Return of the War God

Chapter 5657: Exploded


He and Haoyi were in the middle of nowhere, and only the last ten steps were left from the end, but they couldn't hold it anymore.

this moment.

The four kings ranked seventh in the sequence are filled with endless despair and unwillingness.

But even so, they still tried their best, still had to last until the last moment, as long as they didn't die, they would never give up!


The impact power of the life beam is continuing to skyrocket!

The faces of the four people are still distorted, and their bodies have begun to shake!

They understand...

I have reached the limit!

It is about to be completely eliminated, and can no longer resist the beam of life!

Next moment!

The four felt the power of endless horror coming from the beam of life. They could no longer resist, they could only recognize...

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

But right now!

Upheaval happened suddenly!

The entire hazy world suddenly collapsed, everything is bursting!

The four of Hao Yi, Guihai Shentong, Chen Luoxia, and Chang Ziwei were immediately stunned, and they didn't know what happened.

All I know is that the beam of life light suddenly disappeared inexplicably!

In the next moment, they just felt a sudden blackness in front of them.

outside world.

All the masters in the line are watching the show.

Seventh overall.

The five beings including the Guangwei Palace Master stared at the gate of life shrouded in endless brilliance without blinking their eyes.

The internal and external time flow rates are different.

Up to now, the outside world has only passed seven or eight breaths of time.

But ten breaths of time are fleeting in the blink of an eye.

But within the gate of life, there was still no change, and it was still shining.

"What's the situation? Ten breaths have passed, why hasn't the seventh-ranked king's sequence turned out yet?"

There was an overall ruler who immediately noticed something was wrong.

In the middle, all the picks are the result of ten breaths. Why has there been a change now?

"None of the rays of light appeared on the top of the gate of life without tearing apart, that is to say, none of them succeeded, hahahaha!"

Here, Tianboke laughed loudly at this moment.

The five beings such as the Guangwei Palace Master have frowned at this moment!

"No! If you fail, you should be eliminated and fall into the gate of life, but now you have neither appeared on the top nor fell. What happened? Why is it so strange?"

Sharp-eyed people noticed this immediately.

At this moment, everyone also noticed something was wrong.

It's as if the deity of life is frozen!

The sequence of the five kings with the seventh overall seems to have disappeared.

But suddenly!

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

A huge roar exploded fiercely, immediately alarming everyone, including the successful king sequences above the void.

In the next moment, everyone was stunned and horrified!

What did they see? ?

"The gate of life... exploded??!"

An unbelievable low roar from a pick.

I saw that standing under the brilliant stars, the ancient and vast gate of life started to shatter at this moment, directly exploding to pieces!

All the in-line masters and king sequences all stood up, shocked that their scalp was tingling.

How could this be?

what happened? ?

And follow up!

On the broken door of life, with a flash of brilliance, five suspended figures appeared in an instant, which was the seventh-ranked five kings sequence.

Except for Ye Wuque at this moment, all the other four people were at a loss, puzzled, confused, and confused.

They also saw the gate of life exploding close at hand, and their heads seemed to have turned into a paste, and they didn't even know what happened!

Only Ye Wuque here, his expression calm, seemed to be no exception at all.

Because in his mind, the words that just resounded from the Lord of Life were still echoing at this moment.

"The monument of life came out...the door of life was broken..."


The monument of life given to him by the Lord of Life is the body of the gate of life. Once taken away, the gate of life will no longer exist.


The five figures fluttered and slowly fell to the ground, and the gate of life had been completely shattered and dissipated in the void.

Everyone was shocked!

Everyone was stunned, their hairs standing on end.


How did the gate of life explode? ?

The gate of life is used for the ultimate screening. Now it has been blown up directly. How can I get the next three picks? ?

Where is the lord of life?

Have all the rulers ever encountered such a thing?

Unheard of in the long years!

Including evergreen, his face was full of horror at this moment.

The sixth pick.

Tianboke's horrified gaze, at the moment he looked at the seventh-ranked five kings sequence, suddenly flashed, and said suddenly!

"The gate of life is shattered, and the five of you did not cross over at all! All failed!"

"The seventh-ranked king sequence, all failed!"

Tianboke's big drink immediately made the expressions of the five beings including Palace Master Guangwei become cold.


Hao Yi, Guihai Shentong, Chen Luoxia, and Chang Ziwei are already in a state of confusion at this moment, and they can't tell the difference.

I know my own family affairs.

They know it clearly!

I had already reached the limit before, and I would definitely be eliminated, even if the gate of life suddenly shattered inexplicably.

At the eighth position, the Yin-Yang old man's complexion changed drastically at this moment: "The gate of life is broken, what should we do? Our king sequence has not been screened yet!"

Not only the yin and yang old man, but the ninth-ranked leader Hu Chi Master and the tenth-ranked leader, Dark Poison King, couldn't help but speak, the six gods without the master, and the whole body trembled.

At this moment, the voice of evergreen resounded!

"Master of Life!"

"Are you still here?"

He began to call the Lord of Life.


At this moment, the diamond-shaped pupil appeared once again on the door of life that was completely exploded.

The deity of life reappears!

After seeing the Lord of Life, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master of Life!"

"The five kings ranked seventh in the sequence have blown up the gate of life. They are very rebellious and should all be expelled!"

Tianboke said loudly.

As soon as these words came out, the five people including the Guangwei Palace Master immediately changed their expressions!

The expressions of the first to fifth picks have changed slightly.

The old man Yin and Yang, Master Tiger, and Dark Poison King were very entangled, and they didn't know what to do.

But the deity of life, high above, at this moment, I didn't even look at Tianbo Ke, but the cold and dead voice slowly resounded again!

"Due to an accident, the gate of life was broken."

"The ultimate screening is temporarily invalid."

"I declare..."

"The remaining twenty kings from the seventh to tenth overall, no need to be screened anymore, all of them are eligible to enter the cycle of a hundred battles."

"The rewards of your ranking masters... also remain the same."

As soon as this is said!

The world suddenly became extremely silent!

Everyone's expressions have changed extremely drastically!

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