Return of the War God

Chapter 5605: Hahahaha


And his words suddenly made the eyes of the four big second-class seeds become dangerous one by one, and the aura that burst out from all over his body became more and more terrifying!

But facing the coercion of the four heavenly gods, Long Tianye didn't seem to care at all, only Ye Wuque was in his eyes.

The result...

Same as before, Ye Wuque sat cross-legged quietly, his eyes closed slightly, he didn't have any intention to care about Long Tianye, as if he had really become a statue.

This made Long Tianye frowned suddenly.


"Oh, I hate to encounter this kind of oil and salt."

Long Tianye seemed a little helpless, but saw that he slowly stretched out a hand, as if ready to make a move.

"Then you can't blame me."


Suddenly, Long Tianye turned his gaze and looked at the sky above the sky!


There is a figure that is boiling like fire coming quickly!

Wherever he went, there was obviously no coercion, but it gave people a terrible sense of suffocation.

It seemed that it was not a person who came here, but a flaming mountain of flames!

"Feng Feixiong?"

Long Tianye raised his brow slightly, and said the identity of the person.

Countless geniuses have already watched this moment!

The visitor was the one who was strongly suppressed by Ye Wuque before, but let his life go...Feng Feixiong!

Seeing Feng Feixiong appearing once again, the eyes of the four big second-class seeds are brighter than ever!

Compared to Long Tianye, Feng Feixiong is the opponent they must defeat in their eyes!

Even if Feng Feixiong is just like them, it's just a "second-class seed".

Feng Feixiong came in extremely fast, and finally stood above the sky!

There was no one in his eyes, whether it was the four second-class seeds or Long Tianye, he didn't even look at it.

Feng Feixiong's gaze fell only on Ye Wuque's body, and then he spoke slowly with a low tone of voice.

"They all say that you have failed in the power of the spiritual tide!"

"But I... don't believe it!"

"The one who can beat me! It can never be a waste!"

"Ye Wuque!"

"What I lost from your hands, I vowed to take it back with my own hands! Unless I see it with my own eyes, I will never believe that you have failed!"

Feng Feixiong didn't believe it!

Or is he unable to accept that the biggest target opponent in his heart has failed in the power of the spiritual tide?


"Coming again...A battle!"

Feng Feixiong's gaze was like a knife, and he rushed directly to Ye Wuque!

But the next moment!

In front of Feng Feixiong, a figure flashed past like a ghost, it was...Long Tianye!

"Sorry, he is my prey now, it's not your turn!"

Long Tianye smiled.

Feng Feixiong had no expression on his face, and he didn't mean to speak, because he had already shot directly!


Smash Dragon Amano with one palm straight!

Long Tianye was not surprised and rejoiced, but also blasted out with a punch!

The two big and first-class seeds even started fighting at a disagreement!

This caused countless geniuses around to shake their minds one by one, and then immediately retreated, but the enthusiasm and expectation in their eyes reached the extreme!

After the one-time eruption of the power of the spiritual tide, what level has the first-class seed of the East No. 1 theater reached?

No one is not curious!


I only heard a huge roar exploding, the void shattered every inch, and the terrifying ripples stirred the void, and everything was destroyed wherever it passed!

Feng Feixiong and Long Tianye fisted against each other, and then retreated.

But the terrible power centered on them, shining above and below!

Countless geniuses are trembling, their scalp is numb, and their souls are trembling!

The original four second-class seeds, at this moment, after feeling the fluctuation of the collision between the two, their pupils contracted violently!

"This kind of fluctuation... at least... it's all in the Celestial Realm... the mid-term!"

Gao Dengtian said unbelievably!

Bai Hongyue, Thousand Never Return, Luo Kai, all of them were struck by lightning at this time, and the whole body was trembling slightly.

At least the mid-term of the gods!

This is the strength of today's first-class seeds!

The heart of the four big second-class seeds suddenly became cold!

Not long ago, they were full of confidence and fighting spirit, but now, before they had time to start the fight, they knew that they would never be the opponent of Long Tianye or Feng Feixiong!

"Damn it! Why is this happening? It is extremely difficult for the Heavenly God Realm to advance even the slightest! But they have already broken through to at least the mid-term level!"

Thousands of unrequited teeth rattle!

He once again recalled the words Long Tianye had just said, only feeling cold in his heart.

Just you will transform, won't others?

"I barely resisted the power of the spirit tide and broke the shackles. Not only did I break through to the Celestial God Realm, but also used the resources that I had prepared for a long time, and coupled with the explosion of the foundation and foundation, I broke through to the Celestial God in one fell swoop. At the peak of the early days!"

"But still not as good as the first-class seeds? I'm not reconciled!"

Luo Kai also roared in his heart!


At this moment, the protagonists between heaven and earth are no longer them, but Long Tianye and Feng Feixiong.

After the two big and first-class seeds had a single blow, they seemed to be the same, standing on the void and facing each other again.

And Ye Wuque?

No one cares about him anymore.

It's just a loser.

But on that mountain peak, Ye Wuque remained unchanged from beginning to end, just sitting cross-eyed with his eyes closed.

"That's good, Feng Feixiong, you are good, you can take a blow from me, you deserve to be the ultimate whetstone chosen by Qing Yukun."

Long Tianye was the first to speak, staring at Feng Feixiong, as if there was light in his eyes!

"You are good too."

Feng Feixiong spoke lightly, but immediately turned around: "However, compared to him, that's all, I don't have any interest in you."

The "he" in Feng Feixiong's mouth naturally refers to Ye Wuque.

Long Tianye's eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was finally a little upset by Feng Feixiong's posture!

"You are so arrogant!"

"Then I have to give you both a superior and a decisive life and death!"

"Just now, now, now!"

A monstrous killing intent suddenly burst from Long Tianye's body, sweeping through the sky and the ground, suppressing the universe.

Countless geniuses were shocked, his face turned pale and his ears buzzed.

"Want to die?"

"Then I will fulfill you!"

Feng Feixiong had no expression on his face, but at this moment he also spoke with a sharp tone. Facing Long Tianye's provocation, he was not afraid.

The two first-class seeds seem to be about to start a life-and-death battle!

But the next moment...


"very good!"

"It's really great!"

"It's worthy of being one of the two ultimate whetstones I chose. You gave me a big surprise!"

With a long laugh, the world trembled.

I saw a tall figure with his hands on his back, step by step in the void, stepping forward like a teleportation!

Wherever he went, the sky was shattering.

Countless geniuses suddenly stumbled and got cold all over!

"Qing Yukun!"

A genius spit out a name trembling.

The first person under the seven kings!

Qing Yukun...


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