Return of the War God

Chapter 5603: King of the East

5603-King of the East

Jingle Bell!

This is a wind chime hanging on a bush, with the breeze blowing, it made a crisp sound, jingling, melodious, and giving people a touch of comfort.

But because of the sudden ringing of the wind chime, it seemed to wake up a sleeping person.


Only seen in the bushes, there was a faint yawning sound, and then a rustling sound sounded, and finally, a figure just rose from half of the bushes.

Sleepy eyes, confused face.

This is a man. At this moment, he stretched out his hand and wiped his face, but it seemed to be a little hazy.

"Sleep this time... very comfortable..."

In the next moment, he stood up, faced the rising sun, closed his eyes, and when he opened again, his eyes were clear.


"It's time for a showdown..."

"Emperor of the East..."

The man spoke softly, then stepped into the sky, and disappeared in an instant.

Zhang Ruochen!

Ranked among the seven kings of the East No. 1 theater.


"But it smells so good!"

In a hidden canyon, the aroma of grilled cooked food is wafting at this moment.

I saw a chubby figure holding a roasted thigh and gnawing wildly, without vomiting any bone scum.

Three under five divided by two, just eat it all.

After eating, the fat man stood up slowly and stretched out a big lazy waist, revealing a smiling face like Maitreya Buddha.

"If you're full, you can go to the rack."

"Emperor of the East..."

"Fat master wants it!"

The fat man laughed, then jumped up on the spot like a ball.

Wei Qiu!

Ranked among the seven kings of the East No. 1 theater.

Here is a strange place like ice and fire, two heavens, impressively in the infinite depth of the earth.

Earth fire and ground water are intertwined again, forming a terrible wonder of the world, the high temperature and extreme cold spreading interlaced, it is very terrible.

But right at the center of this fusion of water and fire, I don't know when a tall figure sat cross-legged!

He just sat in the heat of water and fire quietly, unscathed, and his whole body was just shining with a faint brilliance.

But suddenly, the power of water and fire began to explode violently, and the figure inside also opened his eyes suddenly at this moment!

The moment I opened my eyes, the fire and water died out.

This figure reveals its true face, but is a man with impossibility like an abyss.

He stood up slowly and looked up.

His eyes gradually calm and indifferent.

"Emperor of the East..."

"Who is it for me?"

Han Guixu!

Ranked among the seven kings of the East No. 1 theater.

Similar scenes also occurred in various places and rare hidden places in the East No. 1 theater.

The seven kings of the East No. 1 theater have all...woken up!

Compared with the silent awakening of the Seven Kings, the entire East No. 1 theater at this moment has been completely boiling!

The roar resounded all the time, it was the roar that broke through.

Rows of tall and **** figures rushed into the void, like butterflies emerging from their cocoons, each showing an unprecedented tyrannical aura!

The one-time eruption of the power of the spiritual tide, once it survives, the transformation it brings is unbelievable and unbelievable.

Having survived the pain and suffering of transformation, now is the time to enjoy the fruits of victory.


In this boiling atmosphere, there was a piece of news that instantly exploded in the eyes of these masters, second-class seeds, and even higher-ranking seeds who had just broken through the barrier.

The first-class seed leaves no shortage, and it failed after three days and three nights!

Ye Wuque is the only genius who has failed the second-class seed and above the second-class seed in the entire East No. 1 theater today!

Now sitting in a mountain, motionless.

The shock of this news instantly shocked all the geniuses who had just left the customs!

"How is this possible?"

"Ye Wuque... failed?"

"I miscalculated him?"

"How could this happen? He didn't even get the qualification to transform?"

"If so, why does he control that magic weapon?"

"Facts speak louder than words!"

At this moment, there was a roar of doubt, disappointment, anger, or torturing from all parts of the East One Theater.


Countless figures traveled through the void, all rushing to the same destination at this moment... the mountain where Ye Wuque was located.

In just half a day, the name "Ye Wuque" almost disturbed most of the entire East One theater, as if it had become the eye of a storm.

The world is lonely.

The wind roared.

The towering mountain, and the figure sitting quietly on it like a statue, fell at the end of the eyes of countless geniuses in all directions.

"Waste Chaiye has been sitting there motionless for half a month!"

"I'm afraid that my heart is dead, right?"

"It's possible! After all, he was a first-class seed before!"

"Still waiting for the seed? Is he... worthy?"

"If you don't deserve to squeeze to death, isn't it the same as squeezing ants to death?"

"How do do you speak?"

Countless geniuses gathered here at this moment, and ninety-nine percent of them were trialists who had failed in a one-time burst of spiritual tide.

They have already failed, and all hope to see the next end of the same failed first-class seed Ye Wuque.

This is human nature.

Within the mountain.

Ye Wuque, who was sitting quietly, remained motionless, his complexion was calm, his eyes closed slightly, and he had maintained this movement for more than half a month.

It seems to be invisible to everything that is happening outside.

But no one knows!

Ye Wuque always...


"Ye Wuque!"

At this moment, a tender drink suddenly resounded through the clouds, coming from far and near, and then there was a terrifying coercion!

The coercion of the gods!

"Second-class seed Bai Hongyue!"

"Hi! She, she broke through to the Heavenly God Realm!"

A genius immediately said with a trembling voice.

A white red moon in a red dress has appeared at this moment, standing in the void, exuding a terrifying coercion, reflecting the world.

The real God Realm!

But at this moment, she was staring at Ye Wuque, unwilling and disappointed intertwined in her beautiful eyes.

"Why did you fail?"

"I regard you as the highest goal! As a result, you didn't even support the power of the spiritual tide!"

"You disappointed me too much!"

Bai Hongyue spoke coldly.

"Yeah! Ye Wuque!"

"You disappointed me too much!"

The second disappointed voice came from another place, and the second figure appeared, but it was Na Luo Kai!

Immediately afterwards, Qianbugui and Gao Dengtian also appeared.

Only that Le Boy did not appear.

The four second-class seeds, each standing in the void at this moment, all looked down at Ye Wuwei condescendingly, all with faces full of disappointment and unwillingness.

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