Return of the War God

Chapter 5534: Do not


Hearing the words, the distorted facial features gave a slight pause, and then there was a bitter smile and gloomy color. .

"The existence of the black hole primordial spirit is very mysterious, because the'black hole' involves time and space."

"I was rescued by Luo Beihuang, but I always remain vigilant and fearful of him, because there is no help and support for no reason in this world."

"Although he asked me something and even passed a bit of his secret method to me, I have never used and learned it easily."

"Just let the slaves of the eternal clan and the emperor sky clan come to learn, and after they have learned it, observe carefully to see if there is any fraud."

As soon as he said this, Ye Wuque's heart suddenly moved!

That's it!

No wonder the eternal saint ancestor would cast the curse of Luo Beihuang's grimace.

As for the blood curse of the Zhao family, it should have been a member of the Huangtian clan.

These methods all came from Luo Beihuang and were the objects of its experiment.

"Because of my years of smuggling, although I managed to escape here, I paid a heavy price."

"So I must have the power that really belongs to me, about time and space, because the power of Luo Beihuang is still unreliable!"

"And the only power related to time and space is... the black hole soul!"

"The'black hole' itself involves time and space. If I can study it properly, I might be able to discover unique power."

"Unfortunately, in the entire exiled prison, among these various creatures, how many of them can break through to the Black Hole Realm and annihilate the Great Soul Saint?"

"too difficult!"

"Finally succeeded one, and eventually it collapsed after many experiments. As a last resort, his black hole remains were integrated into the Eternal Island."

"But the research on black holes really gave me a little gain and direction, so I naturally want more black hole realms."

"I can only use the sword to move towards the front, and hope that multiple Dark Star Realms will be merged with each other to create a Black Hole Realm forcibly."

"But there is a premise that these Dark Star Realm Dzogchens must be able to have the same source as the previous black hole realm, so I designed the identity of the'Dawei Tianshi' for screening."

"As a result, for a long time, I still have never succeeded. The Black Hole Realm extinguishes the Great Soul Saint, it is too difficult to achieve."

Ye Wuque listened quietly without speaking.

"Is everything about ‘Exiled from Prison’ true or false?"

Ye Wuque spoke again.

"Really! I didn't lie, this is a memory from the indestructible poster, it is true!"

Looking down at its eyes, Ye Wuque's eyes were sharp and deep.


Click! !

The right foot violently exerted force, and once again stepped on its chest!

The sudden pain made it roar of pain again!

Very frightened!

"Ye Wuque! You don't speak credit!"

"You said you would let me go!"

"You don't talk about credit!"

It uttered a bitter and bitter roar.

Ye Wuque's complexion remained unchanged, but he continued to exert his strength, and his cold voice exploded.

"Have I promised you?"

Above the void, Jian Chan, who had been watching all this, smiled happily at this moment, holding back the passage of life and shouting with excitement!


Ye Wuque's eyes were sharp and cold.

"I have a certificate, did you hear it?"


The extreme brilliance was shining, and Ye Wuque's right foot exploded with unprecedented power, exploding all the power of destiny causality, destroying its body and everything.


A strong death threat exploded in its heart!

The scarlet and bloodshot eyes seemed to burst open, it stared at Ye Wuque firmly, suddenly...

Showed a crazy and weird smile!

Seeing it slammed out its hands, it actually held Ye Wuque's right foot tightly!

"Since you don't let me go!"

"Then... make me perfect!!"

With a roar of resentment, it burst out with a brilliant and dazzling brilliance from all over its body. This is not the power of destiny!

But... the Godhead of Destiny!

From its body, the Godhead of Destiny appeared!

More than one!

Full of... Eighteen!

Eighteen gods of destiny flashed together, and all of them burst at this moment, as if they turned into a shattering phoenix, enveloped Ye Wuque!


Ye Wuque immediately felt a terrifying and huge force rushing over and swept him in.

But under Jianchan's mysterious power, Ye Wuque's combat power boiled, and it was useless to directly block this power.

But at this moment Jian Chan above the void suddenly changed his complexion and shouted: "Be careful! This is the self-explosive transformation of the godhead phantom! He wants to drag you into the space-time reflection gap!"

"Quickly break free!"

Ye Wuque heard Jian Chan's reminder in an instant, and he was immediately vigilant and began to break free.

But it hugged his right foot tightly!

I saw that Luo Hongfei's physical body started to disappear in smoke at this moment, and a strange orange flame was burning on it!

The flames evaporated, and even the void was annihilated, and with the power of the self-explosive transformation of the godhead phantom, it completely enveloped Ye Wuque!

And on its body, a strange...stone slowly emerged at this moment!

In an instant!

Ye Wuque unexpectedly felt a trance, as if the time and space and years in front of him were suddenly opened, the world turned upside down, and the universe was crazy!


"Ye Wuque!"

"Don't you want to know why I want to study the black hole soul?"

"Because with the help of the black hole soul, I can still return to the true years where I was!"

"Lend your black hole soul...Lend me to use it!"

It uttered a spiteful and crazy roar!

Ye Wuque only felt a flower in front of him, and then the strange stone slammed into him, and the brush hit it on his forehead!

Treasure Sansheng Stone!

At this moment, Sanshengshi exuded a strange suction force, which attracted his black hole soul, and then burst out a terrifying power, confining him in place.

It was shining all over, the entire sky was torn apart, the world changed drastically, and a huge light source appeared...

Time and space channel!

Crazy twist!


Full of unknown fear and unpredictability!

Ye Wuqian shone in his forehead, and his whole person trembled violently!

The three-life stone seemed to nail his black hole spirit, and his might exploded, even using his black hole spirit as a sacrifice, opening the space-time channel!

It rose frantically and rushed directly to the space-time channel!


Above the void, a bleak sword light slashed desperately at this moment!

Jianchan tried his best to cut out the last sword, trying to help Ye Wuque, but after all he was still incapable of strength, and was evaded by it!

It looked back at the panting, crumbling Jian Chan, revealing a triumphant smile of the winner.

"Ye Wuque!"

"Use your black hole soul and your life to accompany me to travel through time and space together!!"

After a crazy roar, it plunged into the passage of time and space, and Ye Wuque was also drawn by the power of the Sanshengshi, forcibly substituting it!

"Do not!"

Jian Chan, who could do nothing while watching this scene, let out a mournful roar.

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