, didn't want to live in pain at this moment, life is better than death!

"Those who play destiny karma will eventually be played by destiny karma!"

"This is what you told me just now, and I will return it to you now! Hahahahaha!"

At this moment, "it" laughed wildly at the sky, mocking Jianchan very much.

"If you haven't understood yet!"

"I can make it simpler..."

"Only Luo Hongfei can truly and completely destroy me!"

"But now, Luo Hongfei is me, and I am Luo Hongfei!"

"Under your self-righteous stupid choice, you indirectly helped me to get rid of my last and most fatal weakness!"

"I have no flaws!"

"No one can kill me anymore!"

"I am blessed by the power of destiny and cause and effect, coupled with the power of the three-life stone, from then on, I will truly be immortal! Survive forever!"

"you said…"

"Should I...thank you???"

"By the way, your seemingly noble self-sacrifice, cutting off the cause and effect of yourself and Ye Wuque so that he can kill me, is completely useless, completely idiotic!"

"Because even if he is ten thousand times stronger, he will not be able to kill me under the protection of fate and cause and effect!"

"God knows how hard I endured when I saw you stabbing myself with a sword, how hard I wanted to laugh! I almost laughed out loud! Hahahahaha!"

"It" looked at Jianchan, laughed weirdly, uttered words, and murdered the heart.

Jian Chan was faltering, breathing fast!

But she endured it after all, staring at "it", slowly saying each word: "Even if you count everything!"

"I'm not dead yet, and the burning power that originated from my life is still there. Even if fate is a cause and effect, you must obey the supreme law! You have entered Luo Hongfei's body. Only the last of the nine souls remains, your power. It has also weakened countlessly, and at most can only display the upper limit of Luo Hongfei's current maximum power! Just like you sneaked into this age, you can only have the maximum limit of this world's power!"

"You...can't escape!"

Jianchan didn't believe in evil, she found the last flaw in "it" at this moment!

That is, the upper limit of strength, which can only stop Luo Hongfei's upper limit of strength!

She wants to fight to the end!

She will die with "it"!

But this moment!

One hand gently pressed Jianchan's shoulder, it was Ye Wuque!

"let me."

Three words to export, sharp and sharp!

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