Return of the War God

Chapter 5652: Last hope


The Blue Demon Cave Master with the fourth pick had a complicated complexion at the moment, a bit unwilling, but thankful.

Fourth overall, only two succeeded.

They still earn money!

However, compared with the top three picks, the decision is too far behind.

Such a scene instantly seemed like a basin of cold water, completely waking up all the remaining in-line masters and king sequences, making them immediately calm down and fully understand.

Not the door of life is not difficult!

It's that the top three picks are too good, and they are much higher than the next ones!

Will cause this illusion.

No one will and dare not doubt the standard of judgment of the respect of life, because the respect of life is the most fair, and there is no favoritism.

Starting from the fifth pick, everyone with the remaining six picks is a little nervous at the moment!

Only two succeeded in the fourth pick!

So... what about them?

The cruel facts have awakened them and made them no longer so sure.

But after all, these king sequences were selected through a lot of hard work. Although the expression became awe-inspiring, they were still fearless.

"Fifth overall, start."

After ten breaths.

"Fifth overall, the top five kings sequence."

"The four failed, eliminated and left immediately."

"A person who successfully crosses the gate of life can successfully enter the cycle of a hundred battles."

If it was said that there was silence and silence before, then at this moment, after the result of the fifth pick, the whole world seems to be completely frozen!

Only one person succeeded with the fifth overall pick.

The fifth overall leader, Yin Tianlan, was still breathing slightly, her nerves finally relaxed, with a touch of deep rejoicing.

this moment.

Starting from Tianbo Ke with the sixth overall position, five people including the Guangwei Palace Master with the seventh overall position, the eighth overall number of Yin and Yang Elderly, the ninth overall number, and the tenth overall number, the Dark Poison King, etc. All the remaining in-line masters, their expressions have become a little ugly!

Only one person succeeded with the fifth pick?

What about them?

Could it be that…

Can't any of them succeed? ?

Seventh overall.

Hao Yi and Guihai's supernatural powers had already become strickenly seated, and their bodies were slightly taut. Although there was no fear in their eyes, they were serious.

"how so??"

"There is only one person who succeeded with the fifth overall pick?"

The voice of the earth dragon **** was a little hoarse.

There was a sense of unhappiness and tension in the eyes of several beings, and the previous expectations and joy had long since disappeared.

"Do your best, obey the fate."

"I have reached this point, what the result is, I can only go with the flow."

In the end, Palace Master Guangwei spoke like this, with a touch of lowness.

If among the rest, who is not nervous?

Perhaps Ye Wuque was the only one.

He still sits quietly, like an outsider, his face is calm, and his heart is calm.

"Sixth overall, start."

The voice of the lord of life continued to fall.

The sixth pick.

At this moment, Tianboke suddenly looked at the sequence of the five kings, his eyes were scarlet and crazy!

"In any case! You must succeed!"

"Even if there is only one person!"

The bald man Zhao Tiankuo's eyelids twitched slightly, instead of opening his mouth, he stepped out.

The five-ranked seventh-ranked kings sequence fell in front of the gate of life. Looking at the splendid throne above the void, the eyes of the five of them all became like blazing flames!

Especially Zhao Tiankuo, eyes like a knife, tyrannical and hideous.

In the next instant, five people rose to the sky!

After ten breaths.

The gate of life is above the top.

A sturdy bald figure tore through the light, standing up like a ball of flame!

Panting and sweating profusely, but the crazy joy of the winner surged in his eyes!

It is Zhao Tiankuo.

Seventh overall.

Similarly, only one person succeeded, and the other four were eliminated.

Seventh overall.

Tianboke's hanging heart finally slowly fell at this moment!

"Fortunately, fortunately, at least one passed...enough, enough..."

At the moment, Tianbo Ke was also sweating profusely, but finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Immediately, he caught a glimpse of the seventh place below, and his eyes fell on Palace Master Guangwei, his eyes became cruel and joking.

"Palace Master Guangwei, how many do you guess you can pass with the sixth pick?"

"And the old man of Yin and Yang, your eighth overall pick, hey..."

He directly transmitted the sound to Palace Master Guangwei and the old man Yin Yang, both of them frowned, but there was no response.

"Believe it or not, Zhao Tiankuo is the last successful king sequence."

"From now on, there will be no success."

"You guys are destined to... lose everything!!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Not knowing whether it was venting anger or venting, Tianboke laughed without hesitation.

The masters from the first to fifth picks also showed a faint joking smile at the moment when they heard the words.

They are now purely in a theater mentality, of course, they probably think the same as Tianboke.

The king sequence I selected passed successfully, but you did not, so that we can be happier!

This is also human nature.

"Seventh overall, start."

When the cold and dead words of the Lord of Life fell again.

The five beings including the Guangwei Palace Master took a deep breath.

I have to send the arrow on the string!

At this moment, the Seventh Order of the Five Kings had all stood up, and they all stepped out without hesitation.

The five figures cut through the void and fell towards the gate of life.

The Guangwei Palace Master and the other five existed, and all their gazes at this moment fell on the backs of Haoyi and Guihai Shentong!

It seemed that the two of them condensed all the hopes and expectations of the five beings.

As for Ye Wuque, Chang Ziwei, and Chen Luoxia?

At this moment, they can't see it at all!

"It's up to you two!"

"It must be successful, even if there is only... one!"

"Haoyi, return to the sea supernatural power! Definitely make one! Absolutely!"

"The last hope!"

The five beings are all madly talking in their hearts at this moment.

Standing quietly in front of the gate of life, Ye Wuque's complexion was calm, he raised his head and looked at the gate of life that was close at hand, a ray of light in the depths of his eyes flashed away!

"Under the close perception, the vast and mysterious ancient aura entwined on this gate of life is simply unimaginable!"

Ye Wuque could easily perceive the indescribable greatness and ancient aura from the gate of life.

It seems to have passed through time and condensed the years!

And the lord of life, with diamond-shaped pupils lying horizontally, seemed to freeze time and space.

But such thoughts only flashed in Ye Wuque's heart, and immediately returned to peace.

Because he has already stepped out and stepped on the door of life!

The same is true for the other four.

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