Return of the War God

Chapter 5604: : People take care of each other!

After taking a few breaths, Ye Wuque suppressed the heat in his heart and made himself calm again.

He understood that although he had such a fantastic idea, if he really wanted to succeed, it was definitely not that simple.

"However, I now know the true effect of the power of the spiritual tide from Jiucai Aurora Lake..."

Ye Wuque's eyes were burning, and the light in his eyes was infinitely bright.

"This mysterious power is the greatest boost and condition for my enlightenment!"

The mysterious power contained in the power of the spiritual tide has an incredible effect, helping countless Death Reef trialists to transform their bodies, making progress and being directly absorbed.

But in fact, all geniuses don't know that they are one-sided!

The mysterious power of the power of the spiritual tide has an even more incredible effect.

It's a pity that, except for Ye Wuque, perhaps no one in the Reaper's Great Reef has already come this far, comprehending the pass.

Perhaps this is the so-called deep blessing!

"No wonder the flesh is so greedy and crazy to absorb the power of the spiritual tide, because this is about to be the nourishment for my enlightenment. The more nourishment, the longer my enlightenment time and the greater the chance of success!"

As the saying goes, Ye Wuque clearly understood the way forward for the power of the physical body, and instantly understood what he should do, and also understood why his physical body absorbs so greedily.

Slowly exhaling a suffocating breath again, Ye Wuque kept a clear and ethereal state of mind, looked at the ancient bronze mirror in his hand, the light in his eyes turned into a touch of solemnity.

"Gu me..."

The power of the soul overflowed, covering the entire bronze ancient mirror. Ye Wuque projected his own thoughts into the bronze ancient mirror to communicate with this unparalleled holy thing.

There was no change in the ancient bronze mirror, and there was no response, and it was still dead.

But Ye Wuque was not surprised. The ancient bronze mirror was already alive. If he disagrees, he would not even have a chance to take out the ancient bronze mirror.

No objection is the default.

Ye Wuque hugged Yuan Shouyi, slapped the bronze ancient mirror on the palms of his hands, and closed his eyes again. At this moment, the power of the soul shone on his body, covering all the mysterious powers that echoed in his body, but This time, it is no longer to absorb by all means, but... to release!

Unleash the mysterious power from the power of the spiritual tide!

This is the correct use of the mysterious power!


I saw the mysterious power that had been echoing in Ye Wuque's body as Ye Wuque's soul power released that moment, as if condensed out of thin air at this moment, and then each shone endless brilliance!

If the shining brilliance in Ye Wuque's body was still very soft, then it started to become extremely blazing at this moment!

But at this moment, Ye Wuque felt that everything in front of him seemed to freeze!

Everything in the world!

Dust lake!

Mayfly rubble!

Everything seems to disappear!

But the mysterious mighty power that was absorbed in Ye Wuque's body, at this moment, seemed to have been ignited halfway, igniting a burning flame.

The mysterious power is like "nutrient", and it starts to burn at this moment, helping Ye Wuwei to enter the state of "enlightenment".

As long as the "nutrient" is still there, Ye Wuque's "Enlightenment" state can continue.

At this moment, Ye Wuque seemed to have almost disappeared from his consciousness!

The whole person seems to have entered a state of "dying", vague and hazy.

In a trance, it was as if flying to an infinite high altitude, floating, not knowing where it was going.

But in this strange state, his thinking was extremely active and extremely clear.

It was as if a blind man opened his eyes and saw the light again.

It's as if all the dust in front of me has been wiped clean, and the light is shining.

It's like a silkworm chrysalis that broke its shell at sunrise, transforming its cocoon into a butterfly, and seeing an unprecedented new world.

Next moment!

Everything that had solidified suddenly began to vibrate rapidly, and before Ye Wuque's hazy consciousness, nine light spots appeared in a trance between heaven and earth!

Jinmu, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light and dark!

The nine most basic natural forces of heaven and earth are also the ways of nature. Apart from that, there is nothing.

At this moment, Ye Wuque had a sense of understanding again in his heart.

The flesh wants to be enlightened, the way that is enlightened, and the way that is contained in the flesh can only choose one of these nine natural ways.

Because at the level of physical proximity, only these nine natural ways can be felt concretely.

They are the natural basis for all things in the world.

The way of nature is what can be merged with the physical body at present.

It's not that you want to realize that you can integrate whatever way you want.

The natural way that can be embodied and existed between the heaven and the earth has the real source and is incomparably compatible with you, and then there is the possibility of success.

There is no such thing as just thinking of a so-called Tao that looks awesome and coaxing, and you can succeed.

too naive!

Even the origin of the "Holy Method of Fighting" that Ye Wuque had already possessed was not the basic natural way, nor was it suitable for the first enlightenment of the physical body.

But "the ways of time and space" are different, because they can be said to be the same natural ways that make up the foundation of heaven and earth.

Feeling the nine ways of nature, Ye Wuque, who was in a state of "enlightenment", remained motionless.

He is waiting!


At this moment, on the palms of Ye Wuque's spread hands, a faint brilliance suddenly appeared on the bronze mirror.

This is a bit of psychic power that Ye Wuque deliberately left on the bronze ancient mirror.

After he enters the state of "Enlightenment", this power of the soul will be activated and initiate a request to the ancient bronze mirror.

Seek the help of the ancient bronze mirror!

But with the activation of the power of the soul, the ancient bronze mirror was still...deadly silent.

As if to ignore Ye Wuque's help, he didn't respond to me.

Ye Wuque in the dimness was still waiting, although there were still only nine light spots that represented the way of nature.

He is still waiting.

Even though the mysterious power "nourishment" in his body is constantly burning, consuming precious time, Ye Wuque is still waiting.


Finally, I don't know how long it has passed, the dead bronze mirror on Ye Wuque's palm suddenly trembled at this moment, and then an invisible wave suddenly overflowed, and it poured into Ye Wuque's body!


In front of the dim eyes, among the nine bright spots, at this moment, the tenth spot suddenly appeared!

The way of time and space!

The ancient bronze mirror shows power.

A faint smile appeared in Ye Wuque's heart.

To some extent, Ye Wuque had been guarding the ancient bronze mirror all the time.

Correspondingly, the ancient bronze mirror would also protect Ye Wuqian.

Ye Wuque believed in this and waited.

"If it weren't for the unparalleled holy artifacts like bronze mirrors to help me, and I would not be able to reverse the supreme law of physical enlightenment, I can only choose one of the nine natural ways, but now..."

Ye Wuque looked at the light spot of the "Way of Time" that represented the concrete power from the ancient bronze mirror. Without any hesitation, with a thought, his heart rushed directly like lightning, and finally slammed into the light spot of the Way of Time. !


In an instant, Ye Wuque seemed to feel that everything about him was collapsing, his mind exploded into ashes!

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