Return of the War God

Chapter 5677: No return on this road


Mysterious ancient land.

This is a special place in the middle of the Great World of Hundred Wars Samsara, connecting one hundred and eight small realms with the supreme great realm, which is regarded as a transit belt.

But based on the memory of the weird shadow, Ye Wuque realized that this "mysterious ancient land" is as its name, extremely vast and ancient, it reveals many secrets, and is accompanied by terrible dangers!

What interests Ye Wuque most is that through the memory of the strange shadow, the strange shadow seems to have escaped from the "mysterious ancient land" when he was young, but whether it really came from the "mysterious ancient land" or the "Supreme Great Realm" "This is unknowable, even the weird shadow himself doesn't know.

"Go straight ahead, at the end of each small realm, there will be an ancient and complicated restriction. If you cross the ancient restriction, you can enter the'mysterious ancient land'. It can be said that every small realm has an entrance. One hundred and eight entrances."

The more Ye Wuque pondered, the more he felt a faint strangeness.

The entire "Hundred Wars Reincarnation" seems to have been paved a long time ago, and the so-called big world within it may have been set long ago.

"Hundred battles reincarnation, together with the past and the future..."

Flying across the void, Ye Wuque's eyes grew deeper and deeper.

During the period, Ye Wuque also felt that in this small starfall area, there were also various ethnic groups, humans, and other races, but they were scattered and not large-scale.

After half an hour.


Ye Wuque's eyes lit up slightly, and at the end of his eyes, he vaguely saw a vast canyon!

The two sides of the gorge are connected to the sky, only the middle part is vacated, and a faint ancient brilliance surrounds it, overflowing the wave of ancient prohibition.

About a hundred meters away from the mouth of the canyon, Ye Wuque stopped, and there was a stone stele that was about to be weathered.

Although it is full of cracks, it can still be distinguished by the eight shocking handwritings that seem to be written in blood.

"There is no return on this road."

"The trespasser died."

Obviously, this was left deliberately by someone, but who it was and why it is, there is no way to verify it.

Ye Wuque's gaze fell on the word "Wugui", his gaze flickered slightly, and he didn't know what to think about, and finally passed directly and slowly walked towards the mouth of the gorge, which is one of the entrances of the "Mysterious Ancient Land".

After approaching, Ye Wuque realized that this ancient prohibition seemed to cover the entire entrance, but in fact there was no intention to block it. Or, to be precise, what the ancient prohibition blocked was not like Ye Wuque’s attempt to enter the "mystery". People from "Ancient Land", but people who want to come out of "Mysterious Ancient Land"!

"You can only enter and not exit, you can only move forward but not backwards, but there is a little bit of'no way back'..."

Ye Wuque scanned the ancient prohibition once again, and then stepped out without hesitation.


The ancient prohibition bloomed with a faint brilliance, and gradually swallowed Ye Wuque into it, until he completely disappeared.

Before the mouth of the canyon, the dead silence was restored again, as if no one had ever appeared before.

Step on...

Ye Wuque moved forward slowly.

After entering the ancient prohibition, he found that he seemed to have entered a bizarre and extremely twisted passage.

Everything is distorted in all directions, forming a strange arc, shining brightly, dazzling people.

As he continued to advance, Ye Wuque felt a sense of weightlessness, as if the world had turned upside down, but after deepening, Ye Wuque's body suddenly trembled slightly.

"The body feels a little bit!"

"These twisted arcs..."

With a move of his gaze, Ye Wuque looked at those twisted strange arcs again, and a touch of vibration was already revealed in his eyes.

"The Arc of Time!"

The fifth turn of his physical body, "Extremely violent ancient", is based on "time", and is naturally the most sensitive to the power of time.

At this moment, these twisted arcs in all directions are entwined with the power of time, forming an incomparably peculiar arc of time.

"The creatures are in the arc of time, and they may collapse at any time. There may even be a big explosion of time. The head and body are thrown into different time and space. There is really no whole body, and it is extremely dangerous!"

"But in the dark, there seems to be a power to protect me..."

Ye Wuque keenly perceives everything, and he even feels the faint guardianship of a force, disintegrating the power of the "Arc of Time".

"Does the reincarnation of the Hundred Wars protect the creatures who enter the Tianjiao?"

After comprehending his mind, Ye Wuque quickened his pace.

The more you move forward, the deeper you go, the greater the arc of time in all directions, and the more crazily distorted!

"Sure enough, the places that can be combined with the past, present, and future are full of incredible details!"

"Such a method temporarily freezes the overlapping time of three sides into one place, which is beyond the limit of imagination!"

Ye Wuque once again remembered what the Lord of Life had said before. It was just a gatekeeper, so what kind of existence created such an incredible place as the "reincarnation of a hundred battles"?

What is its purpose?

Is it really just to sharpen and cultivate the Tianjiao from the past, present, and future to cross time and space?

Ye Wuque couldn't get the answer, but he couldn't stop wondering in his heart!

Finally, after Ye Wuque moved forward for about half an hour, the arc of time in all directions suddenly began to fade, and those bizarre brilliance began to fade away. At the end of Ye Wuque's gaze, he saw a ball of light.

When Ye Wuque rushed out of the light group, everything changed!

At the moment when he stepped on it, Ye Wuque felt a softness, and at the same time he felt an extremely fiery and arid breath wrapped in a terrifying high temperature!


Ye Wuque found that he was standing in the desert. Between the heaven and the earth, a piece of golden, endless yellow sand covered the horizon, with no end at all.

It seemed that there was only Ye Wuque alive at the moment.


As Ye Wuque stepped forward, a crisp sound came from the soles of his feet, as if something had been stepped on to pieces.

When Ye Wuque looked down, Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly moved slightly.

I saw that under the yellow sand on the ground, many densely packed bones appeared!

Under the long time and high temperature weathering, it is already very fragile and can be easily crushed.

With a move of Ye Wuque's heart, the power of the soul swept out, and the yellow sand on the ground was lifted up. In an instant, countless dense white bones emerged, as if being turned out from the depths of the earth.

At this moment, Ye Wuque was like being in the middle of these countless white bones, the scene was terrifying to the extreme!

Ye Wuque raised his foot and found that the skull that he had just stepped on was unexpectedly broken.

"These endless white bones have different shapes, human races, and countless other races, and..."

Slowly lowering his body, Ye Wuque gently rubbed the skull that had just been crushed by him and observed it carefully.

"When these bones die, they should be very...young!"

"Could it be the Tianjiao who has entered the'Mysterious Ancient Land' for different periods of time from this entrance for a long time?"

Ye Wuque stood up again. At this moment, he seemed to be standing in a mass grave. If he looked down from a high position, it was enough to make people feel cold and scalp numb.

But the next moment!

He suddenly looked in one direction of the infinite desert, his eyes narrowed slightly!

"There is nothing in this direction just now, it's endless and empty, but now..."


At the end of this direction, between the endless yellow sand world, a very long distance away, Ye Wuque actually saw a...pyramid that didn't know when, as if it appeared out of thin air! !

Ancient majestic!

The shape is strange, crude and primitive, but it permeates a kind of antiquity and mystery that seems to have been baptized by the years.

And from this pyramid, a faint golden light was still emitting, as if it could melt everything.

Ye Wuque frowned slightly.

He can be sure that the pyramid just didn't exist at all, but now it has emerged out of thin air, and he has no sense at all.

at the same time……

As Ye Wuque listened carefully, he suddenly heard the terrifying screams and howlings that seemed to be looming from the direction of the extremely far pyramid, but it made the scalp numb!

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